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Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Province Assembly Planning Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Province Assembly Planning Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Inc. Province Assembly Planning Guide

2 A Little Bit About Us Todd Harris Co-chair for Gulf Coast Winter 2016 Province in Oxford, Mississippi Attended 2 province assembly meetings Karen Hoang Co-chair for Mountain East Fall 2014 Province in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Attended 15 province assembly meetings

3 Congrats! It’s your chapter’s turn hosting!

4 Objectives Discuss the purpose of a Kappa Psi Province Assembly Meeting State the importance of committees and the responsibilities of each committee Recall the risk management, social media, and picture policies Describe how to budget for a province meeting

5 Purpose of a Province Meeting Free response: What do YOU think the purpose of a province meeting is?

6 Host General Co-Chair Responsibilities Contact Satrap ASAP to determine preliminary agenda Satrap should provide an agenda for the business meeting Distribute and review responsibility checklists to committee chairs Develop the budget and registration fee with registration chair Supervise communications and mailings Supervise all activities

7 Delegate the Work!! Do NOT attempt to tackle this project on alone Ask Brothers with a history of setting up an assembly Establish Host General Chair(s) Setup Province Assembly Committee Fundraising Program Housing Entertainment Registration


9 Set the Date (When, Where, and Who) Inform your School/College of Pharmacy of the date ASAP Check with the school first after discussing potential dates with province executive committee Typically arranged via Host Chapter and Province Executive Council Ask multiple people about the timing Check potential conflicts with other organizations (ex. APhA, ASHP, etc.)

10 Registration Committee Hold budget meeting Determine estimates and set goals Set registration fees (average $60-80) Reflect cost of meeting Early/late registration fees Collegiate and graduate fees (+$10) Starting the registration Figure out what has best suited your Province Google Forms Payment Link (PayPal, Venmo, Square, etc.) Checks/Cash/Money Orders

11 Registration Information Name E-mail address Phone Number Chapter/Province Banquet preference (if applicable) Dietary Restrictions Graduate or Collegiate Brother

12 Registration Packets City Maps Name Badges Packet information Swag

13 Fundraising Committee Ask if College/University will provide any funds Chapter fundraising possibly required Work with registration to estimate revenue from fees Work with Housing and Entertainment to estimate advance payments possibly required Consider sponsorship Pharmacy companies or related companies Kappa Psi alumni Graduate chapters Items to sponsor Meals CE program Conference room

14 Hotel Committee Set up hotel accommodations Expected number of attendees Business meeting and/or social events held at hotel, school, or other venue Budget estimates for several hotel options prior to signing contract Capacity, costs, location Communication deadlines for hotel room reservations Transportation Preferred: Walking distance Shuttles: Pick up/drop off locations and timing Uber, Lyft, Taxi

15 Program Committee Arrange physical aspects of meeting Seating arrangements Brothers at all doors to verify entering members Confirm audio/visual equipment availability Agenda Confirm business meeting agenda with Satrap Space needed for workshops, CE, committee meetings Evening program Saturday night banquet Work with Registration to prepare information for guest Summary of agenda, maps, hotel contact, venue recommendations, risk management information

16 Meeting Rooms Campus locations, hotel banquet hall, convention center, etc. Schedule early Technology availability Projector, computer, cables, microphones (additional fee) Number of rooms needed Places for smaller meetings to occur (workshop, committee meetings, etc.)


18 Food/Catering ideas Friday Dinner (pizza, buffet, order out, etc.) Saturday All day refreshment (water, coffee, etc.) Breakfast (fruit, bagels, muffin, pastries, etc.) Lunch (boxed meal, pizza, independent break, etc.) Dinner (venue catered at banquet)

19 Entertainment Committee Determine Friday/Saturday evening social events If at hotel, work with Housing to incorporate into hotel contract If at other venues, work with General Chair(s) to arrange or sign contracts Tickets, reservations, guest list, underaged Brothers, meal catering, etc. Review Risk Management, Social Media policy Plan ahead to prevent possible violations

20 Risk Management All functions must be cash bar Not provide drink tickets or drink discounts Do not allow common source containers (kegs, supplied, etc.) Do not sell alcohol through chapter Closed function (guest list required) and check ID at door Monitor both function and intoxicated persons Provide food and non-alcoholic beverages Not host/attend function where alcohol is provided free by host(s) Themes and activities are to be of good taste

21 How to Set a Budget Who sets this budget? Past assemblies? Don’t set too far in advance Scout venues/catering companies in your area

22 Budget meetings Preliminary meeting (6 months - 2 years prior) Determine estimates (hotel/meeting facilities, meals/banquet costs) Set goals Set fundraising goals Final meeting (3-6 months prior) Review estimates Set registration fees Reflect meeting costs Consider early fee and higher late fee Consider collegiate vs graduate fees

23 Budget meetings (cont’d) Registration fee should cover expenses/income Business meeting (facilities, AV equipment, etc.) Food/Beverage (banquet, breakfast, dinner, snacks, etc.) Social activities (venue fees, entertainment, etc.) Additional fees (registration materials, name tags) Possible income (registration fee, fundraising, sponsorship)

24 Fact or Fiction? T-shirts are a necessary province favor. You need to one up the chapter who hosted the previous assembly meeting in your province. You need $10,000 in your chapter bank account to be able to host a province.

25 Contact Information Todd Harris E-mail: Facebook: Karen Hoang E-mail: Facebook 440-363-1211

26 Questions?

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