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Unit #8 European History, part 2 LESSON #8:8 World War I and Russian Rev.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit #8 European History, part 2 LESSON #8:8 World War I and Russian Rev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit #8 European History, part 2 LESSON #8:8 World War I and Russian Rev

2 ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS 1.What were the causes of WWI, using the acronym MANIA 2.What did the Archduke Franz Ferdinand have to do with the start of WWI?

3 If the US went to war today, what nations would come to our aid?

4 Why might US care about a war in Europe, even today?

5 Europe Click to link to book map

6 The new German nation 1.Germany was formed in 1870 – And quickly became the most dominant nation 2. What likely made them the strongest? – Pride in themselves – Strong new military power 3.The new German nation was run by a guy named Otto von Bismarck. His #1 priority was keeping Germany safe from attack. 4.What do you think he did to keep others from attacking? – Alliances – Strong military – Reputation of tough – Controlled all negotiations

7 What does it look like Germany is trying to do?

8 German colonies 1914 Compare this to the British colonial empire

9 British Colonies 1914 Why will this matter to Germany?

10 British Navy 1914 What does it seem the British are trying to prove?

11 The naval arms race Britain had always, regarded herself as supreme in naval affairs In 1898 Germany began to develop her own navy they claimed that they needed a navy to protect her colonies. Germany began to spend large amounts of money and so did Britain, in response Eventually in 1906 Britain launched a new and far superior type of ship called a ‘Dreadnought'.

12 The naval arms race This made existing ships obsolete (out of date). Inside two years Germany was also producing its own ships of the ‘Dreadnought’ class. By 1914 Britain had 19 at sea and Germany had 13. The effect of naval rivalry was once again to increase the many problems facing European countries.

13 German Navy 1914 Germans tried to out build the British naval forces, but could not beat the British So, the Germans built a new naval force: the U Boat. How do the U-boats win a battle?

14 German Nationalism Germans were so very proud of their new primary position. What do you think nationalism means? – Passionate pride in your nationality Why is America incapable of nationalism? – We are all about immigrants and differences USA became known as “the melting pot” of nationalities. What do you think that means? – Marriages have melted cultures together into a new mix: the melting pot of the world

15 Europe What were the two “sides”?

16 Alliances Military alliances formed for protection They were massive in size and power And dangerous… Green team is the TRIPLE ALLIANCE The Yellow Team is the TRIPLE ENTENTE

17 Militarism And also, to defend against “the other side”… Each nation built up forces And an arms race moved FAST Describe what’s happening in this visual

18 Militarism

19 Imperialism How is this comparison going to create tension? German colonial empire British colonial empire

20 Economic Rivalry Increasing protective tariffs (after 1880) Become an “economic rivalry.” Some saw this an an act of war

21 The Assassination that leads to war All of these tensions were in place, and were like a can of gasoline... Ready to explode! The prince of Austria, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated That was like throwing a match on the can of gas… His assassination led quickly to a massive deadly war

22 Vids on Causes of War 2 min overview Good 10 min explanation, good focus on Black Hand Gavrilo-Princip Gavrilo-Princip Indian Lydel – WWI Channel – 9m (segment #1) UUUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A&src_vid=ZmHxq28440c&v=f11CKYB2FCA UUUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A&src_vid=ZmHxq28440c&v=f11CKYB2FCA

23 WWI = MANIA! M = A = N = I = A =

24 WWI = MANIA! M = Militarism A = N = I = A =

25 WWI = MANIA! M = Militarism A = Alliances N = I = A =

26 WWI = MANIA! M = Militarism A = Alliances N = Nationalism I = A =

27 WWI = MANIA! M = Militarism A = Alliances N = Nationalism I = Imperialism A =

28 WWI = MANIA! M = Militarism A = Alliances N = Nationalism I = Imperialism A = Assassination

29 WWI = MANIA! M = Militarism A = Alliances N = Nationalism I = Imperialism A = Assassination FREEDOM OF SEAS

30 Vids on Causes of War 2 min overview Good 10 min explanation, good focus on Black Hand Gavrilo-Princip Gavrilo-Princip Indian Lydel – WWI Channel – 9m (segment #1) UUUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A&src_vid=ZmHxq28440c&v=f11CKYB2FCA UUUcyEsEjhPEDf69RRVhRh4A&src_vid=ZmHxq28440c&v=f11CKYB2FCA

