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RECOVER Role/Science Guidance during Design, Construction and Implementation Phases RECOVER Science Meeting March 1, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "RECOVER Role/Science Guidance during Design, Construction and Implementation Phases RECOVER Science Meeting March 1, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 RECOVER Role/Science Guidance during Design, Construction and Implementation Phases RECOVER Science Meeting March 1, 2016

2 BUILDING STRONG ® 2 Presentation Outline  Purpose  RECOVER’s Mission and Goals  RECOVER Role During Project Implementation  CERP Monitoring  RECOVER Task  Draft RECOVER/Project Implementation Process

3 BUILDING STRONG ® 3 REstoration, COordination and VERification (RECOVER)  Provides the science behind the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP)  Determines if the goals and objectives of CERP are being met  Identifies unanticipated results and potential remedies for consideration  Coordinates the results of evaluations and assessments  Communicates scientific information to support decision-making  Three Major Components Planning - integrating RECOVER with planning and operation of the system Evaluation - forecasting project performance through predictive modeling and performance measures Assessment - measuring performance of projects through research and monitoring

4 RECOVER/PDT Interactions - Formulation 4 Identify TSP Plan Formulation and Evaluation Develop Base Conditions and Models Prepare PMP PIR Kick-Off Initial Alternative Plans Final Array Alternative Plans Draft PIR IPR FSM PAL AFB Develop existing and without project conditions Develop project performance measures Design Selected Plan Develop Monitoring Plan Develop Operating Plan Issues & Recomm. IPR Draft CAR Pre-Application Conference RECOVER PMP Input 1 RECOVER Overview Presentation 2 RECOVER Regional Evaluation Presentation RECOVER Monitoring Plan Presentation 7 6 System-wide Modeling Assumptions 3 RECOVER Performance Measures Presentation 4 RECOVER Performance Measures Consistency Review 5 RECOVER Review of Monitoring Plan RECOVER Input to Draft Operating Manual 11 10 RECOVER Evaluation of Alternative Plans RECOVER Assist in System-wide Benefits Analysis 9 8 RECOVER/PDT Interactions - Formulation RECOVER Always Provides Key – Input Established in Plan Formulation : RECOVER Provides if requested by the PDT

5 BUILDING STRONG ® 5 RECOVER’s Role During Implementation  Little guidance on how RECOVER provides assistance to projects during implementation  Project-level monitoring plans relied heavily on the RECOVER MAP to cover the required project-level monitoring  Changes to the MAP and other agency monitoring programs since the beginning of CERP  With additional information, assumptions of the project- level monitoring plans have changed  Adaptive Management Plans are now required for projects

6 BUILDING STRONG ® 6 CERP Monitoring Monitoring and Assessment Plan (MAP)  Assess the status of the Everglades ecosystem  ~35 monitoring components Ecological, biological, water quality Within and cross-regional monitoring Leverages monitoring from other agencies  Refined through the CERP Adaptive Management (AM) Program  Provide a method of summarizing of ecosystem changes as they relate to CERP goals and objectives Identify major unanticipated findings Project-level Monitoring  Project-specific, smaller scale

7 BUILDING STRONG ® 7 RECOVER Task – Work in Progress  Part of the RECOVER 5-Year Plan  Develop a process for the interaction between the project teams and RECOVER for the implementation phase of the project  Identify the value-added for each interaction  This will include the monitoring, data analysis, data storage and reporting  Look at existing guidance and develop a new process that will be vetted by RECOVER, the project team and upper management  Develop a CERP Guidance memorandum

8 Interim Operating Manual Project-level Monitoring (over the life of the project) BCOE ReviewDesign Scoping Water Quality Certification Site Survey Final Project Operating Manual Preconstruction Engineering and Design (PED) Value Engineering (VE) Study Ecological Proposed – For Discussion Purposes RECOVER’s Role in CERP Project Implementation 8 Incorporation of project monitoring into RECOVER Assessments and Reporting RECOVER review of analysis for ecological monitoring of operational testing phase, if applicable Construction Monitoring Water Quality Hydro- meteorological Adaptive Management OMRR&R RECOVER coordination with the project Project Author ization DRAFT March 2016 Required RECOVER Input RECOVER – REstoration, COordination and VERification MAP – Monitoring and Assessment Plan BCOE - Biddability, Constructability, Operability, and Environmental Review OMRR&R – Operation and Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation Adaptive Management over the life of the project Project/ RECOVER Communi- cation Begins (varies depending on project) Optional RECOVER Input or Situational Awareness Crosswalk with MAP/Review Monitoring Plan 3 1 RECOVER involvement in PED and/or VE Study 2 4 Ecological Project Manager communicates with RECOVER as needed 5 6 7 8 Transfer to Sponsor Key Acronyms

9 Congressional Authorization is the trigger point for REstoration, COordination and VERification (RECOVER) to begin coordination with the project team during project implementation that includes design, construction, and Operation and Maintenance, Repair, Replacement and Rehabilitation (OMRR&R) phases. Project and RECOVER communication begins – RECOVER will provide a point of contact to assist the technical team as the project features are refined during design. RECOVER involvement in Preconstruction, Engineering and Design (PED) and/or the Value Engineering (VE) Study – RECOVER will provide information on location of construction features and lessons learned from prior project implementation or Monitoring and Assessment Plan (MAP) monitoring that may be applicable to design. RECOVER point of contact will be involved in the VE Study to ensure optimum project benefits in response to new information and adaptive management options. Crosswalk of the Project-level monitoring plans with the MAP to ensure coordination of project-level and system-wide monitoring to ensure project monitoring needs are covered, restoration success identified, RECOVER monitoring can be leveraged as baseline monitoring prior to project implementation (project design and construction schedule), and adaptive management (AM) plan can be implemented. Interim Operating Manual - RECOVER review of analysis of ecological monitoring of operational testing phase, if applicable (i.e., Modified Waters Delivery incremental testing). Construction Monitoring – Ecological Project Manager (Picayune Strand example) communicates with RECOVER to ensure construction ecological/ecosystem performance issues are addressed. Project-level Monitoring – Incorporation of project monitoring into RECOVER assessments and reporting RECOVER input on Project Adaptive Management Plan Implementation – Key Uncertainties, Management Option Matrices, etc. Evaluate project performance to maximize restoration results through AM of operations and when/how to move forward with phases of project construction Close communication with the project biologist to be aware of anything unexpected or changes that could be addressed through AM RECOVER to coordinate with project when drafting the System Status Report (SSR) to incorporate project-level monitoring RECOVER to check in with the project two times a year to look at adaptive management actions Data Management and Reporting – Quality Assurance and Oversight Team (QAOT) to coordinate data management Projects report in the South Florida Environmental Report (SFER) RECOVER reports in the SSR Communication between RECOVER and the project teams Consistency review Final Project Operating Manual – RECOVER coordination with the project and input with results of monitoring and assessments OMRR&R –Adaptive management of the system over the life of the project – how is this done? DRAFT RECOVER’s Role in CERP Project Implementation Required RECOVER Input Optional RECOVER Input or Situational Awareness 3 1 2 4 5 6 7 8

10 BUILDING STRONG ® 10 Next Steps  Receive input from RECOVER and project team members  Receive input from management  Develop a CERP Guidance memorandum

11 BUILDING STRONG ® 11 Questions?

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