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Cold War (1945-1990) PPT (1945-1950) Chapter 27. Interpret the Cartoon.

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1 Cold War (1945-1990) PPT (1945-1950) Chapter 27

2 Interpret the Cartoon


4 Who started the Cold War?

5 Why did the USA and USSR become rivals in the period 1945 to 1949? Historians have disagreed over the answer to this question for decades. However, the answers given can generally be placed into 4 groups. 1.The Traditionalists 2.The Revisionists 3.The Post Revisionists 4.The Post-1991 school

6 The Traditionalists The Soviets were to blame for the Cold War The Cold War was the direct result of Stalin's aggressive Soviet expansionism. This view is the traditional view of American and British Historians – particularly before 1960

7 The Revisionists The US were to blame for the Cold War The Cold War was caused by the US trying to keep countries capitalist for trade purposes The USA deliberately intimidated the Soviets e.g. the dropping of the Atomic bomb

8 The Post-Revisionists The Cold War was neither the USA’s nor the USSR’s fault The cause was a mutual misunderstanding of each other’s motives The Cold War was an inevitable result of the situation at the time i.e. 2 superpowers trying to settle the ‘German Question’

9 The Post-Revisionists The Cold War was neither the USA’s nor the USSR’s fault The cause was a mutual misunderstanding of each other’s motives The Cold War was an inevitable result of the situation at the time i.e. 2 superpowers trying to settle the ‘German Question’

10 The Post-1991 school Inspired by secret documents uncovered after the collapse of communism is Russia The Cold War was the result of the leaders’ personal faults and fanatical beliefs The Cold War was a Clash of ideologies – a clash between Capitalism and Communism

11 What was the Cold War really? Tension Hostilities Difference in ideology of the future of the world post-WWII Competition Aggression Technology

12 Work on Cold War Timeline

13 What led to the rise of distrust and discontent between USSR and US?

14 Two Conferences set the tone  Yalta: Feb. 1945  Potsdam: July 1945

15 Conferences: Peace an Outcome? YALTA (Feb 1945)  Produced a set of agreements on the nature of postwar world.  Break down the fate of Central and Eastern Europe(Democratic vs. Communism) “I just have a hunch that Stalin is not that kind of a man.... and I think that if I give him everything I possibly can and ask for nothing from him in return, noblesse oblige, he won't try to annex anything and will work with me for a world of democracy and peace. —FDR, 1943

16 Conferences POTSDAM (July 1945)  Produced set of agreements on the nature of the postwar order, peace treaties, and counting effects of the war.

17 Review of the conferences that set the tone for discord Clip

18 Cold War was… State of hostilities without direct military confrontation Between USA and USSR From 1945-1990’s Many different concepts and issues apart of this (Arms race, Space Race, Conflicts and Wars, etc.) Nations don’t agree on the future of Europe after WWII-different governt’s

19 Difference in Economies Capitalism Vs. Communism What do these terms mean?  On your own  Partner  Dictionary/Glossary  Write it in a sentence to show understanding

20 Capitalism Economic system of USA Private individuals own and operate businesses for individual profit Upside=? Downside=?

21 Democracy Government of the USA People elect their government officials People are free to buy and sell products in an open market

22 Communism Government and economy of USSR Leaders of Communist Party chose the nations leaders The government decides what products are available to buy Control every aspect of peoples lives and choices Upside=? Downside=?

23 How did USSR and USA accomplish all this? Strategies  1. Sponsored or backed revolutions, liberations, or counterrevolutions  2. Spy Agencies: CIA = USA and KGB=USSR Assassination attempts, secret or convert activities  3. US provided: Building of schools, roads, infrastructure, military aid, volunteer work  4. USSR= military aid, technical assistance

24 Pres Truman (1945-1953) Wants post WWII Europe to have strong democracies for governments Countries to trade with – helps our economy! Set up policies to stop the spread of communism

25 Joseph Stalin (1924-1953) Leader of USSR or Soviet Union Wants communism to spread into the countries of eastern Europe after WWII To protect his nation from invasion Help rebuild their economy and be a competitor within post-WWII world

26 Who will make the next move?

27 We have…who has….. Get into partners (Away from those you sit with) Get a white board Select a topic from the box Draw a line on your white board Collect information on it and place it on your white board on the one side On the other side draw a picture You have 6 minutes to complete the act.

28 United Nations Started in 1945 intended to keep peace Can’t handle the conflict between US and USSR just TOO BIG USSR does not join

29 Winston Churchil, “Iron Curtain Speech” 1946

30 Iron Curtain Winston Churchill in 1946 made up the term “IRON CURTAIN” Describes the Eastern European Countries next to the USSR that became communist The dividing line in Europe between communism and capitalism


32 Policy of Containment US policy to keep communism where it is and to stop it from spreading Don’t want it to take over the world Keep it out of strategic places for US advantage and benefit Ziploc container Use military or nonmilitary means

33 Truman Doctrine, 1947

34 Truman Doctrine US says they will send military and economic aid to any country to help communist taking over that country Commitment to help nations threatened by communism and Soviet expansion. Used in helping Greece and Turkey Expansion of policy of containment

35 The Marshall Plan, 1947

36 Marshall Plan To help nations be free of Communism help restore their countries and economies 1947: Sec. of State George Marshall developed a plan for the US to lend mass economic aid to Europe $13 billion to rebuilding Europe No Western gov’t fell to communism

37 Berlin Blockade and Airlift (pg.792-793) Divided into 4 Zones Stalin blockaded West Berlin in hopes to gain total control over the city of Berlin Cut off Railways, roads, communication US airlifted goods, materials, etc into the city for 10 months Stalin ended the blockade in 1949



40 Each side creates their teams! Two Armed Camp

41 NATO Treaty, 1949 Warsaw Pact, 1955

42 NATO-1949 Because the US and USSR are both part of the UN US forms a defensive military alliance with European Allies called North Atlantic Treaty Organization Democratic Nations against communist

43 Warsaw Pact-1955 In response to NATO Soviet Union and Satellite nations join to form their own alliance against Democracy

44 National Security Council-68 Could not trust other nations to prevent or limit the spread of communism or the Soviet expansion Take more active stand on the issue Go EVERYWHERE!!!

45 Independence Movements Once WWII was over, European colonies demanded their independence and fought to break free  Philippines, India, Pakistan, Burma  More than 25 African countries in the 1950’s and 1960’s  Vietnam  Palestine and Israel  China


47 Mao Zedong 1948 Civil War in China Mao Zedong becomes communist leader of China Going to be friends with USSR

48 Quote: Interpret What does the following quote mean? What is Truman stating about the Cold War’s impact on our society? Provide Specific evidence to support your interpretation “History will remember my term of office as the years when the Cold War began to overshadow our lives.” - Pres. Truman

49 Is this it for the Cold War? Of course not! Existed over 50 year period with many more events/issues/situations than the ones mentioned in this lesson

50 Song: LeningradLeningrad

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