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Everyone likes a bargain! Would you rather purchase something, or have it given to you?

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Presentation on theme: "Everyone likes a bargain! Would you rather purchase something, or have it given to you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Everyone likes a bargain! Would you rather purchase something, or have it given to you?

2 Everyone likes a bargain! Would you rather purchase something, or have it given to you? Would you rather purchase something at full price, or at clearance price?

3 Everyone likes a bargain! Would you rather purchase something, or have it given to you? Would you rather purchase something at full price, or at clearance price? Would you rather give away your favorite possession, or something you don’t like?

4 Everyone likes a bargain! But what if it was for someone special???

5 Cheap Worship? Three Stories…

6 Story #1: David, 1 Chron. 21 What do you know about King David? What did he do?

7 Story #2: Mary, John 12 What do you know about Martha’s sister Mary? What did she do?

8 What can we learn? David’s story When God has shown Himself to you, you are quick to obey quickly & completely. When you understand how indebted you are to God, you won’t skimp on your worship!

9 What can we learn? Mary’s story When God works a miracle for you, you want to do something special for Him. When you have a golden opportunity to worship God, you give Him your very best! You may never have that chance again….

10 Story #3.… That’s YOUR story! How quick & complete is your obedience to God? Is your worship limited to what’s cheap, comfortable & convenient? Do you ever show your gratitude to God in an extravagant way? How much do you love God?

11 Can true worship be cheap? What did David say? What did Mary say? What do your actions say??? –Do you need to make any changes???


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