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World War I. The Uprising. Contents 1.Rebellions 2.General information 3.Submarine war 4.Military in World War 1 5.Cossacks 6.Women in the World War 7.Battle.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I. The Uprising. Contents 1.Rebellions 2.General information 3.Submarine war 4.Military in World War 1 5.Cossacks 6.Women in the World War 7.Battle."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I. The Uprising

2 Contents 1.Rebellions 2.General information 3.Submarine war 4.Military in World War 1 5.Cossacks 6.Women in the World War 7.Battle of Caporetto 8.Course of the revolt 9. Audio Sample : The uprising 11.Role play 12.List of references

3 1. Rebellions 1. Abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. → February revolution of 1917 → autocratic politics and lack of willingness to reforms result: collapse of the Russian monarchy 2. Poor conditions of the workers in the munition factories especially in factories in England → less money → no health insurance result: workers on strike

4 1. Rebellions 3. Soldiers rebel against the military →death of a lot of soldiers → not many of the generals or leutnants died result: the soldiers didn‘t want to fight longer

5 2. General Information → teachers, priests, emperors and officers had shown the right way in politics up to now – in wartime there are no laws any more → the women's life was hard because they had to work long and had poor living conditions- they couldn´t bear it any more → weakened power of the Russian monarch → because of the war

6 2. General information → Italy lost lead they had achieved in the last two years → millions of men didn‘t want to fight any longer → wanted to escape → were defeated in the Battle of Corporetto

7 3. Submarine war → Germans sent submarines to the naval war to destroy the trade ships of England → this tactic stopped working after the Brits had developed the sonar → the Germans also destroyed American ships so the US entered the war → destruction of the trade ships lead to a reduction of the ratios in England → this resulted in the dissatisfaction of the people and a revolt got more likely

8 3. Submarine war

9 4. Military in World War I → had a high priority → had much power → hard punishment for inferiors → superior soldiers were behind the lines and never died

10 5. Cossacks → there are: Ukrain cossacks, Russian cossacks and Slavic cossacks → some Ukrain cossacks were independent and were a free cavalry association integrated in the Russian army → were loyal to the Tsar and therefore hate by the Red Army → played an important role in the historical and cultural development of Russia and Ukraine

11 6. The women in the war

12 → at the beginning of the war: women had to work in munition factories → there weren't good conditions in the factories → conditions very dangerous for the health → working times between 11-12 hours → in Great Britain 100.00 female workers refused work at the munition factories → women whose husbands, sons or brothers served in the war were given the right to vote

13 7. Battle of Caporetto → Italy tried to break through to Triest → Austria-Hungary´s defense was weak → wanted to push back the enemy behind the Tagliamento to strengthen the own defense

14 7. Battle of Caporetto → German troops were introduced because Austria did not have enough troops → Italy was very weak because many soldiers had deserted → Austria-Hungary won the battle →Italy lost almost his entire army

15 8. Course of the revolt → beginning March 1917: abdication of Tsar Nikolaus 2. → beginning of revolt → soldiers of all nations do not want to kill any more, military leaderships want to keep fighting → traumatized soldiers are portrayed as malingerers- mental hospitals should make them fit again for fighting → indiscipline is punished severly: soldiers are executed

16 8. Picture: Mental hospital

17 8. Course of the revolt → French soldiers revolt: saw the war to be unjust and the death of the soldiers as senseless → French army was no longer able to attack → England and Russia were given the leadership of the war → Russia: call: proletary of all nations should unite end of the war is announced, nobility and upper classes leave Russia → revolts in Britain as well

18 8. Victims of the war

19 10. Audio sample :The uprising

20 11. Role play ● Please click on the link to Vimeo ● the password is: eTwinning

21 12. List of references → → → → → → → → → → → → →

22 Thank you for your attention Do you have any questions ?

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