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SOCOPSE WP5 Brussels 16.06.2008 Case North Baltic Sea Region Vantaa River catchment.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCOPSE WP5 Brussels 16.06.2008 Case North Baltic Sea Region Vantaa River catchment."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOCOPSE WP5 Brussels 16.06.2008 Case North Baltic Sea Region Vantaa River catchment

2 Catchment area 1 686 km2 Population of 1 milj. inhabitants Agriculture (24 % cultivated) Industry (dairy, food, metal, paint, detergent) Drinking water source (emergency) to Helsinki Metropolitan area Irrigation source Recreation object Cultural scenery and objects Vantaa River Substances PAH PBDE Nonylphenol DEHP TBT (TPhT)

3 Vantaa catchment (no 21) is part of the Kymijoki River- Gulf of Finland River Basin Catchment (VHA2) in Finland VHA2 is co-ordinated by Uusimaa Regional Environment Centre (UUS) Häme Regional Centre (HAM) and UUS together are responsible for drawing up the river basin management plan (including the programme of measures) Permits for discharges of PSs are issued by UUS, HAM and Western Finland Environment Permit Authority

4 Problem definition -Monitoring of water: NP, PAH, DEHP started 2007, TBT some, PBDE not available - STP sludge, STP effluent, sediment, fish - ongoing for NP,DEHP,PAH - more under planning for TBT, possible no complience -Problems: High DL compared to EQS (TBT, PBDE, some PAHs) - Not available yet -Model approach to iterate minimum load for no complience, different occasions ?

5 Surface water; few detected Nonylphenyl ethoxylates (at range of EQS 0.3-0.4 µg/l in 2006 pilot –NP/OP now < 0.2 µg/l DEHP found occasionally (max 180 µg/l, 2006) –now < EQS (1.3 µg/l) PAHs no exceedance in 2006 pilot, –Now one benzo (b,k) fluoranthene >EQS –Now one pyrene+perylene > EQS –Fluoranthene < EQS –Benzo-a-pyrene < EQS TBT one >EQS

6 EQS = 1,3 All other samples <1,00

7 All samples <0,20 EQS = 0,33 (Nonylphenol ethoxylate) EQS = 0,3 (4-n-nonylphenol)

8 EQS = 0,03 All other samples <0,005

9 EQS = 0,002 All other samples <0,005

10 EQS = 0,1 All other samples <0,005

11 EQS = 0,05 All other samples <0,005

12 Vantaa - Keravanjoki - Vanhankaupunginlahti - Kruunuvuorenselkä OT concentrations in Vantaa river and estuarine sediments Concentrations may be decreasing at most contaminated area

13 Water -1 m above sediment surface TBT less than DL in Vantaa other OT present as detectable concentarions

14 Water on sediment surface Naantali and Helsinki TBT> EQS

15 Modeling scheme in River Vantaa

16 EQS = 1300 ng/L corresponding to c.a. 1500 kg/a emission DEHP

17 PAH(benzo(a)pyrene) EQS 50 ng/L corresponding to c.a. 100 kg/a emission

18 TBT EQS = 0.2 ng/L corresponding to c.a. 0.1 kg/a emission 100

19 PBDE EQS = 0.5 ng/L corresponding to 1.8 kg/a emission

20 Pumping station B B Hg F F Municipal STP 1-11 STP outlet Fish death in 2004 F: Reduced fish abundance and fecundity 2004-2006 Taste problems in commercial fish B: Benthos reacting to pollution High mercury concentrations in pike (400 μg/kg) Organotin compounds

21 Pumping station B B Hg F F Municipal STP 1-11 STP outlet Measurements Mainly no problems Concentrations? Problems?

22 System boundaries Division of the system based on subcatchments A hydrological model available for each subcatchment

23 Land use Downstream mainly urban surface Upstream forests, fields and urban areas

24 Waste water treatment plants Pumping stations  overflow!

25 The question for modeling If we measure here… … what may the concentrations be here? (Mainly a dilution problem)

26 A steady emission Concentration near emission At sea River mouth Nonylphenol (1 kg/a) Factor 50-100

27 A pulse emission 1 kg nonylphenol pulse, followed by recovery 10 days for transport (c.a. 100 km) Factor 30 Rapid recovery (< 2 months) Fluctuation driven by environment Slow release from sediments

28 POINT SOURCES Screening studies 2006-2008 (MWT plants) Not all MWT plants included 8 MWT or IWT plants operating Source register (VAHTI) tens-hudreds of possible sources (for 5 PS) identified Most sources connected to MWT plants 90 % of waste waters treated in a central MWT plant and emissions led outside boundary Focus on MWT plants inflow/outflow and overflow from pumping stations Inventory of sources

29 Work programme (June 2008 on) June - Problem definition (continue) (Step 1) –All measurements by September –Modeling for extremes and locations, checking compliance July - Source inventory (continue) (Step 2) MFA, source identification, Use of MWT plant data Further activity depends on substance/complience Sept. - 4th Stakeholder meeting Enlargement of stakeholder group if needed Discussion of results of steps1 and 2 Discussion of possible management options Sept.- Dec. Baseline scenario (Step 3) Oct - Dec. Identific. of measures (Step 4) Nov. - Dec. Assessment of the effects of measures (Step 5) Dec. 30, Draft case report

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