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Invent Your Tomorrow CLASS OF 2019. Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Our School  4 year STEM Themed High School  Focus on Project-Based Learning  One-to-One.

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Presentation on theme: "Invent Your Tomorrow CLASS OF 2019. Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Our School  4 year STEM Themed High School  Focus on Project-Based Learning  One-to-One."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invent Your Tomorrow CLASS OF 2019

2 Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Our School  4 year STEM Themed High School  Focus on Project-Based Learning  One-to-One School  Courses are offered at the Honors Level  Graduation and College Entrance Requirements fullfilled  Students have the opportunity to earn college credits beginning their freshmen year  PLTW-Engineering  Problem-solving skills, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration

3 Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Our School  Additional courses offered through NCVPS and NCSSM  Partnerships with local business/industry, colleges/universities, Asheville Chamber of Commerce  Showcase of employment opportunities  Mentors  Internships  Economic Growth for Western North Carolina  Students may participate in extra-curricular activities, including sports, at the base high school

4 Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Why STEM  8 million job openings in STEM related occupations by 2018  STEM occupations growing by 17%, others are growing by 9.8%  Approximately 400,000 STEM related jobs in NC.  More than 70,000 new STEM related jobs will be created by 2020.  STEM jobs in NC pay 64% more than the average job.

5 Nesbitt Discovery Academy-Invent Your Tomorrow  4 year degree from a college/university  2 year degree from a technical/community college  Military  Workforce  We simply want to provide all of our students with skills and education needed to pursue their dreams.

6 Who We Are  We provide a challenging curriculum focused on preparing students for real world problem-solving, developing talent in STEM fields, and leading to industry credentialing and post-secondary credit acquisition.  The student-centered curriculum uses a project-based approach. We replicate an innovative, high-tech, research environment merging educational practices with business principles.  Average Student GPA after first semester: 4.03  Top 3 Interest Areas class of 2018: 72% Investigative, 55% Artistic, 34% Social,  Top 3 Interest Areas class of 2019: 55.4% Investigative, 14.9% Artistic, 12.2% Realistic

7 What We Offer  9 th graders have the opportunity to earn 3 college credit hours, participate in 3 college level courses and 4 honors level courses, opportunity for MOS certifications.  10 th graders have the opportunity to earn AT LEAST 6 additional college credit hours, participate in 3 college level courses, as well as 5 more honors level courses.  Internships and additional college course/AP opportunities will be provided within the Junior and Senior year.

8 What We Offer: 9 th Grade  English 1 Honors  Math I, Math 2 Honors, or Math 3 Honors  Earth Science Honors  Physical Science  American History 1 Honors  PLTW Intro to Engineering & Design (college level weight)  ACA 115 (AB Tech)

9 What We Offer: 10 th Grade  English 2 Honors  Math 3 Honors or Pre-calculus Honors  Biology Honors  Chemistry Honors  American History 2 Honors  PLTW Principles of Engineering AP level (college credit)

10 Future PLTW Courses  Computer Integrated Manufacturing  Computer Science and Software Engineering  Environmental Sustainability

11 Electives AB Tech Course Offerings  Psychology 150 (3 college credits)  Sociology 210 (3 college credits)  Art 111 Art Appreciation (3 college credits)  Music 110 Music Appreciation (3 college credits)  CIS 110 (3 college credits) Other Elective Options via NCSSM Interactive Video Conference Other Elective Options via NCVPS including foreign language

12 Smart Lunch  Smart Lunch is an opportunity for students to receive extra help on course work or to work ahead on assignments while receiving help from peer tutors and teachers.  Peer tutors are selected based upon an application process

13 What We Offer: Activities  Students may participate in sports, marching band and other after school extra-curricular activities at base schools  NDA currently offers: TSA, Chess Club, Yearbook, Poetry Club, Young Innovators Club, Chorus, Math Club, Youth Compass, Ensemble, and Student Government.

14 Daily Schedule 1 st period8:25-9:40 2 nd period9:45-10:55 LUNCH10:55-11:55 3 rd period12:00-1:10 4 th period1:15-2:25

15 How to Apply  Currently reside in one of the 6 Buncombe County School Districts  Applications are posted online and available for download March 1  Only applications with all items completed will be considered  Submit a 2 minute video or 400 word essay with your application  Submit 2 teacher recommendations (online)  Deadline: Mail all applications to the address listed by April 15th  A confirmation email will be sent once the application is received  100 9 th graders will be chosen by lottery  Students not accepted are placed on a waiting list  All students accepted will be notified on May 17 th and May 18 th

16 To Upcoming 9 th Graders From Class of 2018  Find yourself a few close friends and do not work alone.  Do whatever you can to educate yourself and dream big and work hard.  Make sure to ask questions.  Don’t be afraid to talk to others. You’ll never have fun in school years without people you can hang out with!  Keep up with time management and keep a calendar. You can complete your work if you don’t procrastinate.  Don’t be scared. Be excited! This is a great opportunity.  If you stay on top of things life at NDA is super chill.

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