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Karla M. Jimenez. G. C.I.- 21.064.086. The Infinitive To recognize an infinite when you see one, you must know that an infinitive will almost always begin.

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Presentation on theme: "Karla M. Jimenez. G. C.I.- 21.064.086. The Infinitive To recognize an infinite when you see one, you must know that an infinitive will almost always begin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Karla M. Jimenez. G. C.I.- 21.064.086

2 The Infinitive To recognize an infinite when you see one, you must know that an infinitive will almost always begin with to followed by the simple form of the verb, for example: TO + VERB = infinitive Its important to know that because an infinitive is not a verb, you can’t ever add s, es, ed or ing to the end.

3 The Infinitive (examples) Infinitives can be used as nouns, adjectives or adverbs. For example: - To sleep is the only thing eli wants after long hours working To sleep functions as a noun because it is the subject of the sentence.

4 The Infinitive (examples) - No matter how fascinating the dissection is, emanuel turns his head and refuses To look To look functions as a noun because it is the direct object for the verb refuses - Wherever Melissa goes, she always bring a book to read in case se has a long wait To read functions as an adjective because it modifies book

5 The Infinitive (without to) Sometimes an infinitive can miss the to. An infinitive will lose its to when it follows certain verbs. These verbs are feel, hear, help, let, make, see and watch. The pattern looks like this: SPECIAL VERB + DIRECT OBJECT + INFINITIVE - TO

6 The Infinitive (without to) Examples: - As soon as Theodore felt the rain splatter, he knew that he had a good excuse to return the lawn to the garage - Felt = special verb; rain = direct object; splatter = infinitive minus the to

7 The Infinitive (without to) Examples: - When Danny heard the alarm clock buzz, he slapped the snooze button and burrowed under the covers for ten more minutes - Heard = special verb; Alarm Clock = direct object; Buzz = infinitive minus the to

8 The Infinitive (without to) Examples: - Although Dr. Ribley spent an extra class period helping us understand logarithms, we still bombed the test - Helping= special verb; us= direct object; understand = infinitive minus the to

9 The Infinitive To split or not to split? The general rule is that no word should separate the to of an infinitive from the simple form of the verb that follows. If a word does come between these two components, a split infinitive results. Look at the example that follows: Wrong: Sara hopes to quickly finish her chemistry homework so that she can return to the more interesting Stephen King novel she had to abandon. Right: Sara hopes to finish her chemistry homework quickly so that she can return to the more interesting Stephen King novel she had to abandon.

10 The Gerund In order to recognize a gerund when you see one, you must knoe that every gerund, without exception, ends in ing. However they are not that easy to identify, because all present participles also end in ing. So what is the difference? Gerunds function as nouns. Thus, gerunds will be subjects, subject complements, direct objects, indirect objects and objects of prepositions. Present participles function is to complete progressive verbs or act as modifiers

11 The Gerund (examples) - Since Francisco was five years old, swimming has been his passion Swimming = subject of the verb has been - Francisco’s first love is swimming - Swimming = subject complement of the verb is

12 The Gerund (examples) - Francisco enjoys swimming more than spending time with his girlfriend Diana Swimming = direct object of the verb enjoys - Francisco gives swimming all of his energy and time - Swimming = indirect object of the verb gives

13 The Gerund (examples) - When Francisco wore dive fins to class, everyone knew that he was devoted to swimming Swimming = object of the preposition to

14 The Gerund (examples) These ing words are examples of present participles: - One day lasst summer, Francisco and his coach were swimming at Daytona Beach Swimming = present participle completing the past progressive verb were swimming - A great white shark ate Francisco’s swimming coach - Swimming = present participle modifying coach

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