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Western Quoll Dasyurus Geoffroii By: Lucas Pickett.

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Presentation on theme: "Western Quoll Dasyurus Geoffroii By: Lucas Pickett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Western Quoll Dasyurus Geoffroii By: Lucas Pickett

2 Where it lives: Deserts, woodlands, mallee shrublands, sclerophyll forests, coastal areas. Biotic Factors: Mammals, lizards, frogs, insects, crustaceans, birds Abiotic Factors: Logs, stones, burrows. Reproduction: 2-6 young after 17-18 days

3 Food Web Diet: Small to Medium sized mammals, lizards, frogs, large invertebrates, insects Predators: Red foxes, feral cats Consumer, 2 nd Level

4 Interesting Facts The weight of the female can be as little as.6 kilograms The tail length can be as long as 35 cm The Western Quoll is nocturnal

5 Adapting to Habitat Numbers: Under 10,000, Stable

6 Threats Habitat Loss Near threatened

7 Is It a Butterfly Species? Yes it is, because if you took it out of the ecosystem the predators would suffer from not having enough to eat, and its prey would get out of control. Then, since its prey is mostly 1 st Level consumers, they would consume more plants and set off a chain reaction of who it would effect.

8 Biblyography Morris, K., A. Burbidge, and S. Hamilton. "Dasyurus geoffroii." IUCN Red List. (2008): n. page. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.. "Chuditch (Dasyurus geoffroii)." Arkive. (2013): n. page. Web. 29 Jan. 2013.. Thomson, Chris. "Bunny trap death for Perth's Easter chuditch." WA News. (2009): n. page. Print..

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