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Modern International System. I. Classical Balance of Power  1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern International System. I. Classical Balance of Power  1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern International System

2 I. Classical Balance of Power  1618-1648 Thirty Years’ War

3 I. Classical Balance of Power (cont.)  Sovereignty  Realism  Balance of Power  Multipolarity  War of Spanish Succession 1701-1714  War of Austrian Succession 1740-1748  Seven Years’ War 1756 1763  French Revolution 1789

4 I. Classical Balance of Power (cont.)  Bipolarity-Napoleonic Wars 1799-1815

5 II. Vienna SystemII. Vienna System  Treaty of Vienna  Concert of Europe  Great Powers  Multipolarity

6 II. Vienna System (cont.)II. Vienna System (cont.)  Crimean War 1853-1856

7 II. Vienna System (cont.)II. Vienna System (cont.)  1879-71 Franco-Prussian War

8 II. Vienna System (cont.)II. Vienna System (cont.)  World War I (1914)

9 II. Vienna System (cont.)II. Vienna System (cont.)  Post WWI (1919)

10 III. Treaty of VersaillesIII. Treaty of Versailles  League of Nations  Idealism  Interwar Years

11 III. Treaty of Versailles (cont.)III. Treaty of Versailles (cont.) East Asia 1939Europe 1939-1942

12 III. Treaty of Versailles (cont.)III. Treaty of Versailles (cont.)  VE Day May 8, 1945 Europe 1943-1945

13 III. Treaty of Versailles (cont.)III. Treaty of Versailles (cont.)  VJ Day September 2, 1945 East Asia 1932-1945

14 IV. Post-War OrderIV. Post-War Order  Bretton Woods Conference 1944  International Monetary Fund (IMF)  International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD)  Yalta Conference  UN Conference San Francisco June 26, 1945  UN Charter October 24, 1945

15 V. Cold WarV. Cold War  Truman Doctrine March 1947  Tight Bipolarity  Détente 1969-1979  Loose Bipolarity  1979-1985 Tight Bipolar  1985-1989 Loose Bipolar

16 V. Cold War (cont.)V. Cold War (cont.) Europe during Cold War (circa 1970s)

17 V. Cold War (cont.)V. Cold War (cont.)  1989-1991 Post Cold War

18 VI. Post Cold WarVI. Post Cold War  9/11/90 New World Order  Multilateral  9/11/01 War Against Terror  Bipolar

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