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THE TOP TEN PITFALLS OF SOFTWARE CONTRACTING Texas K-12 CTO Council – Fall Meeting 2015 Lena Engel, Attorney.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TOP TEN PITFALLS OF SOFTWARE CONTRACTING Texas K-12 CTO Council – Fall Meeting 2015 Lena Engel, Attorney."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE TOP TEN PITFALLS OF SOFTWARE CONTRACTING Texas K-12 CTO Council – Fall Meeting 2015 Lena Engel, Attorney


3 “Software” includes...  On-premise software  Software as a service (SaaS)  Including data hosting services © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

4 Pitfall #1: Not Participating in Procurement  Detailed scope and specifications  Compatibility concerns  Customization  Scheduling and implementation Including data transfer  Data privacy and security  Customer support and service  Maintenance and upgrades © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

5 Pitfall #2: Software as a Sole Source Purchase  Section 44.031(j) of the Texas Education Code  Sole source exception includes: An item for which competition is precluded because of the existence of a patent, copyright, secret process, or monopoly  But wait! Software is not a sole source purchase just because the vendor says that it is or signs a sole source affidavit  You may be most qualified to evaluate this issue © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

6 Pitfall #2: Software as a Sole Source Purchase  When is software a sole source purchase?  No functional equivalent  Only available from the software developer  Required for compatibility reasons  Examples Software created by assessment vendor to manipulate data collected during assessment services the vendor is providing Software required to operate certain equipment © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

7 Pitfall #2: Software as a Sole Source Purchase  When is software NOT a sole source purchase?  Software with similar functionality is available for purchase from at least one other vendor  Multiple dealers, distributors, or re-sellers of the same software  Examples Online course providers Student information systems © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

8 Pitfall #3: Multiple Contract Documents  Procurement documents  Co-op contract  Vendor contract  Terms and Conditions  Amendments  Quote  Specifications  Sales order  Master agreement  License agreement  Subscription agreement  Schedules  EULA/terms of use © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP  Supplemental terms and conditions  Third-party terms and conditions  Privacy policy  Acceptable use policy  Service level agreement  Maintenance/support contract  Documents on vendor website  “Click-agree” terms  PO terms and conditions  Financing agreements  Amendments  Renewals

9 Pitfall #3: Multiple Contract Documents  Get copies of ALL contract documents and attach them to the contract  List ALL contract documents by name and version in the main contract  Outline the order of precedence and address conflicts  Make the District’s contract documents control  Disclaim any terms not attached to the contract (e.g., click-agree or third-party terms) © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

10 Pitfall #4: Intellectual Property Rights  Vendor’s IP  District has very limited license to use  Vendor’s right to IP created during the contract What if vendor hired for software development? What if District creates or assists in creating IP?  Concerns regarding confidentiality of vendor’s proprietary information  Violation by District employees, contractors, students, parents Breach of contract Vendor can bring a federal infringement claim against the District – may not be protected by immunity © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

11 Pitfall #4: Intellectual Property Rights  Vendor’s IP – What to negotiate...  District’s rights in IP created by vendor and by District during the contract (may be required as a condition of federal grant)  Rules regarding disclosure of vendor’s IP as required by law  Beware of notice requirements (i.e., TPIA)  District liability for infringement of vendor’s IP  Limit to reasonable efforts to prevent infringement  Limited liability for employee, contractor, student, parent conduct Enforcement of Board Policy and District’s acceptable use policies Reasonable assistance in investigating and responding to violations  Limited remedies  No liquidated damages © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

12 Pitfall #4: Intellectual Property Rights  District’s IP  Limit vendor’s right to use District IP and data  Reserve rights in all District IP and data made available to vendor during the contract  Reserve rights in District IP created during the contract © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

13 Pitfall #5: Third-Party Infringement Claims  Third party brings infringement claim against the District for IP provided by the vendor  Contract should include:  Vendor representation that it has all IP rights necessary  Vendor assignment of IP rights as necessary for District use of third party content provided by vendor  Vendor defense and indemnification of the District for infringement claims regarding any IP made available to the District by vendor  No limitation on vendor liability for infringement claims  Indemnity should include District’s attorney’s fees  Contract remedies (usually exclusive) Purchase right to use Modify to make non-infringing Replace Terminate use and refund (beware of hassle/cost to replace) © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

14 Pitfall #6: Warranties and Remedies  Warranties  Beware of “as-is” or “with all faults” Vendor disclaims all express and implied warranties No remedy for failure (other than maintenance/support)  Minimum Recommended Operation substantially in accordance with specifications For a specific period of time Assignment of third party software warranties and remedies and assistance in enforcing © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

15 Pitfall #6: Warranties and Remedies  Remedies (usually some, but not all)  Repair  Replace  Refund (even if partial)  SLA credits  Termination of contract  Usually exclusive remedies  No other legal recourse (i.e., can’t sue for breach of contract unless warranty fails of its essential purpose)  Termination of agreement and full refund unlikely  Specify when the District is entitled to each remedy and at whose discretion © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

16 Pitfall #7: Limitations of Liability  Should apply equally to both parties  Applies to warranty and breach of contract claims  Establishes the maximum amount of liability Good – the amount District has paid over preceding 12 months Better – total District has paid under the contract Best – multiplier of total contract amount  No liability for consequential, indirect, special, punitive damages  If hosted - beware of limitation of liability for lost data © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

17 Pitfall #7: Limitations of Liability Carve-outs – unlimited liability for certain claims District’s payment obligations under the contract Breach of confidentiality/IP rights Third-party infringement claims No damages cap No limit on consequential damages © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

18 Pitfall #8: Data Privacy  Understand what District data the vendor will access and what the vendor intends to do with it  Review vendor’s privacy policy  Attach Data Protection Addendum to contract and ensure that it prevails over the vendor’s privacy policy in the event of a conflict © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

19 Pitfall #8: Data Privacy  Special requirements for student information  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)  Governs use and dissemination of student education records and personally identifiable information  Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)  Provides parents certain rights regarding conduct of surveys and collection and use of student information for marketing purposes  Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)  Governs online collection of personal information from children under 13 © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

20 Pitfall #8: Data Privacy  Contract should address:  District ownership of District data  Vendor compliance with applicable laws  The extent to which vendor may access, use, and disclose District data and for what purpose(s)  Recommended FERPA language for school officials  Minimum security requirements for District data  Access to District data maintained by vendor to respond to FERPA and TPIA requests  Return or destruction of District data © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

21 Pitfall #9: Unknown Purchases/Use © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP  Usually two scenarios  Unauthorized purchase/use of software or app by District employee  Campus-level purchase/use of software or app  Concerns  No contract review (likely “click-agree”)  Data privacy  May jeopardize security of District technology resources (i.e., malware, viruses, etc.)  Multiple purchases may trigger procurement or Board approval requirements

22 Pitfall #9: Unknown Purchases/Use © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP  What to do?  Establish a process for notifying the District and obtaining approval Purchasing Technology Department  Establish a process for disclosure of student data  Develop District terms and conditions and confidentiality agreement At the very least – require user to print out vendor’s terms and conditions  Educate staff and administrators through trainings and policies

23 Pitfall #10: Not Customizing the SLA  Outline your performance expectations  Response time  Availability, including degradation or interruption  Data exchange (scheduled import/export of data)  Software updates or system changes Including change control procedures © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP

24 Pitfall #10: Not Customizing the SLA  Outline your support expectations  Support options/contact information  Response and resolution times  Contingency plans  Notification procedures (maintenance and updates)  Credits for failure to meet SLA requirements  Special considerations © 2015 Rogers, Morris, & Grover, LLP


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