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Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?1 Attendance & Truancy Among Virginia Students Module 5: Messaging Attendance.

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1 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?1 Attendance & Truancy Among Virginia Students Module 5: Messaging Attendance

2 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?2 This PowerPoint and Webinar serves as No. 5 in a series of modules designed to equip Virginia school divisions to reduce truancy and absenteeism. This module is focused on positive and effective messaging for families and students. The Purpose

3 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?3 I.Learning Goals Review II.Introductions and Warm Up III.Research on parental attitudes toward attendance and absenteeism IV.Insights and recommendations for messaging attendance V.Reflection and activities Today’s Agenda

4 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?4 1.Educators, particularly teachers, can identify effective messages about attendance and can incorporate them into their interactions with families. 2.Educators will learn why it is important to help parents and students understand what constitutes good attendance. 3.Educators will learn why it is important to help parents and students understand that absences add up and impact academic achievement from Pre-k – 12 th grade. Learning Goals for Messaging Attendance

5 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?5 Small group discussion: How does your school or school division convey the connection between school attendance and academic achievement to families and students? How does your school or division encourage parents to track their child’s attendance and absences as part of helping them succeed in school? Warm Up & Introductions

6 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?6 Students & Families Schools Actionable Data Positive Messaging Capacity Building Shared Accountability Is accurate, accessible, and regularly reported Expands ability to interpret data and work together to adopt best practices Conveys why building a habit of attendance is important and what chronic absence is Ensures monitoring & incentives to address chronic absence Community District Ingredients for System-wide Success & Sustainability Strategic partnerships between district and community partners address specific attendance barriers and mobilize support for all ingredients

7 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?7 Shifting the paradigm on attendance Truancy Counts unexcused absences Emphasizes compliance with school rules Uses punitive, legal solutions Chronic Absence Counts all absences Emphasizes academic impact of missed days. Uses preventive strategies, positive messaging

8 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?8 Ad Council conducted a survey: – To understand mindset & behaviors among parents whose children miss 10+ days of school – Identify how to reach & communicate to this audience Phase 1: – Consultation with experts – 24 in-home interviews in English & Spanish with parents of California students (grades 4 – 9) who missed 10+ days of school Phase 2: – 823 telephone and online surveys in English & Spanish with Calif parents whose children missed 10 + days What We Know About Parental Attitudes

9 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?9 All parents – even those whose children miss too much school – want what’s best for their kids. Parents understand that education is key to that success. Parents Understand the Importance of Education

10 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?10 % who say “it’s a big deal to miss at this grade level” Parents More Likely to Consider Attendance a “Big Deal” in High School Ad Council – CA Attorney General – Parent Ethnographies 2015

11 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?11 Parents Underestimate the Number of Year-End Absences Ad Council asked each parent about his or her child’s absences in two ways: 1.Was your child absent an average of 2 or more days a month? 2.Was your child absent more than 10 days over the year? 60% of parents said their child was absent an average of 2+ days a month, but not 10+ days a year Missed an average of 2+ days a month 90% The math: If a child is absent an average of 2+ days a month, then he/she is absent for more than 10+ days a year Missed 10+ days annually 30% Missed 10+ days annually 30%

12 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?12 An absence is not okay if a child ditches If the parent gives permission it’s okay Reasons reported for permissive absence include: o Protecting their child from bullying o Their child needed the rest o Family vacation o As a reward for good grades o Doctor appointments for the child or siblings o Help around the house Parents Believe Absences are Okay if They Have Given Permission

13 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?13 Schools Can Unwittingly Reinforce Poor Attendance 13 Parents interviewed said they: Disregarded or felt frustrated by impersonal letters Felt like their kids were absent about as often as the norm Thought that homework packets made up for the absence Never had a teacher raise concerns about excessive absences Were worried about school safety System and school practices reinforce parents’ existing attitudes and behaviors toward absences

14 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?14 Parents Want to Improve Attendance Asked what they would do to turn around poor attendance, parents gave the following answers: Ad Council – CA Attorney General – Parent Ethnographies 2015

15 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?15 Insights  Parents do not connect early absences with long- term negative consequences.  Teachers communicate with parents, but not about absences.  Absence letters alone are ineffective, generating fear, denial, or misunderstanding, especially for Hispanic parents.  Parents often rely on communities and social networks to care for their children.

16 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?16 Recommendations  Educate parents about how absences as early as pre-k can impact reading and math skills and how middle/high school absences are linked to dropout.  Encourage teachers to speak to parents about absences. Specific information about the lessons students are missing can be helpful.  Help parents keep track of the # of absences. Let them know how their children compare to others in the class.  Take stock of community members who play critical roles in kids’ lives, and enlist their help.

17 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?17 Don’t focus solely on compliance with school rules; make the case that students miss valuable instructional time and could fall behind whatever the reason for the absence. Don’t lay blame or suggest parents and students don’t care; instead find out what challenges they face. Don’t talk generally about attendance. Be specific about absences and how children compare to others in the class. What Not to Say to Parents

18 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?18 Cultural Considerations Take into account the different life experiences and different cultural values that parents may prioritize. Here are some examples:  Education as a Pathway to Success: For some parents, education was not the pathway to success in adult life. They may have succeeded as entrepreneurs, farmers, craftsmen or factory workers.  Different values take priority: It isn’t that school is unimportant but many families prioritize connection to extended family and preservation of culture over missing school.  Negative experience with public schools: Public schools have been a negative force for certain groups such as Native Americans or African Americans.

19 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?19 Unpacking Cultural Considerations 1.Learn: Don’t assume you understand a family’s history or priorities.  Ask parents about how they see education as a path to success in life.  Ask how it fits with other family priorities.  Check with others such as a respected leader from the same cultural group. What would they say about attendance?

20 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?20 Unpacking Cultural Considerations 2. Validate the family’s priorities and experiences.  Reflect back what you heard  Empathize (if you have had a similar struggle)  Name the group’s experience and history

21 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?21 Addressing Cultural Considerations 3. Seek solutions that acknowledge the family’s priorities and reality  Look for win-win solutions  Explore the consequences  Negotiate

22 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?22 All students and families can benefit from positive messaging: a low-cost approach to helping students avoid unnecessary absences The Value of Positive Messaging

23 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?23 Learn More Ad Council toolkit (when ready) Make Every Day Count messaging toolkit: messaging/ messaging/ Promotional materials: al-materials/ al-materials/ Attendance: A Community Imperative video: messaging/attendance-community-imperative-video / messaging/attendance-community-imperative-video /

24 Reducing Chronic Absence: Why Does It Matter? What Can We Do?24 Virginia Absenteeism & Truancy Professional Development Series 1. Understanding Chronic Absenteeism 2. Frameworks for Reducing Chronic Absence 3. Establishing School Attendance Teams 4. Using Data to Drive Action 5. Messaging Attendance 6. Integrating Attendance In Parent Engagement 7. Utilizing Parent-Teacher Conferences to Talk with Families about Attendance 8. Recognizing Good and Improved Attendance 9. Providing Personalized Early Outreach 10. Identifying barriers 11. Creating opportunities for peer learning 12. Engaging Community Partners 13. State Attendance Laws and Regulations

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