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Section 3: Coping with Stress.  Cognitive appraisal- the interpretation of an event that helps determine its stress impact.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 3: Coping with Stress.  Cognitive appraisal- the interpretation of an event that helps determine its stress impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 3: Coping with Stress

2  Cognitive appraisal- the interpretation of an event that helps determine its stress impact

3  Denial- a coping mechanism in which a person decides that the event is not really a stressor  Intellectualization- coping mechanism in which the person analyzes a situation from an emotionally detached viewpoint  Both limit stress reactions, but can cause a failure to deal with legitimate stressor

4  Active coping strategies- involves changing our environment or modifying a situation to remove or reduce stressors  Hardiness- refers to personality traits of control, commitment, and challenge  Relaxation- ▪ Progressive relaxation- lying down comfortably and tensing and releasing each major muscle group ▪ Meditation- focusing attention with goal of clearing ones’ mind to produce an inner peace

5  Biofeedback- the processs of learning to control bodily states by monitoring the states to be controlled ▪ Ex. Blood pressure  Humor- laughing releases tension, helps keep proper perspective of situation  Exercise- stimulates and provides outlet for physical arousal, burns off stress hormones

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