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 Prepared by:  Mr. Rafeek Eldeeb Haroun.

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2  Prepared by:  Mr. Rafeek Eldeeb Haroun






8 * Predict spoken language from visual clues * Follow a picture sequence. * Listen for specific information. * Identify the order of events in a story. * Accept and tolerate others. * Demonstrate ability to relate parts to the whole. * Pronounce past tense verb forms correctly


10  We must give students the chance to thinking about different kinds of marine animals.  I will ask the students Which marine animal is the biggest, on the other side which one is the smallest.  Tell students that all marine animals lives under the sea.  Explain that marine animals divide to two parts (dangerous and safe) for example (shark – dangerous) (dolphin – Safe)

11  Unit Questions:  Which is bigger than the shark?  Are all the marine animals live in the sea?  What is the fastest marine animal?  Do you like sharks?  Content Questions:  What do we do at the aquarium?  Do you like your visit at the aquarium?  A whale is big, Is it bigger than the shark?  An eel is small, I it smaller than the crab?  Which marine animal do you prefer?

12  Printed Materials  Books about farm animals.  Story books. Books about farm animals.  Story books.  Internet Resources  

13  A trip to the Aquarium….. to see a lot of magnificent marine animals like (shark – whale – eel – crab – starfish – octopus - …… etc).

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