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Https:// Human Water Use.

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Presentation on theme: "Https:// Human Water Use."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Water Use

2 Over 70% of Earth is covered by Water!!!

3 Where is water found?

4 Ground Water

5 Aquifer: A permeable layer that contains water.


7 Fresh Water Withdrawal

8 Agriculture water usage Watering live stock 5.4 % Irrigation 92.4 % Other 2.2%

9 Four methods of irrigation: Surface.Sprinkler. Drip/trickle.Subsurface.

10 Domestic Use


12 Water issues in California California is facing the challenge of a generation with this fourth year of drought and residents must work together to conserve water, while officials devise equitable and efficient plans to steer the state through the crisis. They decided to set specific statewide water amount restrictions for each city based on how much officials believe they should use. They are hoping to seriously reduce water use and protect the water supply for a potentially dry 2015.

13 50 % of MN have been drained (50% of wetlands worldwide since 1993)

14 Benefits of wetlands Erosion control Fisheries habitat Flood control Ground water recharge and discharge Natural filter Rare species habitat Source of income Wildlife habitat Education

15 Water Pollution

16 Point Source Pollution The source of the pollution starts at one location. (A Point!!)

17 Point Source Pollution Organic matter, like sewage, is broken down by bacteria reducing dissolved Oxygen

18 Non-Point Source The source of the pollution is wide spread. Agriculture # 1


20 Pollution Current Status: -In America, 40% of the rivers and 46% of the lakes are polluted and are considered unhealthy for swimming, fishing or aquatic life. -Industry dumps estimate 300-400MT of polluted waste in waters each year - According to UNICEF, more than 3000 children die everyday globally due to consumption of contaminated drinking water. Mitigation: (The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.) ● ex: Clean and maintain catch basins, drainage ditches, and culverts regularly.

21 Air Pollution effects on Water Mercury, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitric Oxide

22 Acid Rain burning fossil fuels releases sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) Acid rain makes waters acidic and makes waters toxic to crayfish, clams, fish, and other aquatic animals

23 Metal, Solvents, Oils, Detergents, Pesticides & Prescription Drugs PAHs: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Found in crude oil. Can stay environments for years. Drug Prescription: 90% of pass through human body into water treatment plants.

24 Microbiological Pollution Bacteria, Viruses & Protozoans In developing countries, 90% of waste water is discharges directly into the rivers and streams.

25 Mining Mining exposes heavy metals and sulfur that where locked away in the earth. Rain Leaches these metals out of the soil and they end up in lakes and streams.

26 Noise Marine animals use sound to communicate and navigate Excess noise from boats, sonar, and recreation can disrupt normal patterns

27 Eutrophication (Nutrients) Fertilizers and organic matter causes algae blooms and rapid plant growth. When the algae and plants die, Bacteria use up all the oxygen

28 Dead Zone

29 Suspended Matter from Erosion

30 Thermal Pollution

31 Cuyahoga River


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