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Cold War On the Brink EARLY COLD WAR. Summary of Events Up to This Point  Yalta and Potsdam  Berlin Blockade and Airlift  Fall of Czechoslovakia to.

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Presentation on theme: "Cold War On the Brink EARLY COLD WAR. Summary of Events Up to This Point  Yalta and Potsdam  Berlin Blockade and Airlift  Fall of Czechoslovakia to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cold War On the Brink EARLY COLD WAR

2 Summary of Events Up to This Point  Yalta and Potsdam  Berlin Blockade and Airlift  Fall of Czechoslovakia to Communism  China Falls to Communism  Korean War  Events we talk about today occur during the early 1950’s to 1970

3 The Arms Race – competition to achieve weapons superiority  Hydrogen bomb – fusing atoms together (500 times the Hiroshima bomb)  U.S. wins the race  U.S. – Nov. 1952  Soviet Union – Aug. 1953  Led to the creation of ICBM’s and nuclear submarines Discussion: What moral concerns now exist? International Monitoring System

4 Nuclear Bomb Comparison Calculating Loss of Life and Nuclear Fallout Today


6 Brinkmanship: a policy by which one seeks to create the impression that one is willing and able to push a highly dangerous situation to the limit rather than concede  Dwight Eisenhower – President  John Foster Dulles – Sec. of State  Any means to stop to communism  Includes going to war and use of nuclear weapons  Deterrence – developing an arsenal so deadly Soviets wouldn’t dare attack  M.A.D. (Mutual Assured Destruction) – if one side launched nuclear weapons the other side would also do it  kept either side from attacking  Build up Air Force (to deliver bombs) which leads to Soviet build up and a massive arms race

7 The CIA  Central Intelligence Agency  Goals  Use spies (covert action) to gather information  Carry out secret operations to weaken gov’ts unfriendly to the U.S.  Early involvement in Iran and Guatemala

8 Warsaw Pact  In 1955, the Soviets formed their own alliance  Response to expansion of NATO

9 Containment Tested  Hungarian Crisis  Hungarian people revolt against Soviets  Unsuccessful (leaders executed)  Truman Doctrine???  U.S. does not come to the aid of Hungary

10 Transitions of Power  1952 Presidential Election  Truman does not seek re-election  Dwight D. Eisenhower wins (Republican)  More aggressive stance towards Soviets  Stalin dies in 1953  Nikita Khrushchev takes over  Believed communism could win peacefully  Competition economically and scientifically

11 In 1952, America went from Harry Truman to Dwight Eisenhower In 1953, the Soviet Union saw the death of Joseph Stalin and rise to power of Nikita Khrushchev

12 U-2 Spy Plane Crisis  U-2 = high-altitude U.S. spy plane  May 1, 1960, U-2 shot down over the USSR  Francis Gary Powers (pilot sentences to 10 years)  U.S. denied the plane was a spy plane  Called it a weather plane  Khrushchev forced the U.S. to admit it, demanded an apology, and a halt of all U- 2 flights.  The incident worsened East-West relations and was a great embarrassment for the United States  The Paris Summit between Eisenhower and Khrushchev collapsed

13 Department of State, May 6, 1960

14 Pilot of the U-2 plane, Francis Gary Powers

15 Space Race  The '' 'Space Race ''' was an informal competition between the US & USSR (prestige)  Lasted from 1957 to 1975  It involved the exploration of space with artificial satellites, sending humans into space, and landing people on the Moon

16 Space Race Timeline 1. Oct. 1957 – Sputnik launched by the Soviets 2. Jan. 1958 – U.S. launches 1 st satellite 3. First animal to enter Earth orbit, Laika on Sputnik 2 (1957) 4. April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin, a Soviet Cosmonaut, became the 1 st man in space

17 Space Race Timeline 5. Early Soviet successes in space made many Americans believe that the U.S. was lagging too far behind 6. JFK established the goal of beating the Soviets to the moon 7. Research began for the Apollo Program - Goal = to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade - July 20, 1969 (Neil Armstrong)



20 What did Eisenhower warn against in his farewell address?  The Military Industrial Complex  “This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience… The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”  Fear of industry and military becoming more powerful than government

21 Eisenhower’s fear over the incredible increase in military spending was statistically justified

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