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Replant What about a dying church brings Glory to God. What about a dying church says “Our God is great and His Gospel is powerful”?

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Presentation on theme: "Replant What about a dying church brings Glory to God. What about a dying church says “Our God is great and His Gospel is powerful”?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Replant What about a dying church brings Glory to God. What about a dying church says “Our God is great and His Gospel is powerful”?

3 Replant

4 Replant Team Dying Church If current trends continue they will be gone in 5 years or less. Approximately 10% or 4500 churches. We close 900 per year.

5 Replant When that church was planted those who planted it raised the banner of God’s glory in that place. Striking the colors is tragic.

6 Replant SBC Plants over 1200 churches each year

7 Replant SBC Plants over 1200 churches each year SBC Looses 900 churches each year

8 Replant SBC Plants over 1200 churches each year SBC Looses 900 churches each year Vast majority of those losses are in cities

9 Replant SBC Plants over 1200 churches each year SBC Looses 900 churches each year Vast majority of those losses are in cities 77% were in communities over 100,000

10 Replant SBC Plants over 1200 churches each year SBC Looses 900 churches each year Vast majority of those losses are in cities 77% were in communities over 100,000 90% were in communities over 10,000

11 Churches that die Tend to rely on programs

12 Churches that die Tend to rely on programs Tend to rely on personalities

13 Churches that die Tend to rely on programs Tend to rely on personalities Resent the community for not responding as they once responded

14 Churches that die Tend to rely on programs Tend to rely on personalities Resent the community for not responding as they once responded Value process of decision over outcome of decision.

15 Churches that die Value their preferences over the needs of the unreached.

16 Churches that die Value their preferences over the needs of the unreached. Inability to pass meaningful leadership to the next generation.

17 Churches that die Cease perhaps gradually to be part of the fabric of the community

18 Churches that die Cease perhaps gradually to be part of the fabric of the community Once a community church becomes a commuter church

19 Churches that die Anesthetize the pain of death with on over abundance of activity and maintaining with great passion outdated governance and programs.

20 Churches that die Confuse caring for the building with caring for the church and the community.

21 Wornall Road Baptist Church



24 Replanting for God’s Glory Becomes an act of Worship and requires us to lay down our idols.

25 Replanting for God’s Glory Becomes an act of Worship and requires us to lay down our idols. An Idol is anything we run to for comfort, security and meaning.

26 Replanting for God’s Glory Becomes an act of Worship and requires us to lay down our idols. An Idol is anything we run to for comfort, security and meaning. Run only to Jesus and the cross.

27 Define Success Normative size church is a church with less than 299 in gathered worship. 90% of all SBC churches have less than 299 in gathered worship.

28 Define Success 83% have less than 199 63% have less than 100

29 Every SBC pastor who preached to more than 2000 would fill one jet. Every SBC pastor who preached to less than 250 would fill a MLB stadium

30 There aren’t enough large churches to reach North America. But if vast numbers of normative size churches became successful, that would be a game changer.

31 Success is not simply a smaller version of larger church. Success is making disciples who make disciples that result in community transformation.

32 Six replant imperatives Pray without ceasing

33 Six replant imperatives Pray without ceasing Love and shepherd the church’s remaining members

34 Six replant imperatives Pray without ceasing Love and shepherd the church’s remaining members Exegete and serve the community

35 Six replant imperatives Simplify your strategies

36 Six replant imperatives Simplify your strategies Focus on young men

37 Six replant imperatives Simplify your strategies Focus on young men Make disciples who make disciples

38 Should we replant? 15% of churches will not be here in 5 years if trends continue

39 Should we replant? 15% of churches that will not be here in 5 years if trends continue Is there a building worth saving?

40 Should we replant? 15% of churches that will not be here in 5 years if trends continue Is there a building worth saving? Is there an unreached community?

41 Five replant pathways Give the building to a new church plant

42 Five replant pathways Give the building to a new church plant Give the building to a partner

43 Five replant pathways Give the building to a new church plant Give the building to a partner Share the building with a new plant

44 Five replant pathways Give the building to a new church plant Give the building to a partner Share the building with a new plant Merge with a new plant

45 Five replant pathways Give the building to a new church plant Give the building to a partner Share the building with a new plant Merge with a new plant Replant from within

46 Four replant requirements Passion for the Bible and Biblical preaching Been a disciple & disciple maker Passion for the Gospel Passion for prayer

47 Eight replanter traits Visionary Shepherd High tolerance for pain Spousal perseverance Resourceful generalist

48 Eight replanter traits Emotional awareness Tactical patience Respect/love of the church’s legacy Multi generational ministry

49 Replant from within Repent and return Seek outside partners Submit to outside leadership Seek a NAMB replanter

50 NAMB replant resources Reclaiming Glory, Hope for Dying Churches by Mark Clifton published by BH available June 1, 2016 Replanting quarterly journal available beginning June 1, 2016 Blogs/Webinars now on line

51 NAMB replant resources Flickering Lamps by Richard and Henry Blackaby available now and Blackaby Ministries revitalization weekends available before the end of the year. Assessment for replanters available now through the Replant Team at NAMB National replant Gathering in St. Louis June 11-12, 2016

52 NAMB replant resources Four month replanter training cohort material available by the end of the year 2016 Replant residency internship curriculum available by the end of the year 2016 Replant training academy (2 day intensive) in Alpharetta August 29-30, 2016 and February 27-28, 2017

53 NAMB replant resources The on line book Mergers on the SEND network Replant Coaching by current replant pastors Associational replant strategy development guide available end of 2016 Available to help churches, associations and state conventions to develop assessment for replant pastors

54 NAMB replant resources Developing a prayer guide for replanting Johnny Hunt revitalization tour as a platform to engage replanting Resources to help pastors make transitions in the final quarter of ministry

55 Replant from within Email Mark Clifton Senior Director NAMB Replant/Revitalization 913 229 0745

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