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Class Title Workshop Title Series Subject Session X.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Title Workshop Title Series Subject Session X."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Title Workshop Title Series Subject Session X

2 Focusing Questions Place your focusing questions here. They should match your content and technology teaching points.

3 Instruction

4 Framing The Session Use this slide to tell participants what we’ll be teaching them. The explanation should indicate how this lesson fits into the work they’ve been doing and how it fits into their lives as teachers and learners.

5 Teaching Use these slides to explain and demonstrate what we want participants to do. You may choose to insert websites videos or text files here.

6 Guided Practice Explain how participants will practice the strategy you’ve taught.

7 Work Time

8 Getting Started Here’s where you’ll explain how this lesson is linked to the ongoing work of today’s session. It should provide an overview of what they will be doing during work time.

9 Work Time This slide should provide an overview of what participants will be doing during work time independently, in partnerships or in small groups.

10 Share

11 This is a follow up to what participants learned. In this area you will provide a short explanation of what participants learned and indicate that it is now time to share the work of participants who did the work explained in the teaching i.e. Today we learned how to…now we will look at how a few of you… Share

12 What did you do? Share

13 How does this work address the questions that began the session? Answers

14 For more information Office of Instructional Technology

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