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UDL and Differentiation EDU 673 Dr. Myisha Warren Rita Scott January 28, 2014.

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1 UDL and Differentiation EDU 673 Dr. Myisha Warren Rita Scott January 28, 2014

2 Universal Design for Learning Universal-Curriculum that is understood by all students, based on unique background, strength, interests. Design-Buildings designed for disabilities, wheelchairs, deaf, ramps etc. Flexible buildings and curriculum. Learning-Three brain networks Recognition is the what of learning Skills and strategies is the how of learning Caring and prioritizing is the why of learning (UDLCAST, 2010). What is the goal and what are the barriers? UDL principals=multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, multiple means of engagement.

3 Differentiation Teaching strategies dependant on how each student learns. Differentiate instruction. Content, process, project= what is taught, pathway to learning, outcome. Readiness, interest and learning style (Willoughby, 2005). Creates engagement. Everything is flexible. Flexible grouping, approaches, choices.

4 Compare Contrast Differentiation and UDL B oth differentiation and UDL offer instruction in multiple formats. Technology is also a commonality. Differentiation is based on brain based research. Curriculum is created to access all students. UDL is based on architectural researched plans along with flexible curriculum. Schools must have access for all students. Flexible curriculum and buildings.

5 My Classroom How you will present new information To differentiate instruction there will be student recognition, varying background knowledge, readiness, language, preferences in learning and interests while reacting responsively (NCAC, nd). New information is presented by considering all the above. The curriculum is planned to teach the same lesson for all in multiple ways. Example, building blocks, computer program, text and paper for a math lesson. UDL also has multiple formats, examples, content, tools, different challenge levels. Students may use, but not committed to only using hearing devices, wheelchairs or visual assistance. How students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge Students demonstrate his/her prior background when they walk or wheelchair in the classroom. It is up to the class facilitation to observe and assess each student. Get feedback and collaborate with family or IEP team. Your strategies to engage and motivate students My motivating students means create connection, rewarding, explaining, feedback, caring, participation, teach inclusively, meet student needs, have visual images, teach with energy.

6 References NCAC. (nd). Differential Instruction and Implications for Udl Implementation. Retrieved from UDLCAST. (2010). UDL at a Glance. Retrieved from Willoughby, J. (2005). Differentiating Instruction: Meeting Students Where They Are. Retrieved from

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