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The Cold War Define for your Notes: (267) United Nations United Nations Iron curtain Iron curtain Containment Containment Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cold War Define for your Notes: (267) United Nations United Nations Iron curtain Iron curtain Containment Containment Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Cold War Define for your Notes: (267) United Nations United Nations Iron curtain Iron curtain Containment Containment Truman Doctrine Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Marshall Plan Cold War Cold War Arms race Arms race Domino theory Domino theory

3 The Cold War The War of Ideology

4 During World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union (U.S.S.R.) had joined together to Defeat the Germans. The USSR Advanced from the east and the Americans From the west. They embraced each other When the met at the Elbe River. They had Defeated the Nazis. But the two countries Never fully trusted each other. Communism And Capitalism are completely opposite Philosophies.

5 I. Europe and Japan in ruins 1. At the end of WWII Europe lay in ruins. 2. Germany was destroyed and split into Allied and Soviet control

6 3. France was messed up

7 4. Britain was messed up

8 6. USSR (Soviet Union) was messed up

9 5. Japan was messed up

10 7. Only the USA was still powerful

11 I. The Allies Become Enemies The Alliance began to fall apart even before the end of the war. The Alliance began to fall apart even before the end of the war. –The US hated that Stalin had made a non- aggression pact with Hitler in 1939 –The USSR resented that the US had not attacked Hitler until 1944 (D-Day)

12 A. The Yalta Conference: A plan for after the war February 1945 Before the surrender of Germany… Before the surrender of Germany… The leaders of Britain, US and USSR met to plan for when they won the war. The leaders of Britain, US and USSR met to plan for when they won the war. They agreed to divide Germany between them. They agreed to divide Germany between them.

13 Stalin agreed to help the US against Japan Stalin agreed to help the US against Japan Stalin promised the Eastern European countries would have free elections Stalin promised the Eastern European countries would have free elections

14 B. The United Nations is created The Soviet Union and the US along with 48 other nations formed the UN The Soviet Union and the US along with 48 other nations formed the UN – One large body called the General Assembly –Each country has one vote The real power is in the Security Council The real power is in the Security Council – 11 members –5 permanent members (Britain, China, France, US and USSR) –Any one can veto and stop action – this was to prevent any one country from having too much power

15 C. Different goals for the US and the USSR US Encourage democracy to prevent communism Encourage democracy to prevent communism Gain access to raw materials and markets Gain access to raw materials and markets Rebuild Europe so they could buy our stuff Rebuild Europe so they could buy our stuff Reunite Germany to increase security in Europe Reunite Germany to increase security in Europe USSR Spread Communism-A worldwide workers’ revolution Spread Communism-A worldwide workers’ revolution Rebuild using East European materials and markets Rebuild using East European materials and markets Control East Europe to buffer against aggression Control East Europe to buffer against aggression Keep Germany divided to prevent war again Keep Germany divided to prevent war again


17 II. Eastern Europe falls behind an “Iron Curtain” A major goal of the USSR was to prevent invasion from the west. A major goal of the USSR was to prevent invasion from the west. Remember … Remember … –Poland in the 1600s –Sweden in the 1700s –Napoleon in 1812 –Germany in World War I, 1914 –Germany in World War II, 1941

18 A. The Soviets Build a Buffer

19 C. An Iron Curtain Divides the East and West Europe was divided into a mainly democratic west Europe was divided into a mainly democratic west A mainly communist east A mainly communist east President Truman pressed for the right of Eastern Europe to choose the kind of government they wanted President Truman pressed for the right of Eastern Europe to choose the kind of government they wanted Stalin said that communism and capitalism could not exist in the same world Stalin said that communism and capitalism could not exist in the same world The cold war began The cold war began

20 III. United States Tries to Contain Communism A. The Truman Doctrine (you’ve got to know this one) 1.US was worried that communism was spreading. 2.He sets out to contain and block the influence of the USSR on countries around the world

21 s B. The Marshall Plan (another one to know) 1.To help rebuild Europe and Japan to prevent them from turning to communism 2.Provided food and machinery to rebuild all that had been destroyed

22 C. The Berlin Airlift The USSR wants to keep Germany weak and divided The USSR wants to keep Germany weak and divided The Capital of Germany, Berlin was divided between the Allies and the USSR The Capital of Germany, Berlin was divided between the Allies and the USSR The USSR controlled the roads into Berlin The USSR controlled the roads into Berlin The US sent food Berlin inspite of the blockade The US sent food Berlin inspite of the blockade

23 h?v=CZidBq8QS-g h?v=CZidBq8QS-g

24 1948 the US sent food and supplies to the people of Berlin for 11 months. The USSR finally gave up and lifted the blockade in May 1949 278,000 Flights 2.3 million tons of food

25 IV. The Cold War Divides the World

26 The Marshall Plan, and the Berlin Airlift marked the beginning of the Cold War The Marshall Plan, and the Berlin Airlift marked the beginning of the Cold War –A struggle over political differences with out military action. Spying, propaganda and secret operations marked this time Spying, propaganda and secret operations marked this time Much of the world chose sides Much of the world chose sides –If you weren’t for us, you were against us

27 NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization) 1. The Berlin Blockade made the West afraid of Soviet Aggression 2. 1949 ten western European nations joined the US and Canada & formed NATO 3. An attack on any NATO member would be met with by the other members

28 The Warsaw Pact 1. The USSR saw NATO as a threat and formed its own alliance in 1955. 2. The Warsaw Pact included: –USSR –East Germany –Czechoslovakia –Poland –Romania –Bulgaria –Hungary


30 Nonaligned Countries Some countries decided to stay out of the mess Some countries decided to stay out of the mess –India –China (even though it was a Communist country)

31 The Berlin Wall 1961 Because so many people were trying to escape from communist East Germany… Because so many people were trying to escape from communist East Germany… Soviets built a fortified wall to keep its people from leaving Soviets built a fortified wall to keep its people from leaving

32 Some Tunneled out Some Tunneled out Some went over the top Some went over the top All risked death to be free All risked death to be free

33 Berlin Wall DjHg&feature=related DjHg&feature=related fall DjHg&feature=related hSI&playnext=1&list=PL0BF6C4A32195F050& feature=results_video hSI&playnext=1&list=PL0BF6C4A32195F050& feature=results_video escape hSI&playnext=1&list=PL0BF6C4A32195F050& feature=results_video vCj4 vCj4 escape short vCj4 Esw Esw best one Esw NSgY NSgY rise and fall 45 min. NSgY

34 Nuclear War? The 1 st one will be the last war, ever. 1949 USSR explodes its own atomic bomb 1949 USSR explodes its own atomic bomb The US builds a bigger bomb The US builds a bigger bomb The Arms Race begins The Arms Race begins Each side building more destructive weapons Each side building more destructive weapons Everybody threatens, but is afraid to set off a nuclear war Everybody threatens, but is afraid to set off a nuclear war

35 Nuclear war begins pt 1 Life in a fallout shelter pt 1 Fallout shelter pt 2 How to spot a commie Nuc bomb test Us nuke test with soldiers Best one Soviet bomb tsar bomb test on soldiers duck and cover

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