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…helping local people in need. National picture 1,084,604 people fed by Trussell Trust food banks in year April 2014 – March 2015. Increase compared to.

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Presentation on theme: "…helping local people in need. National picture 1,084,604 people fed by Trussell Trust food banks in year April 2014 – March 2015. Increase compared to."— Presentation transcript:

1 …helping local people in need

2 National picture 1,084,604 people fed by Trussell Trust food banks in year April 2014 – March 2015. Increase compared to 2013/2014 (913,138)

3 Trussell Trust Research People turn to food banks as a last resort Most food bank users face an immediate, acute financial crisis sudden loss of earnings change in family circumstances: bereavement or homelessness. waiting for benefit payments sanctions reduction in disability benefits The emergency support available to people at a time of crisis was not sufficient to prevent them having to turn to a food bank Report “Emergency Use Only” Understanding and reducing the use of food banks in the UK (2014)

4 National Statistics

5 Cambridge City Foodbank Summary 1.Providing emergency food boxes through seven distribution centres: St. Pauls & OLEM church on Hills Rd Alpha Terrace, Trumpington New C3 Centre, Coldhams Ln Chesterton Methodist Church Good Shepherd, Arbury Cambourne Centre [Waterbeach Baptist Church] 2.Warehouse and Office Orwell House Pickfords rental units 3.Agencies 116 active agencies 4.Staff 101 Volunteers is various roles: client facing, warehouse, drivers, admin 9 Trustees bring wide range of experience and skills no paid employees

6 Clients Our relationships Agencies GiversShops Press Partner Charities Host Churches

7 How does CCfb work? 4-step process: 1.Collecting food donations locally. 2.Sorting, storing and packing food donations. 3.Voucher system for referrals 4.Distributing food supplies to clients.

8 Step 1: Collecting food donations 1.Regular donations (churches, workplaces). 2.Special harvest and Christmas donations locally. 3.Supermarket collections. 4.Collecting bins in supermarkets. See Shopping List for what we ask for.

9 Supermarket collection

10 Step 2: receiving, sorting, weighing, storing, packing in the warehouse

11 Step 3: Voucher System Trussell Trust DatabaseCCFB Office CCFB Distribution Ctr Agency Client food

12 Step 4: Distributing food to clients

13 Food distributed (weight)

14 People Fed

15 Referral Reason

16 Top Five Wards, 2015 Jan- Oct

17 Percentage of population

18 Other activities Energy voucher scheme Electricity and Gas top-up scheme Small Grant Scheme To support community initiatives which feed people in poverty Supporting community meals in areas high in poverty Example: “Make Lunch” programmes and “Holiday hunger” programme in King’s Hedges / Arbury Research Older people use of foodbanks Collaboration with CAB for data collection Others initiative under consideration Delivery service Community shop / social supermarket How to provide fresh food supplies

19 …helping local people in need

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