31 Vids on the Start of War Full 6m explanation of the start of war Indian Lydel – WWI Channel – 9m (segment #3) good for start of war – how a local conflict became global h4A&index=160 h4A&index=160 25 fast facts

32 The Assassination that leads to war All of these tensions were in place, and were like a can of gasoline... Ready to explode! The prince of Austria, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated That was like throwing a match on the can of gas… His assassination led quickly to a massive deadly war

33 Start of World War I 1.The plan guessed Russia would take a long time mobilizing (preparing for war) 2.Germany declared war on France, and invaded through Belgium 3.And planned to hit Russia later 4.Britain joined in – WWI had begun Plan: to defeat France first, THEN Russia

34 THE FIGHTING of WWI Problem: Russia mobilized surprisingly quickly Germany had to commit troops to Eastern Front Germany forced to fight on two fronts German Western advanced halted German Eastern advanced pushed deep into Russia 34

35 35

36 THE FIGHTING of WWI Russian fast mobilization messed up German Schlieffen Plan forced them into two front war – In East: Russians pulverized – In West: Trench Warfare “the Western Front” Russians forced into retreat Humiliated, the Czar abdicated Russia ended up surrendering West was static Trench Warfare 36 10m Over the top

37 Over the top! Describe this sensation Include obstacles you’d have to face

38 Over the top! Describe this sensation (going “over the top”) Include obstacles you’d have to face

39 Trench Warfare

40 What was the strategy of Trench Warfare? Dig your trench for protection, and dig a secondary trench behind you. What do you think that was for? – Reserves and supplies – Somewhere to run to if the enemy got across no man’s land Lay down barbed wire in front of your trench, aim your artillery at the enemy and no man’s land, and point your machine guns at no man’s land. What was barbed wire for? – Slow the advancement of the enemy so they were easier to shoot Wait


42 Trench Warfare

43 click

44 Trench Warfare

45 Describe life in the trenches

46 NEW KILLING MACHINES of WWI 46 “Aeroplane” Submarine Tanks Flame thrower Poison gas Longer range artillery Pill boxes TRENCH WARFARE click

47 And some “old” weapons click

48 Why was this called “the war to end all wars”? How is this a transition of “old” style of fighting with “new” style of killing? World War I

49 How did the war end? 1.Russia overextended its ability to fight, and Russians insisted their government surrender 2.Germans then moved troops in East to the Western Front 3.But, Germany was just as exhausted 4.When USA joined in, Germans demanded their government end war, too. click

50 THE END of WWI Russians defeated, forced to surrender Americans join fight in 1917 Germans finally surrender 1918 Armistice: 11-11-18 at 11am 50

51 Palace of Versailles Hall of Mirrors Chosen for the location of the TREATY TO END THE GREAT WAR

52 PEACE TREATY of WWI TREATY OF VERSAILLES Run by “big four” – USA, FRANCE, ENGLAND, ITALY Germany not invited Russia not invited France, England, Italy want to punish USA tried to prevent: failed Result: a treaty that humiliated Germany 52 Wilson: Fourteen Points, including a League of Nations to prevent future war

53 Treaty of Versailles Germany lost land Germany lost all colonies Germany had to allow for a French army of occupation Germany had to take all blame for war Germany had to shrink Army and Navy

54 THE IMPACT of WWI Almost 17 million dead – 10 million military – 7 million civilian – Deadliest killer, up to then 20 million wounded OTHER CASUALTIES: Land destroyed Fear and anger Hatred and self protection Economies devastated Desperation will lead to dictatorships in 1930s Dictatorships lead to war in 1940s 54

55 RUSSIAN REVOLUTION (1918) Russian defeats destroyed Czar’s government Czar abdicated (stepped down as Emperor) the new “Duma” (congress) refused to surrender Duma overthrown by Bolsheviks (Communists) (6 months later) Civil War – Communists won Result: Lenin (leader of Communists) created a classless society 55

56 56 Nicholas II

57 57 Gregory Rasputin

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