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1890 FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference (NERAOC) May 20 - 23, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "1890 FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference (NERAOC) May 20 - 23, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 1890 FACILITIES GRANT PROGRAM National Extension and Research Administrative Officers’ Conference (NERAOC) May 20 - 23, 2012

2 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Office of Grants and Financial Management Award Management Division Adriene Woodin Branch Chief Session No. 39 May 22, 2012

3 Topics for Discussion  Financial Reporting  Performance Reporting  Annual Performance Reports  Grant Close-out  Final Performance Reports  Facility Completion

4 Topics for Discussion (Cont’d)  Certificate of Facility Completion  Project Records  Project Objectives  No Cost Extension Requests  Requests for Approval  Timely Completion

5 Financial Reporting  Article 11 of Special Terms and Conditions - C Addresses requirements for Financial Reporting  Annual Financial Report Form SF-425 Due within 30-days after the anniversary date  Final Financial Report Form SF-425 Due within 90-days after expiration Award not officially closed until approval of document Article 20 of Special Terms and Conditions – C addresses late submission of Final Financial Reports

6 Performance Reporting  Annual Performance Reports Applications for renewal funds should contain the Annual Report for the grant being renewed. Separate Annual Reports are required for all other open awards. Reports due within 30-days after the anniversary date.

7 Annual Performance Reports  Annual Reports must include: 1)Comparison of actual accomplishments with the stated goals or objectives 2)Reason(s) for slippage if goals were not met

8 Annual Performance Reports  Annual Reports (Cont’d): 3) Additional pertinent information a)Analyses and explanation of cost-overruns b)Favorable or adverse conditions c)Changes or situations expected to impact scope, size, cost or completion schedule d)Discussion of actions taken or to be taken to resolve problems e)A summary of activities to be undertaken in the next 12- months

9 Annual Performance Reports  Annual Reports (Cont’d): f)A listing of A/E and construction contracts entered into during the reporting period to include: i.Program component (objective) ii.Name of contractor iii.Proposed amount iv.Date approved by NIFA v.A detailed breakdown of all project costs incurred to date broken down by cost item, Federal Share, Non-Federal Share

10 Annual Performance Reports  Annual performance reports are used for NIFA Congressional reporting. Accurate and up-to-date reporting is important.  Refer to Article 12. Performance Monitoring and Reporting, Special Terms and Conditions – C for full requirements and formatting.

11 Annual Performance Reports Overdue Reports? Requests for approval or release of funds cannot be approved if there are reports overdue New funds will be withheld if any open Facility grant has an overdue or incomplete annual report

12 Grant Close-out  Final Performance and Financial Reports Due within 90 days after grant expiration Refer to Article 26. Grant Closeout in the Special Terms and Conditions – C for full requirements and report formatting

13 Grant Close-out  Final Financial Report SF-425 Financial Report Form Cumulative from start of award Show any matching contributions Program Income must be reported

14 Final Performance Report  Must include: Grantee institution name Grant number Project title PD name Signature of the Authorized Representative

15 Final Performance Report  Must include (cont’d): A summary or bulleted listing of all activities performed under the grant Including date each activity was completed Date of actual or projected occupancy Date of actual or expected facility dedication Three glossy 8 X 10 color prints of completed facility Breakdown of final project costs

16 Facility Completion  The facility will be considered substantially complete when, at final inspection, it is determined that: a)All but minor components of the project (spackling, touch up painting) have been completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications or approved modifications

17 Facility Completion Substantially completed (Cont’d): b)All major building systems (HVAC, water, sewer) have been installed, tested, balanced, certified, and are operating properly so that the building is capable of functioning as designed

18 Facility Completion Substantially completed (Cont’d): c)All major safety systems (fire alarms, showers, pollution control devices) have been satisfactorily installed, tested, balanced, certified, and are operating properly. d)All specialized fixed equipment have been satisfactorily installed, tested, balanced, certified, and are functioning properly

19 Facility Completion  Evidence that final building inspection has been completed by responsible officials of the local jurisdiction in which the facility is located shall be provided to NIFA ADO. Occupancy Permit or similar document Form NIFA-860 “Certification of Facility Completion or equivalent document.

20 Certificate of Facility Completion Form NIFA-860 or equivalent Policy Change The terms and conditions requires the signature of the A/E firm to certify the contractor has furnished all labor and materials required by the approved construction plans The new NIFA policy allows the institution to use their own A/E staff person to sign this document attesting to the completion of the facility

21 Project Records  Financial Records, supporting documents, statistical records, and other records pertinent to the grant award shall be retained by the grantee and its contractors for a period of three years after submission and acceptance of the final SF-425 Federal Financial Report. Includes financial technical documents, building plans, NIFA requests and approvals.

22 Project Records  Digital copies may be substituted for original records.  In the case of an audit or financial review, if documentation supporting project costs is missing, those funds would be considered unallowable and subject to being paid back.

23 Project Records  Records relating to audits, appeals, litigation, or the settlement of claims arising out of project performance shall be retained until such actions have been settled.  Additional information found at 7 CFR 3019.53 – Retention and Access Requirements for Records

24 Project Objectives Objectives should be reasonable and attainable for the funding provided for the time period of the award. Avoids long, drawn out grant awards Delete those objectives that are obsolete and/or unattainable (requires NIFA approval). Performance reporting required for all proposed project objectives

25 No-Cost Extension Requests  All grants must be kept current and no-cost extension (NCE) requests must be submitted prior to expiration of award.  Requests must contain all information required in Article 20 of Specialist Terms and Conditions – C.

26 No Cost Extension Requests  NCE requests after expiration date of award will be considered only with “extenuating circumstances”  Payment accounts will be closed on expired awards.  Funds remaining on expired grants will be de-obligated and returned to U.S. Treasury.  Final reports will be required.

27 Requests for Approval  Allow a minimum of 30-days for NIFA approval when submitting post-award action requests.  Including all required information in the request will help expedite the approval process.  Requests may be sent via email as a PDF attachment (preferred)

28 Timely Completion  It is important to follow proposed project time-lines to complete activities: Open projects are reported to Congress. Jeopardizes future funds for Program. Appears funds/Program are not needed.

29 CONTACT US  Darlene Brown, Grants Specialist – (202) 401-4189  Barbara Dodson, Grants Specialist – (202) 401-6342   Jeffrey Jacobs, Grants Specialist – (202) 690-5717  Adam Anderson, Grants Specialist – (202) 401-4185  Rochelle McCrea, Team Leader – (202) 401-2880  Duane Alphs, Team Leader – (202) 401-4326  Adriene Woodin, Branch Chief – (202)-401-4320 Fax numbers: (202) 401-3237 or (202) 401-1804 or (202) 401-6271

30 MAILING INFORMATION  Preferred method to receive requests is as a pdf attachment to an email.  Send larger documents or non-standard sizes via:  Express Mail:Regular Mail:Awards Management DivisionNIFA-USDA 800 9 th Street, SW, Room _____Mail Stop 2271 Washington, DC 200241400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20250

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