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WW 2 _ end and new beginning. The end of the „total war“ 55 Mio. Dead 35 Mio. Injured 3 Mio. Missing 40-45 Mio. Displaced, fled and forcefully removed.

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Presentation on theme: "WW 2 _ end and new beginning. The end of the „total war“ 55 Mio. Dead 35 Mio. Injured 3 Mio. Missing 40-45 Mio. Displaced, fled and forcefully removed."— Presentation transcript:

1 WW 2 _ end and new beginning

2 The end of the „total war“ 55 Mio. Dead 35 Mio. Injured 3 Mio. Missing 40-45 Mio. Displaced, fled and forcefully removed the „greatest commander“ of all times had led his people into desaster!

3 The „New World-Order“ 21.08.1941 Atlantic-charta Right of Selfdetermination January 1942 Casablanca undconditional surrender demanded no seperate ceasefires October 1943 Declaration of Moscow Austria reconstructed as sovereign nation

4 Die „neue Weltordnung“ December 1943 Teheran 1. Meeting of the „Big 3“ (Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt); Invasion of the western allies in FR agreed February 1945 Yalta 2. Meeting of the „3“; 4-zones-model for Germany (and Austria); one zone under French control

5 4 zones in Germany

6 4 zones in Austria

7 July/August 1945 Conference of Potsdam (Stalin, Truman, Atlee) forceful displacement of German settlers from Poland, Hungary and CSSR Reparationen decided – no agreement on height reparation possible through demounting industrial estates or confiscating money in A – „German property“ confiscated

8 Peace?! February 1947 Peace treaty of Paris with Finland, Italy, H und Bulgaria signed no treaties with Austria and Germany (not ever!) July 9, 1955 – Allies end the state of war with Germany ( and Austria) 25.04.1945 San Francisco - the UNO founded

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