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Teamwork Mansour al-shathri

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Presentation on theme: "Teamwork Mansour al-shathri"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teamwork Mansour al-shathri

2 Definitions of teamwork
The STAR model When Teamwork at Work Fails ? Objectives of teamwork Quotations Summary

3 Definitions of Teamwork
The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal. When a group of people work together cohesively, towards a common goal, creating a positive working atmosphere, and supporting each other to combine individual strengths to enhance team performance.

4 STAR model Lack of teamwork can be a problem for a number of reasons. In this point we look particularly at the risk of this occurring during the formation phase of a team, where it seems that the team is being forced to achieve its goals rather than being formed to do that. The distinction is that there is too much emphasis on results and not enough on the needs of the team.

5 STAR team model is to consider how to avoid a team being forced to perform rather than forming.
The STAR team model suggests that effective teamwork in the workplace happens when four elements (Strengths, Teamwork, Alignment, Results).

6 Individuals flourish as they use and develop their Strengths.
People come together building relationships that result in effective Teamwork. The team leader Aligns the team through effective communication of purpose, so that individual strengths combine with teamwork to deliver the teams results. Together everyone achieves more as performance flows and Results that are meaningful and rewarding to the team are achieved.

7 When Teamwork at Work Fails ?
A focus on the task without regard for the needs of team members. Impatience with lack of progress. The leader is directive and tries to drive performance. A “just get it done” response to conflict. Little involvement of the team in planning or decision making.

8 The Objectives of Teamwork
Trust in colleagues to deliver what they promise. Willingness to help when needed. All members pulling their weight and in the same direction. Positive attitudes, providing support and encouragement. Open communication.

9 Quotations “Great things in business are never done by one person. They’re done by a team of people.” Steve Jobs “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford


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