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Doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 1 EC Monday Meeting Report November 12, 2012 Grand Hyatt San.

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Presentation on theme: "Doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 1 EC Monday Meeting Report November 12, 2012 Grand Hyatt San."— Presentation transcript:

1 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 1 EC Monday Meeting Report November 12, 2012 Grand Hyatt San Antonio San Antonio, TX

2 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 2 Monday EC Meeting- San Antonio 3 Tutorials this session Chair and VC elections this week in 802.24 There are proposed changes to the EC as part of an EC rules update. These should be carefully reviewed and understood. One action compatibility requires comments by 5pm Tuesday. There will be an EC workshop this coming Saturday to discuss in greater depth a series of items of importance to 802. Agenda is available on Mentor under EC docs SA ad hoc formed to discuss draft sharing between individual entity WGs. Trigger was 1905 fiasco but it does not address that problem. There has been one call with no recommendations yet.

3 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 3 Monday EC Meeting- San Antonio Draft document on an IEEE802/IETF cooperation agreement will be posted later today for review and comment. Will be discussed further at the Saturday workshop and at the the joint leadership meeting in Orlando next March Have tentative agreement to move March 2014 and March 2016 to Jan 2015 and Jan 2016 to create openings for NNA Non US meetings. Singapore still tentative for March 2015. Reviewed other NNA Non US meetings options and concluded we should develop a generic budget WG chairs are encouraged to solicit sponsorship opportunities from their memberships Discussed Geneva- will be a challenging session. Hotels should be booked early. Only ITU building is available for evening meetings. Photo ID badges will need to be issued so that will be an added complexity. No social and F&B all on your own.

4 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 4 Monday EC Meeting- San Antonio E-tools update posted on the 802 web site Currently 318 declared supporters for the recently issued open standards messaging (OpenStan). There have been some concerns expressed about the messaging. Further discussion at the workshop SA International activities updated- report available on the 802 web site. Check board and 802 web site for full schedule of EC meetings this week. IEEE and IEEE SA IT staff available this week to discuss recent security and storm issues and responses

5 doc.: IEEE 802.15-12-0607-00 Submission November 2012 Robert F. Heile, ZigBee AllianceSlide 5 Monday EC Meeting- San Antonio Treasurers report-operating reserve ~$1Million –San Diego – $14.5k surplus, –Passed 2011 audit –San Antonio projected to be ~$8k loss –Geneva- about $16k been spent so far University Outreach Program- had zero registrations as of yesterday but up to 30 expected. EC closing meeting 1300-1800 Friday afternoon

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