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WELCOME! DATA TEAM COACH TRAINING 2014.  Review the PLC Process, Roles and Expectations  Provide an opportunity for questions and possible responses.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME! DATA TEAM COACH TRAINING 2014.  Review the PLC Process, Roles and Expectations  Provide an opportunity for questions and possible responses."— Presentation transcript:


2  Review the PLC Process, Roles and Expectations  Provide an opportunity for questions and possible responses to challenges with the PLC and data team process  Build capacity in supporting team by utilizing helpful tools OBJECTIVES: COACHES TRAINING

3 WHO IS IN THE ROOM? If your school life was a TV Show, which show would it be and why? Gilligan’s IslandWonder Years Amazing Race LostMASHCastle Andy Griffith ShowThe Brady BunchBreaking Bad Honey Boo BooHouse HuntersAdams Family The SopranosFriendsBig Brother Seinfeld SurvivorOr ?????

4 Get ready to share out: Your Name Your Position Your Show Brief Explanation of Why

5 Who Is “the Coach?” Coach Building capacity in Teachers, Administrators and Coaches!

6 The Data Team/PLC Cycle … … is an ongoing process in which educators (teachers and administrators) work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to support the learning of each and every student.

7 “The establishment and adherence to team norms helps build team discipline, trust between team members, and supports a safe environment…” Basic Norms often include: -Time agreements, Roles, Agenda Use, Methods for decision making, Commitment/Accountability statements Higher Performing Teams often include: -Avoidance of negative talk/put downs, time set aside for celebrating success, no rank/all peers (over time), have fun, regular quality reviews. Try to move past basic professionalism… Those should already by a given! WHY NORMS?

8 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS FOR PLCS There are five essential questions each team should ask during this cycle: What do we want each student to learn/be able to do? How will we effectively teach the skills/concepts for this learning to occur? How will we know if each student is learning? How will we respond when a student is experiencing difficulty learning? How will we respond if the student already knows it?

9 Morning Quiz: What are the steps to the data team process from start to end?


11 STEP 1: PLAN AND PREPARE INSTRUCTION Identify priority standards Deconstruct the standards: What is the standard asking students… To know Understand Be able to do

12 STEP 1: PLAN AND PREPARE INSTRUCTION Determine what proficiency looks like for the standards Create a common assessment that assesses the standards at the appropriate DOK and Blooms Level Create a scoring rubric that defines EACH levels proficiency Calibrate scoring Administer the assessment Begin Draft of Unit Plan

13 STEP 2: ORGANIZE AND CHART DATA Score the assessment based on the rubric Chart data into the following categories: Exceeding Meeting Approaching/FTG Likely Far to Go/In need of intervention Bring charted data to the next meeting

14 STEP 3: ANALYZE AND PRIORITIZE NEEDS Review the results Determine strengths and errors/misconceptions for each group of students. Look for patterns: Identify common errors/misconceptions. Determine if there are specific groups of students performing at a particular level. Determine if there is evidence to indicate an issue with the assessment.

15 STEP 3: ANALYZE AND PRIORITIZE NEEDS Determine the priority need for each group and be intentional about how skills are sequenced

16 STEP 4: SELECT COMMON INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES Select research- or evidence-based strategies. Agree upon which instructional strategies to teach. Agree upon the best sequencing of selected strategies. Determine when and how strategies will be taught. Ensure that the instructional strategy selected directly addresses the prioritized need from Step 3. What does it look like? What does it sound like?

17 Break… you might need MORE COFFEe!

18 STEP 5: RESULTS INDICATORS Address: What will I (teacher) do? What will students do? What will I see in their work if the strategy is working? Make the procedure explicit so it is replicable, to achieve the best results

19 STEP 6: CREATE A THEORY OF ACTION If we ____________ then __% of our (Step 4) (Step 2) students will be able to ________. (Step 5c) If we use gradual release with our note-taking tool then 76% of our students in the “FTG” and “Approaching” groups will be able to write a summary of a nonfiction text.

20 GOAL/THEORY OF ACTION ALGORITHM Pre-assessment Data MeetingApproachingFar to Go, but Likely Far to Go, in Need of Intervention Teacher A (24)35106 Teacher B (26)21203 Teacher C (23)2669 Teacher D (27)112 2 Total (100)8/100 = 8%24/100 = 26%48/100 = 46%20/100 = 20% 100% of Meeting = 8 100% of Approaching = 24 50 – 75% of Far to Go, but Likely = between 24 and 36 students Less than 25% of Far to Go, in Need of Intervention = 0 – 5 students 8 + 24 + 24 = 56, 56/100 = 56% 8 + 24 + 36 + 5 = 73, 73/100 = 73% Theory of Action between 56% and 73%

21 STEP 7: REFLECT, MONITOR & EVALUATE THE PROCESS After each meeting, reflect on the process. Throughout/After each cycle, backwards map!!! Determine which steps went well and identify areas where additional training or support are needed. Reflect on the growth made in each classroom. Discuss differences in instruction. Discuss how your reflection will impact your instruction.

22 Dear Facilitator… What are you still wondering about? Burning Questions? Concerns? Confusion?

23 Learned Curriculum Intended Curriculum Implemented Curriculum

24 Hits MOST Educator Evaluation Areas: Think Evidence… Artifacts of work you are ALREADY doing! Backwards Map PLC Cycle Notes Curriculum Map Intended Curriculum Implemented Curriculum Learned Curriculum Content and Vocabular y: Learning Targets: PLC Observations PLC Meetings

25 THE L 2 MATRIX & PLCS Understanding Antecedents of Excellence Achievement of Results Educator Effectiveness! Lucky Losing Ground Leading Learning

26 Tips for Keeping a Running Agenda: 1.Have the agenda out/open and ready to add to/reference at each meeting. 2.As agreements are being made, for example when assessments will be given/scored etc, be sure to place them on the agenda immediately. 3.At the end of each PLC meeting, look ahead at the running agenda to see what is coming next/what may need to be bumped up/pushed back. 4.When ever possible, plan to give and analyze assessments two weeks (or more) prior to the start of instruction. TOOLS OF THE TRADE: RUNNING AGENDAS

27 5. It is fine to plan the dates of progress monitors in advance, but it is important not to determine the content until you have analyzed the previous assessment. 6. Add the actual time for each item to the agenda prior to the start of the meeting. 7. Finally, use your team norms to make this template match your agreements. Running AGENDAS Continued…

28 RUNNING AGENDAS CONTINUED Example: 9/8/14 7:30-7:35 Check in/Norms Review and Review Outcomes 7:35-8:15 Analyze Pre-Assessments 8:15-8:25 Create Progress Monitor 8:25-8:30 Set Next Agenda




32 Quick Write + Something helpful Δ Something that could be improved for next time What do you need more training/support with moving forward? REFLECTION

33 QUESTIONS? THOUGHTS? Email: Phone: 253-831-6207

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