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 Please write a thesis for the following question.  To what extent was President James Monroe’s presidency aptly named the “era of good feelings”?

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Presentation on theme: " Please write a thesis for the following question.  To what extent was President James Monroe’s presidency aptly named the “era of good feelings”?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Please write a thesis for the following question.  To what extent was President James Monroe’s presidency aptly named the “era of good feelings”?


3  President James Monroe  Not outstandingly smart or a forceful leader  Tour of New England (Partisanship dead)  Practically uncontested re-election  1816 national bank (similar to Hamilton’s)  Protective tariff (rising manufacturing interests)  Federal aid for transportation projects

4  To what extent was this an “era of good feelings”?  The world was at peace and the country was united and prosperous  Bi-partisan politics

5  Pressure from the War of 1812 and the depression of 1819  Shape many controversies of time period  Economic  National Bank  Public lands  Slavery

6  Economic Sectionalism  Congress doubled tariffs to pay for war ▪ American industry shielded from foreign competition ▪ Favored by North ▪ South flip flops (support than opposed) ▪ West (North for, South against)  National banking policy ▪ Opposition to charter ▪ State banks want to take over power ▪ English investors own most of banks stock ▪ 1819 produced further opposition from West

7  Public Lands  Land more available (cheaper and smaller minimum)  Sales boom (3.5 million acres)  Shrinking foreign market, prices fall ▪ West wants cheap land ▪ North and South view land as an asset of national domain ▪ Converted into as much cash as possible

8  Slavery  Free and slave states entering union at same rate ▪ 11 states each by 1819  Cotton’s role  North vs. South and most of the West / Northwest

9 NORTHERN  Who were the leaders of this region?  Why were these individuals leaders of this region? SOUTHERNWESTERN  Who were the leaders of this region?  Why were these individuals leaders of this region?  Who were the leaders of this region?  Why were these individuals leaders of this region?

10  First discuss and list the specific points of the Missouri Compromise  Second discuss the historical context of the Missouri Compromise.

11 Discussion Questions  What critical issue did the Missouri Compromise center around?  What critical issue was not discussed during the settlement of the Missouri Compromise?  Why did Thomas Jefferson reference Missouri gaining statehood to “having a wolf by the ears”?  Could the slavery issue have been addressed during the Missouri Compromise?  How effective was the Missouri Compromise at solving sectional issues?

12  Section I  In the selection’s first paragraph, mark four phrases which contribute to the polite tone of this selection.  Why does Monroe use this tone?  Section II  In the selection’s second paragraph, Monroe sets up several distinctions between the United States’ interest in political developments in Europe and America and between the United States’ attitude toward Europe’s existing colonies in the Western Hemisphere and any they might attempt to establish in the future. What are these distinctions?  Why does Monroe say Americans fear European intervention in the Americas?  Why does Monroe make these distinctions?  Section III  In the selection’s final paragraph, what arguments does Monroe give to persuade Europeans not to intervene in the Americas?  What type of political system did most European countries have at this time?  Big Picture Question  Based on your reading of the textbook and this document, argue what you believe is the true purpose of the issuance of this document.

13  Presidential Candidates  Andrew Jackson (99)  John Quincy Adams (84)  William H. Crawford (41)  Henry Clay (37)  No representative had a majority, vote goes to House of Representatives  Each state has 1 vote  Adams elected as President

14  Protection against foreign influence for North and West agriculture  South opposes tariff  Major exporters  John C. Calhoun ▪ Tariff will impoverish the South ▪ State convention to decide if an act is Constitutional or not [never acted on this, waited for next administration]

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