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Engaging Digital Age Learners through Curriculum-based Scratch Projects Youwen Ouyang, Computer Science, Cal State San Marcos Katherine Hayden, Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Digital Age Learners through Curriculum-based Scratch Projects Youwen Ouyang, Computer Science, Cal State San Marcos Katherine Hayden, Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Digital Age Learners through Curriculum-based Scratch Projects Youwen Ouyang, Computer Science, Cal State San Marcos Katherine Hayden, Education Technology, Cal State San Marcos Jamie Hagen-Holt, Vista Magnet Middle School

2 What Is Scratch? Developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT Media Lab. A visual programming environment for young people to create and share ◦Interactive stories ◦Animations ◦Games ◦Music ◦Art

3 Who Uses Scratch?

4 Sample Projects

5 Scratch an Element

6 Guided Practice


8 Sample Scratch Projects

9 Strategies for Classroom Projects It’s okay to be a newb ◦Let the students be the experts! Have a plan. Storyboard beforehand. ◦It’s hard to program on the fly. Be patient ◦Creativity takes time Use Scratch tutorial cardstutorial cards ◦And the Getting Started GuideGetting Started Guide Remix ◦Download projects to see scripts, then add more Sharing is Caring ◦Let others know about your project

10 Design a Scratch Project Work in pairs or groups of 3 to brainstorm ideas on how you could use Scratch in your own class Go to http://iquest-csusm.wikispaces.com ◦Find your page on the right ◦Click “edit” ◦Provide the following:  Teacher name/s  School  Subject  Grade  Concept / Standard  Lesson Overview ◦Save early & often!

11 Resources beyond the Workshop Scratch website ◦ Scratch Edu ◦ Email ◦ Follow us on Twitter ◦@iQuest_csusm Check the wiki for updates on lessons ◦http://iquest-csusm.wikispaces.com

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