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Creating User Interfaces [Catch-up presentation] Reflection. Butterfly ballot exercise. Metrocards. Homework: Start thinking about embedded.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating User Interfaces [Catch-up presentation] Reflection. Butterfly ballot exercise. Metrocards. Homework: Start thinking about embedded."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating User Interfaces [Catch-up presentation] Reflection. Butterfly ballot exercise. Metrocards. Homework: Start thinking about embedded applications.

2 Reflection on ALL the studies Two dimensions Topics – In class (colleges), your own topic (compare Web sites), your choice of sites or apps for user study. Embedded applications Subjects – You, your team – Friends and family Note: this is a phrase used in various marketing campaigns – Strangers

3 Reflections Role(s) of environment, infrastructure, network effects Variety of users, demographics and new versus repeat user Demand on users Accessibility

4 Challenges Forming your own opinions and assessments while Being open to information from your users. Using your own knowledge to design study. Communicating your findings to others – Teacher, classmates – Future: colleagues at work, management, people charged with improving products, designing new products…

5 Note Large organizations: specific groups do “Quality Assurance”, feasibility testing, customer outreach. – Sometimes customer outreach is a ploy…. – You may choose not to do this. Small organizations: everyone does everything. Everything less formal.

6 Aside A news article about a voter in one of the Super Tuesday states said he learned about Sanders on Reddit!

7 Florida Butterfly ballot in 2000 Was one of several things that would have changed the election. Many people made a mistake in voting. Note: a confirmation screen that we come to expect in making purchases would have/could have made a difference.

8 What do you think?

9 Challenge Design a better ballot! Note: the requirement to be bilingual meant it could not be [much] bigger.

10 NYC Metrocards Suggestion to change from swiping cards to … use contactless chip already in many phones. What are – Positive and negative features of current system Note: a positive feature is sunk costs of turnstiles – Positive and negative features of contactless chip in phones (or phone-like) devices

11 Government agency with mission to improve usability of …

12 Too late but… There was competition to produce new form for USDA National School Meals program – Video clip not that long, but… Seems to imply Web browser input, not necessarily mobile device? Not sure about language support Prototype form: P33-2015a4.pdf P33-2015a4.pdf Prototype form:

13 Classwork/Homework Look over, including USDA application program Any ideas? Start planning embedded study. More next class.

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