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Tools of Astronomy Science March 11, 2016. Warm up  Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk  Complete Friday’s warm up  YOU ARE QUIET,

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Presentation on theme: "Tools of Astronomy Science March 11, 2016. Warm up  Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk  Complete Friday’s warm up  YOU ARE QUIET,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Tools of Astronomy Science March 11, 2016

2 Warm up  Bring your notebook, pencil, and agenda to your desk  Complete Friday’s warm up  YOU ARE QUIET, WORKING WHEN THE BELL RINGS!!!

3 Our Focus Today  TODAY WE WILL FOCUS ON  The International Space Station  Galaxies  Probes  Nasa Spinoffs  You will take notes when directed to do so and then simply watch some cool videos today!

4 Now think about this…  1. 3 things you do EVERYDAY – brush teeth, eat, and bathe!  2. Describe how you would do these things in space? Would you have to do them differently?

5 Let us see how they do this in space  Brush your teeth?  bCoGC532p8 bCoGC532p8 bCoGC532p8  Eat food?  vio09T-8qA vio09T-8qA vio09T-8qA  Wash your face with a wet cloth?  FPvdNbftOY FPvdNbftOY FPvdNbftOY

6 So now we know…  Everyday things we do on Earth are quite different in space…  But does anyone have an idea of What do you think happens to your body when you spend months in space?

7 Volunteers  Who wants to share?

8 Negative Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Zero Gravity  Muscle atrophy (decrease in muscle mass)  Deterioration of bones (bone loss of up to 1%)  Cardiovascular system: decreased red blood cell production  Immune system weakened  Continual nasal congestion, sleep disturbance, and excess gas

9 Can you believe it!  Astronauts are up to 2 inches taller while they're in space!  When they return to Earth, they return to their normal height.  The vertebrae in your spine are like a giant spring. On Earth, gravity pushes down on it, keeping it compressed. In space, the spine stretches by up to three percent (less gravity pushing down on the vertebrae causes it to stretch out up to 3 inches).

10 Now add these notes to the Box labeled Space Station  Known as International Space Station (ISS)   Conducts research that cannot be done from Earth.   Allows astronauts to live in space for months.   Allows different countries to work together in space


12 Interesting ISS Facts  The size of a football field  Weighs 924,739 pounds.  Has more livable room than a conventional six-bedroom house with 2 bathrooms, a gymnasium and a 360-degree bay window.

13 Video on ISS  bpvy45O5rA4 bpvy45O5rA4 bpvy45O5rA4

14 I made a mistake yesterday…  I need you to change the title of one of the boxes on the back of your ED Helper  Please change the box labeled “Rockets” to “Galaxies”

15 Write in the box labeled galaxies There are millions of galaxies in the Universe There are millions of galaxies in the Universe Each galaxy has its Each galaxy has its own solar system own solar system  We are located in the Milky Way Galaxy

16 Another Handout  You will receive another handout now  This will be used in today’s class as well as Monday’s class  You will first watch a video on Galaxies. While you are watching, you will answer the questions in this section  Let’s find this section now

17 Video on Galaxies  What is a Galaxy? tHVoM4QFf8 tHVoM4QFf8 tHVoM4QFf8  What is the Milky Way Galaxy?  m-ucbDVyRU m-ucbDVyRU m-ucbDVyRU

18 Write in the box labeled Probes  Space Probes:  Spacecraft that travels and drops into a planet’s atmosphere  Has no astronauts onboard  Collects scientific information and sends it back to scientists on Earth

19 Read: Space Probes Today  NASA's Voyager 1: 1 st human-made object to travel beyond the solar system  36-years-old  About 12 billion miles from our sun.

20 Handout  You will now watch a video on Probes. While you are watching, you will answer the questions in this section  Let’s find this section now

21 Voyager Probes  LK4IMtUSVg LK4IMtUSVg LK4IMtUSVg

22 Write on your worksheet  NASA Spinoffs:  Technology that was developed for astronauts and space exploration BUT now benefits us on Earth!  Microwave ovens  Hand held solar calculators  Memory Foam mattresses  Bar coding (like used in grocery stores)

23 If there is time….Chromebooks…  You will be dismissed to get your chromebook in a moment  You will access Google Classroom and follow the directions for today’s assignment  The focus will be on investigating the International Space Station

24 Today’s Chromebook Link   kids/en/life/index. html kids/en/life/index. html

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