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I. Z á k l a d n í š k o l a Z r u č n a d S á z a v o u Multimediální prezentace vzdělávacích oblastí ŠVP Mgr. Markéta Jelínková Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "I. Z á k l a d n í š k o l a Z r u č n a d S á z a v o u Multimediální prezentace vzdělávacích oblastí ŠVP Mgr. Markéta Jelínková Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. Z á k l a d n í š k o l a Z r u č n a d S á z a v o u Multimediální prezentace vzdělávacích oblastí ŠVP Mgr. Markéta Jelínková Australia

2 Australia is situated in the eastern part of the Southern Hemisphere. It is surrounded by the waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Australia is a very interesting continent. In Australia there are six states – New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, western Australia and Tasmania, and three territories – the Northern Territory, Coral Sea Islands Territory and Australia capital Territory.

3 Western Australia Northern Territory Queensland New South Wales Victoria Tasmania South Australia Western Australia Northern Territory Queensland New South Wales Victoria Tasmania South Australia

4 Australia is the smallest continent. It has an area of 7,682,300 km2 and has over 18.6 million people. Most of the continent is covered with deserts and people live mostly on the coast. They speak English. The capital is Canberra. This city was founded in 1913. It is a modern city, the centre of cultural, social and political life.

5 In Australia there are many big cities. Sydney Sydney is the biggest city in Australia and also the capital of New South Wales. About 5 milion people live here. These people are of many different nationalities because Sydney is one of the most multicultural cities in the world. Of course, when you say Sydney, you imagine the famous Opera House, Harbour Bridge and Olympic Games 2000. But not just that: there are many beautiful beaches and many possibilities for sport and outdoor activities.

6 Is the second biggest Australian city. It is a major centre of sporting and cultural activities and is also the state capital of Victoria. Its population is about 3,8 million people. The city is home to everything from the tennis grand slam tournament – Australian Open, to the Formula One car race – the Australian Grand Prix and in 2006 it hosted Commonwealth Games. Melbourne

7 Brisbane Is the third largest city in Australia and the state capital of Queensland. Its population is about 2 million people. Brisbane is a vibrant, young city, and great to live in. The sun shines almost every day here. Blue sky, warm weather and the ocean just around the corner make you feel like you are on holiday. And if you like music, art and shopping, thi is the place to go to.

8 Perth Is the capital of Western Australia, and the fourth – largest city in Australia, with a population of 1,5 million people. Perth is home to many great universities. This city is known for its mining industry, and there are many mines with raw minerals. In 2006 Perth was host to the competition og the Red Bull Air Race – an international series of air races.

9 As we know, Australia is interesting for its fauna and flora. Among the animals, 1 the kangaroo, 2 koala bear, 3 dingo, 4 wombat, 5 platypus, 6 echidna and 7 termite are well known. 7 5 1 2 4 3 6

10 Along the eastern coast of Australia are the Australian Alps. They are the highest in the Southern Part. Here is the highest peak of the continent – Mt. Kosciusko (2,230 m). The Australian Alps are covered with snow even during the summer.

11 Rivers that flow constantly are to be found only in the north, east, and in Tasmania. The only large Australian river is the Murray – 1,600 km long. Sometimes it is called the Australian Rhine. The second well-known river is the Darling. In Australia there are about 760 lakes. The largest is Lake Eyre.

12 The Great Barrier Reef, which lies off the coast Queensland, Australia, is 2,027 km long. It is a coral reef and is the longest reef in the world.

13 Project time 1. First, stick a map of Australia and the Pacific region in your exercise book and write down some basic information. 2. Plan a holiday in Australia. Write what to see and where to go. Write which things to take and why.

14 El-Hmoudová, D. : Angličtina – Maturitní témata. Třebíč 2006 Maturitní otázky z angličtiny. Třebíč 2004. Časopis Hello č. 4-5, 2006 www. : Google / obrázky.

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