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Exercise Joe B, Joe G, Jeff, Aaron, Nick. Physical Activity and Exercise According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute, exercise is a type.

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise Joe B, Joe G, Jeff, Aaron, Nick. Physical Activity and Exercise According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute, exercise is a type."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise Joe B, Joe G, Jeff, Aaron, Nick

2 Physical Activity and Exercise According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood institute, exercise is a type of physical activity that is planned and structured. For example, weight lifting, aerobics class or playing a team sport is classified as exercise. Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and requires more energy than resting. Physical Activity can be anything from walking to swimming to dancing. Physical activity can also be a stress reliever.

3 Physical Activity and Exercise Physical activity and exercise both do the body wonders and show a significant decrease in risk for cardiovascular diseases. It is the best way to keep your heart and lungs healthy. There are many things that physical activity and exercise will do to the body in all positive ways. Physical activity and exercise help control your weight. It will prevent excess weight and will also diminish weight because of burning calories during an activity. Intense or non intense you will still burn calories Helps combat against heart conditions and diseases Exercise controls your cholesterol, BP, lowers fat cells, decreases chance of stroke, keeps heart active, and keeps arteries from building plaque

4 Physical Activity and Exercise Exercise improves mood Physical activity stimulates brain chemicals that leave you happy and relaxed. It will also boost your confidence and self esteem Exercise boosts energy Doing activities increases the need for energy which means it will improve your endurance. Also activity delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and leads to a healthy cardiovascular system. Exercise promotes better sleep Exercise can be fun Exercise gives you a chance to really let go of yourself and enjoy what you are doing. You can exercise outdoors in the nice weather or with friends with similar goals. Exercise will only play a positive role in your life.

5 Stress Stress can be defined as anything that creates a brain’s response to any demand. Stress can be a positive or a negative thing and will damage the body if continued. Stress may also be short-term, long term or recurrent. Distress- is a negative stressor that can cause damage to the body. An example of distress can be losing your job. Eustress- is a positive stressor. An example of a Eustress is graduating college.

6 Stress and the Body When undergoing stress, hormones and nerves are released that may trigger a fight or flight reaction. During a dangerous situation, your bodies heart rate will skyrocket, you will breathe faster, your muscles tense, and your brain uses more oxygen. Once in a while or short term, this is not bad and can actually boost your immune system. If this stress is recurrent and becomes chronic stress your whole body can start deteriorating. Chronic stress can lead to failures of the excretory, digestive and reproductive systems. This can become a real threat to the body if it happens a lot of the body is stressed for a long period of time. Stress over time will lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, anxiety and other illnesses.

7 Symptoms of Stress Digestive symptoms, headaches, sleeplessness, depression, mood swings, anger and irritability. People of chronic stress are more prone to catch a viral disease like the flu or

8 Stress Reducing Exercise T0 M8k

9 Stress and Weight Lifting -Weight lifting helps to reduce stress by: -Releasing endorphins -chemicals that are produced by the brain - Improves mood - Decreases tension - Improves: - Self-esteem - self- image

10 Resistance Exercises -Resistance exercises: -Produces more endorphins -Produced more quickly - Multi-joint exercises: - puts more stress on the joints - produces more endorphins - before and after

11 Decrease Stress by Running -Two different types of stress (Acute and Chronic) -Both cause extreme negative effects on the body (Workload on vital organs) -Consistent running leads to weight loss, improved endurance happier mind sets, and more importantly, hormone release.

12 Endorphins -Running releases “Feel-Good” hormones called Endorphins - “-endo”=Endogenous “-orphin”=Morphine -Endogenous opioid (Inside the body) -Main purpose is to inhibit transmission of pain signals

13 Personal Polls -Exercise is one of the most recommended techniques to decrease stress -A recent study from the American Psychological Association (APA) showed only 17% of Adults and Teens use running as a technique -Out of the teens, 68% reported running as an extremely effective way to manage their stress

14 How often? -30 minutes 3 days per week of running -Gold Standard for decreased stress -Longer runs can be integrated as endurance is built

15 Walking & Stress -Reduces tension and promotes feeling of calm -Shift your brain into a calmer state -Brisk walking boosts endorphins -reduce stress hormones and alleviate mild depression

16 Benefits of Walking -Can improve memory and attention span by 20 percent -Improve energy levels -Reduces fatigue

17 Stress Relief -Being outdoors will be a stress relief -Walking with friends -improve stress resilience and lower levels of stress hormone cortisol -Beneficial for adolescents, social interaction will decrease stress responsiveness

18 How Often? -Try walking outside for 20-30 minutes several times a week -alleviate stress and gives your mind a boost -Finding time in your day to go for a walk -Lunch break, after dinner, walking your dog, etc. -Help give you a feeling of detachment from daily pressures

19 Boxing & Stress

20 4 Main Factors 1.Release Anger Releasing physical exertion to let out aggression 1.Work Through Emotions “Hit Something” factor while at a high emotional stressed state Allow you a sense of openness to work through emotions that haven't been talked out

21 3. Safety Outlet A safe way of letting out anger and stress 4. Prevent Anxiety Various forms of anxiety are triggered from many factors, such as helplessness and fear- learning to box can help prevent those feelings and give a sense of control

22 Stress Relief As you punch the bag, your brain begins to produce endorphins and neurotransmitters Those neurotransmitters create “feel good” thoughts in your brain When you continue to punch the bag, the punching helps to relieve muscle tension which is created while you are stressed

23 Stress Relief (Continued) While you are punching, your focus is also improving, therefore, your concentration is increased helping you forget the reasons why you are stressed. – Combinations – Hitting the bag – Hand-eye coordination – Sparring


25 Other activities -Team Sports -football, basketball, soccer, etc. -High energy activities -dancing, spinning, cycling -Yoga and Pilates -Martial Art and Kickboxing

26 Referencess relief.html relief.html boxing-anxiety-relief/ boxing-anxiety-relief/ - - - - relief-tips_n_2992972.html relief-tips_n_2992972.html walking5.htm walking5.htm stress.aspx#09 stress.aspx#09

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