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Show Leadership in the Workplace Prepared & Lectured by Sam Capolino.

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Presentation on theme: "Show Leadership in the Workplace Prepared & Lectured by Sam Capolino."— Presentation transcript:

1 Show Leadership in the Workplace Prepared & Lectured by Sam Capolino

2 Session Outline Reflection on Leadership Effective Leadership Guidelines Support & Encouragement to Improve Team Culture Barriers to Team Effectiveness & Strategies to Address these Related Policies & Procedures for Leadership in Workplaces Case Studies & Film Clips to support session

3 Leadership…..when you see or hear this word, what images, thoughts or feelings do you get?

4 Think about a leader that you have worked with (doesn’t have to be related to work). Was he/she a good or bad leader? What happened?

5 What qualities do you think a leader should have?

6 Some of my thoughts on leadership qualities...

7 ……….. which should not be adopted !

8 Every leader must also follow …

9 It’s not the actual feedback that counts, but what follows

10 Effective Leadership Guidelines Provides leadership, direction and guidance to the organisation - Creating/conveying clear vision on future direction - Effectively initiating change - Taking responsibility for teams - Demonstrating resilience, stamina and reliability under heavy pressure - Demonstrating integrity, honesty and fairness.

11 Effective Leadership Guidelines Facilitates meetings and group discussions - Encouraging creative thinking of others - Choosing methods of communication most likely to secure effective results (group, on-the-job etc).

12 Effective Leadership Guidelines Maintains effective networks - Knowing how to find resources - Applying best practice in dealings with other organisations (confidentiality, good communication skills) - Negotiating services on behalf of clients.

13 Effective Leadership Guidelines Manages risk & resolves conflict within the organisation and other parties - Acting decisively after having assessed the situation.

14 Effective Leadership Guidelines Understands and articulates the context in which the service operates - Understanding political, legislative and procedural processes and how to operate within them (e.g. current issues affecting aged care, lobbying, policies & procedures) - Promotes the organisation (e.g. supports organisation’s mission etc).

15 Effective Leadership Guidelines Models organisational relationships based on trust and respect for all groups - Being visible, approachable and earning respect - Inspiring and showing loyalty - Taking steps to building trust, demonstrating high morals and being cooperative - Communicating effectively with other management systems (e.g. Board members)

16 Effective Leadership Guidelines Provides leadership that encourages a sense of identity and purpose of direction - Carrying forward decisions made - Managing relationships between staff and management.

17 Effective Leadership Guidelines Manages and improves the performance of individuals and teams - Building a high performing team - Appropriately addressing poor performance (as per “Supervise Work” session).

18 Effective Leadership Guidelines Supports and develops staff - Consulting staff and identifying training needs in order to develop their full potential - Seeking face to face contact and responding to feedback from staff & clients

19 Effective Leadership Guidelines Develops effective leadership roles - Delegating decisions appropriately - Making best use of skills and resources.

20 Are you prepared to be a Leader? Complete & Reflect on the “Are you ready to be a leader” handout

21 Video Clip Inspiring Leadership 6:04

22 Providing Support & Encouragement to Improve Team Culture as a Team Leader Have regular meetings to discuss roles & responsibilities Gather team members regularly to discuss progress Assist in identifying & documenting work goals/tasks for team members for their work plans Brainstorming sessions to encourage inclusivity Ensure new employees meet with team members (formally or informally) Share professional information through newsletters, noticeboards etc – to encourage team awareness, celebrate successes, identify issues and goals

23 Providing Support & Encouragement to Improve Team Culture as a Leader Build consultation and feedback processes Provide feedback to team members (as per “Supervise Work” session) Recognise that some team members have a lot to share in terms of their experience, skills – consult them for their input Promote and encourage team members to share theirthoughts/ideas and to communicate freely within teams Have team building sessions. See “Team Checklist” Handouts x2

24 What barriers may affect the way a team functions?

25 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Poor Communication - English a second language - Instructions not given clearly - Misunderstandings - People not saying what they’re really thinking  misinterpretations.

26 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Lack of skills/knowledge - Prevent teams to achieve goals - Make the team work slower - Cause problems, bad feelings between group members - E.g. Inadequate training provided, assigned roles not suitable, new staff not inducted properly.

27 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Language difficulties - Information misinterpreted - Group members feel isolated from team - Work may take longer - E.g. Inadequate training provided, assigned roles not suitable, new staff not inducted properly.

28 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Lack of equipment/resources - Team members complain about lack of equipment/resources - Quality of work affected - Group members blame coordinator - E.g. Insufficient funds, equipment poorly maintained/assessed.

29 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Poor team spirit - Staff may become bored/frustrated if skills are being “wasted” (not used) in their role - Staff may make mistakes if work too repetitive and not challenging - E.g. Not delegating work appropriately to match person’s skill, lack of motivation.

30 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Inappropriate behaviour (racism, offensiveness, rudeness, bullying) - Group member often late – others do their tasks - Group member distracted and doesn’t perform well - Group members hostile to eachother - E.g. Employee may not be aware of policies/standards, personal problems, thinks more of themselves than others.

31 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Being negative - Workplace doesn’t promote enthusiasm/positive work attitude - Negativity spreads like wild fire – affects all! - E.g. Heavy workloads, personality clashes, stress, misunderstanding of tasks.

32 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Unrealistic expectations from coordinator - Group members feel pressured - Stress may cause members to be rude to each other - E.g. Pressure from organisation to increase workloads, not understanding what is required of task, not understanding circumstances.

33 Barriers to Team Effectiveness Inappropriate behaviour from coordinator (unfairness, lack of support, poor motivation) - Group members unsure of expectations - Group may feel lack of trust - Group members feel they are left to their own devices. - E.g. Being overworked, no stopping to think how actions affect people, coordinator doesn’t understand situation & can’t provide the support, coordinator doesn’t have skills to provide support.

34 1.What barriers to an effective team may Carla have? 2.What OTHER barriers not discussed, may prevent a team from operating effectively?

35 Class Activity “Balancing Act” & “The Stick Game” Aim: To encourage team work behaviour & team leadership

36 Strategies to Address Barriers Poor Communication? Lack of skills/knowledge ? Language difficulties ? Lack of equipment/resources ? Poor team spirit ? Inappropriate behaviour (racism, offensiveness, rudeness, bullying) ? Being negative ? Unrealistic expectations from coordinator ? Inappropriate behaviour from coordinator (unfairness, lack of support, poor motivation) ?

37 Reviewing Policies & Procedures Conflict Resolution Complaints Process Inappropriate Behaviour Management Discrimination Bullying Punctuality Offensive Language Skill & Professional Development Debriefing (Critical incidences, resident deaths).

38 Video Clip Team Leadership 4:16

39 Don’t forget about tomorrow! Movie day (rounding off the session on Workplace Supervision & Team Leadership) Bring snacks/drinks Assessment help will also be offered for those requiring it.

40 References Aspire Learning Resources, (2009), “Advocate for Clients – CHCAD401D,” Melbourne, Victoria. Department of Family & Community Services, National Volunteer Skills Centre, (2004) “Provide Leadership in the Workplace: Learning guide for volunteers”, Melbourne, Victoria. TeachingWithMovies.Com, (2009), “Leadership”, main.htm, Accessed 20/6/2010. main.htm

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