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PAGES 68 - 71 Why did the Cold War begin?. Introduction to the Cold War Watch this video and answer questions 1a) to 1f)

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Presentation on theme: "PAGES 68 - 71 Why did the Cold War begin?. Introduction to the Cold War Watch this video and answer questions 1a) to 1f)"— Presentation transcript:

1 PAGES 68 - 71 Why did the Cold War begin?

2 Introduction to the Cold War Watch this video and answer questions 1a) to 1f) What was the Cold War?

3 Introduction to the Cold War a) Add the following countries to the ‘Allies’ box or ‘Axis Powers’ box depending on which group they were in during World War 2.  Allies  UK  France  USA  Russia  ‘Axis’ Powers  Germany  Austria

4 Introduction to the Cold War B) Which of the following countries was Communist in 1940, and which was Capitalist?  USA – Capitalist  USSR - Communist C) Make a note of what Communists believe and support  Everything is run (and owned) by the state on behalf of the people  Everyone is equal (no classes)

5 Introduction to the Cold War D) Make a note of what Capitalists believe and support  Most things are privately owned and run for profit E) When did the Cold War begin?  After World War 2 (1945) F) Which countries were against each other in the Cold War?  USA (and western countries)  USSR (and eastern satellite states)

6 The ‘Big Three’ USSR USA UK

7 Tehran November and December 1943 Leaders Present  Churchill  Stalin  Roosevelt

8 Tehran Aims/ Reasons for the conference  Stalin worried about 2nd front not opened  He thought they wanted Russia to fail before they would get involved Outcomes  USA and Britain would open second front (pressure off USSR)   USSR declare war on Japan once Germany defeated  Poland would get land from Germany, lose land from USSR

9 Yalta February 1945 Leaders Present  Churchill  Stalin  Roosevelt

10 Yalta Aims/ Reasons for the conference  Decide what to do with Germany  Poland? What to do  Japan  UN

11 Yalta Outcomes  Germany  Reduced, demilitarised, pay reparations (not money)  Divided and rebuilt  Nazi Party banned, war criminals tried  UN  Would be set up  US – draw up Charter  Japan  USSR – war 3 months after German defeat  Poland  Soviet ‘sphere of influence’  More democratic

12 Potsdam July and August 1945 Leaders Present  Churchill/Attlee  Stalin  Truman

13 Potsdam Aims/ Reasons for the conference  More suspicion – USA had tested atomic bomb  Germay defeated – no common enemy

14 Potsdam Outcomes  Germany  Council of Foreign Ministers – organise Germany  Ban Nazi Party – Nuremberg trials  reduce size  Divide Germany (and Berlin) into 4 zones  USSR – one quarter industrial equipment from other zones

15 Disagreements - Tehran Roosevelt often sided with Stalin, not Churchill. Churchill wanted to invade the Balkans to stop Russia in Eastern Europe. Stalin obviously opposed this and Roosevelt supported him. He favoured a second front in the west.

16 Disagreements - Yalta Britain and the USA were reluctant to allow Poland to become Communist. Stalin desperately wanted Poland as a buffer between the USSR and the west.

17 Disagreements Potsdam Stalin and Truman did not get on very well. Atomic Bomb  Stalin was angry that he did not know that USA were testing atomic bombs. Stalin was even more determined to have a buffer zone in the east Reparations  The USSR wanted to impose heavy reparations on Germany, whereas America wanted Germany to be rebuilt.

18 Disagreements Potsdam Poland  Stalin had agreed to create a government in Poland with both Communism and Capitalism, but by Potsdam it was clear he had broken his word. Greece  Greece was still fighting after war. Monarchists were fighting communists. UK went to help monarchists. The USSR complained to the UN and civil war started.

19 General Disagreements They all agreed to work towards democracy, but disagreed on what ‘democracy’ meant. Stalin believed democratic government had to be communist, because only they truly represented working people Roosevelt believed that a democratic government gave people the choice of many different political parties to choose from in free elections

20 But what is democracy? “I believe that democracy involves a number of different political parties competing to win peoples support in free elections.” “I believe that a democratic government has to be a communist government because only the communists truly represent the working people.”

21 What can you infer from this source about who had more power at the Yalta conference? Does Source A prove Britain, Russia and America were friends?

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