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DeStressing: Cultivate positive energy to manage stress IDPS new professionals John Sonnega, Ph.D. Mhealthy Thrive!

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Presentation on theme: "DeStressing: Cultivate positive energy to manage stress IDPS new professionals John Sonnega, Ph.D. Mhealthy Thrive!"— Presentation transcript:

1 DeStressing: Cultivate positive energy to manage stress IDPS new professionals John Sonnega, Ph.D. Mhealthy Thrive!

2 World Health Organization

3 Water as a metaphor  Water flows, water soothes, water restores.

4 Stress by State: Context

5 Stress reaction: What happens?

6 What is your current stress? Rate your current stress : 1 = Lowest………………………..10=highest  Daily tracking of your stress.  Job related stress  Financial stress  Family stress  Caregiver stress  Relationship stress  Adapting to change

7 Union Stress  Do more  With less  Faster “ Stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to mobilize.” Richard S. Lazarus

8 Internal Stress: Rumination. A quiet mind (Untwist)

9 What works?  "It was my belief that one had to personally validate the tips that worked for you, snatch them out of the great universe that swarmed with maxims and rules..." --Abraham Verghese, The Tennis Partner (a memoir)

10 Explore ways to reduce stress  Explore ways to reduce stress in the moment: Be mindful, breathe.  Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.”  The 4 A’s: avoid, alter, accept, or adapt

11 Breathe, Be mindful, and reduce multitasking

12 Slow Down!

13 Tips: Set stress aside  Compartmentalize stres  Set time aside to worry and fret about a topic.  UNI-task, not MULTI-task.  Organize (How does time management work for you?)  Make your list shorter  Schedule personal time daily.  Be in touch with your strengths.

14 DeStress: The Home Transition  Leave work at the same time.  Accept that work will be there tomorrow.  Let go of your “shoulds”. Don’t should on yourself.  Change Clothes. Alter.  Remind yourself that DeStressing is good.  Do physical activity when you first get home.  Include down time. Give yourself permission.  Treat the commute as a gift.  Don’t overschedule. Learn to say no. Avoid.  Get a good nights sleep! Adapt.

15 Energy resources: Your reservoir  On a scale of 1 to 10, where one is empty and ten is full, how full is your well?  Are you joyful, creative, rejuvenated, and frisky?

16 Four basic energy needs: Renewal.  Physical  Exercise, sleep, eat  Emotional  Positive emotions Foster good coping. Quell negative emotions  Mental  Mindful, the myth of multi-tasking  Spiritual  Values

17 Cultivating Positive Emotions  Experience pleasure  THE PLEASUREABLE LIFE  Seek gratification from accomplishing something  THE GOOD LIFE  Find meaning (Use your strengths)  THE MEANINGFUL LIFE

18 Use your strengths: Courage, Intelligence, Loyalty

19 BREATHE Summary Make a point of noticing what is happening right now Practice mindfulness Pay attention to the positive Develop a growth mindset Be in the moment Everyday events – notice them. Acts of Kindness – practice them. Turn around the negatives. Honor your strengths. End the day with Gratitude Realistic Goals. Set them. B R E A T H E Set targets you can achieve Stretch not strain Create positive moments for others Reframe Look at things as a challenge Look for the silver lining Be true to yourself. Be true to what you are good at List your strengths and values frequently List what was good today. Savor it Sleep well knowing that you don’t focus on the bad

20 Summary  Tip # 1: Develop a growth mindset: Focus on Opportunity  Tip #2: Breathe. Compartmentalize stress.  Tip # 3: Identify, understand, and track your stress.  Tip #4: Choose something that works for you.  Tip #5: Focus on building your energy first. Cultivate positive emotion!

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