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Published byKerry Osborne Modified over 8 years ago
CYP Workforce Strategy Activity Report Quarter 4 Update (December 2012 – March 2013)
Summary of Progress RAG Rating Outcome GroupCurrent Rating*Previous Rating* 1. SafeguardingGreen %Amber % 2. Early Support Initiatives and Total Family Approaches Green % 3. Workforce & Leadership DevelopmentAmber % 4. Maximising Opportunities Resulting from Health Reforms 5. Working with Parents in LancashireGreenNew priority 6. Communication and intelligence gathering Green 75% *Rating definitions: Red - The project requires remedial action to achieve objectives. The timeline/cost/objectives are at risk Amber - The project has a problem but action is being taken to resolve this OR a potential problem has been identified and no action may be taken at this time but it is being carefully monitored. The timeline/cost/objectives may be at risk Green - The project is on target to succeed. The timeline/cost/objectives are within plan, White – The project has not yet started and no issues are anticipated with future progress Priority on hold during restructuring
2. Early support initiatives and total family approaches FOCUS FOR THE YEAR Progress in Quarter Progress Grade Previous Status Green Current Status Green Progress up to Quarter Development of Parenting/family support strategy to encompass family resilience- Consultation completed.- (Now moved to a priority of its own) Hidden Mothers' and Community Capacity development may also have implications for future workforce development and are being considered Workforce development appointments have been made for WTWF programme: Lead coordinator; Admin/business support officer Moodle E learning, Use of LCC's Moodle to provide E-learning for workforce in Common Core, Hidden Harm; Safeguarding etc this will also give better access to data capture. Lead Professional workshops run and networks established. Data collected from pilot areas 1.Shared leadership focus: promotion of Working Together with Families programme green development of parenting strategy to encompass family resilience green refresh of the early support strategy including CAF and CON amber 2.Improving the skills and competencies of the workforce through: delivery of a workforce development programme green development of the role of the Lead Professional green sharing learning and good practice from the WTWF pilot areas green Refresh of action plan in Jan 2013 focussing on agreeing outcomes, deliverables and timetable for the following: Lead Professional role: Task and Finish group working to define the role of the Lead Professional; Specific requirements for supervision of staff in schools emerging Workforce Development Programme: Work around CAF/CON is nearly complete and is close to being signed off by the LSCB and the LIF Programme Board. Training needs will then be identified and appropriate training packages developed Impact of LIF Project and engagement with CCGs on emerging workforce development requirements. This was considered at January meeting Number s of Lead Professionals Number of staff accessing training Range of development opportunities offered Evaluation of training (perception) Performance Measures
3. Workforce and leadership development FOCUS FOR THE YEAR Progress in Quarter Progress Grade Previous Status Amber Current Status Green Progress up to Quarter 1.Evaluation of leadership programmes and impact assessment 12 months following 2.Participation statistics for common core and workforce briefings 3.Target of 80% of evaluations to be good or better 4.Increased number of cross sector coaching opportunities to support 1 & 4 1.Three day modular programme on ‘Leading Integrated Working’ was scoped and will now be reviewed and broken into smaller, ‘stand alone’ components; Manager Workshops implemented and Workforce Briefings to improve awareness 2.Workforce Briefings wef June 2012. Evaluation indicates on average an increase from 3 to 8 in terms of improved knowledge following attendance; 3.E-evaluation process scoped for CYP services; this asks about further development opportunities the workforce requires so improves longer term planning of provision 4.Coaching pilot commenced Sept 2012 1.Embed strong and effective leadership at all levels amber 2.Up to date knowledge of national and local contexts e.g. Lancashire Improving Futures; Common Core etc. including face to face / e-learning provision green 3.Enable best use of resources; reduce duplication, champion continuous improvement amber 4.Develop the workforce to improve motivation, resilience and flexibility including coaching green 1.Now developing a conference on Leading Integrated Services; linkage with Improving Futures programme; Leadership Journeys planned (knowledge exchange) – roll out April 2013; now identifying shadowing opportunities and role modelling 2.Developing e-learning to enhance the Common Core Review workforce briefings; all evaluated and feedback to facilitators, 640 attended to date. 3. & 4 E-evaluation introduced / sharing venues. Continue to develop a workforce offer in leadership, motivation, resilience and continuous improvement for all C&YP Trust sectors. Coaching pilot progressing; seven trainee coaches – ends June 2013. Now exploring further capacity for cross sector with Lancashire Constabulary; commenced shadowing pilot between a Head teacher and Social Work Team Leader – further opportunities to be identified. Shadowing will be a component of the Leading Integrated Services series. Performance measures
