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The Rise of Islam AIM: AIM: How did Islam arise in the Arabian Peninsula and become one of the world’s major religions?

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Presentation on theme: "The Rise of Islam AIM: AIM: How did Islam arise in the Arabian Peninsula and become one of the world’s major religions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Rise of Islam AIM: AIM: How did Islam arise in the Arabian Peninsula and become one of the world’s major religions?

2 Do Now List common stereotypes of Islam List common stereotypes of Islam How do stereotypes form? How do stereotypes form?

3 Mosques Muslim Diet Mecc a BurqaHijab

4 Arabian Peninsula – –Why is Arabia’s location a good one for trade? – –Bedouins: nomad traders

5 Mecca – –Thriving market town- why? – –Worship Allah

6 The Prophet Muhammad –Born into a powerful Meccan clan. –Troubled by the moral ills of society- starts meditating and praying

7 Muhammad’s Revelations –angel Gabriel tells him he is a messenger of Allah. –Islam—“submission to the will of Allah” –Muslim—“one who has submitted.”

8 Hijrah –Muhammad’s followers are attacked; together they leave Mecca – Hijrah: the Muslim migration from Mecca to Medina

9 Returns to Mecca –Muhammad and 10,000 followers return to Mecca –Meccans convert to Islam –Muhammad unifies Arabian Peninsula.

10 Islam –The main teaching: there is only one god, Allah. –People are responsible for their own actions; there is good and evil.

11 The Dome of the Rock Islamic monument in Jerusalem— Muhammad rose to heaven here

12 The Five Pillars of Islam 1.Only pray to 1 God-Allah 2.Prayer 5 times per day 3.Give alms ($) for the poor 4.Fasting between dawn and sunset during Ramadan 5.Performing the hajj—pilgrimage to Mecca—at least once in a lifetime.

13 The Beliefs and Practices of Islam –Qur’an (Koran)—holy book –shari’a –shari’a- law codes

14 Monotheistic Religions –Gods? –Holy books? –Beliefs?

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