4. Maximising opportunities resulting from health reforms FOCUS FOR THE YEAR Progress in Quarter Progress Grade Previous Status Current Status On holdd Progress up to Quarter Online consultation regarding 10 key health messages completed 10 key health messages based on Healthy Child Programme and CYPP Priorities agreed. Agreement to disseminate to whole CYP and families workforce as a staff briefing and Wallet sized card, along with making every contact count and promoting 5 ways to wellbeing Health reform presentation to WRIG and Workforce Board Dissemination and communication pathways of key messages to whole CYP workforce explored Access to messages on CT website being arranged Moodle e-learning package to support key health messages possibly to be developed 10 key health messages were discussed at the Health and Wellbeing Priority group for final sign off in January – a request for further amends was made Initial amends have been made via email dialogue and further discussion with members of the Outcome Groups At the Priority 5 Health Reforms meeting in March the following recommendations were made – final amends to the 10 key messages would be done by the end of April by members of the group with a view to handing these over, for finalisation, to the new Public Health Directorate when established; this group should be chaired by a colleague from Public Health and membership of the group should be reviewed ; a focus for the group in the interim should be the promotion of the 5 ways to wellbeing. The CYP Integrated Health Service, in partnership with the CYP Workforce Team and colleagues from Public Health, have awarded a tender for the delivery of combined sexual health/substance misuse training to the workforce The CYP Integrated Health Service has commissioned the development of an e-learning package for sexual health for the CYP workforce and the production of a scheme of work focussing on SRE and substance misuse. Completion of these is anticipated by September 1 Ensure that changes in the NHS as a result of the health reforms (including Public Health) are communicated effectively to the CYP and families workforce 2 Build capability and capacity in the CYP and families workforce to embed health and wellbeing messages via flexible, integrated working practices 3 Raise awareness of the Children and Young People's Plan and the Healthy Child Programme across all sectors and support the CYP and families workforce in implementing the agreed priorities 4 Enable all partners to create 'Healthy Workplaces' to the national standard to enhance health and wellbeing in the workforce Performance measures
5. Working with parents in Lancashire: Building family resilience: A framework for success FOCUS FOR THE YEAR Progress in Quarter Progress Grade Previous Status White Current Status Green Progress up to Quarter Type in performance measures Type in your priorities Type in what had been done prior to this quarter Type in progress for this quarter Performance measures
6. Communication and intelligence gathering FOCUS FOR THE YEAR Progress in Quarter Progress Grade Previous Status Green Current Status Green Progress up to Quarter Acquisition of Moodle platform enabling development of a virtual learning environment for the CYPT. Good engagement with LSCB to enable e-courses to be hosted. Case studies gathered to highlight and communicate the diversity of the Children’s Workforce (breaking down professional barriers). Excellent engagement with CAMHS to provide links to workforce information. Common core e-learning package developed for the Moodle. 1.Intelligence is gathered to inform evidence based activities of the strategy priority groups and to share good practice (white – new activity) 2.A virtual learning environment (VLE) is developed to support all priorities of the strategy, and to share workforce information and learning resources across all sectors (green) 3.Communication methods are improved to enable workforce strategy messages and initiatives to be cascaded to the workforce (green) 4.Progress across all priority groups is monitored and reported to the Workforce Reform Board and shared with the Workforce Reform Implementation Group (green) Safeguarding e-learning for groups 1 & 2 made live on Moodle (558 registrations at end Jan 13) Former CYP workforce group website has now been merged into CYPT site. 4 case studies and 5 partnership working videos made available on the CYPT website. Engagement with Lancashire Drug and Alcohol Action Team and CYP Participation e- learning modules developed and at final stages of testing. Engagement with Early Years and CDOP to discuss new e-learning packages. Action plan has been revised to incorporate new activities. 1.Data reports produced as required 2.Number of VLE users continues to increase 3.Communication plan produced 4.Progress reports submitted to WRB and WRIG Performance measures
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