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Flipping the Laboratory: Active and Student-Centered Learning for Biotransport Laboratory Tamara Kinzer-Ursem Assistant Professor Purdue University Keywords:

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1 Flipping the Laboratory: Active and Student-Centered Learning for Biotransport Laboratory Tamara Kinzer-Ursem Assistant Professor Purdue University Keywords: transport, flipped Classroom, active learning, online lectures, teamwork, engineering design

2 Why? Student designed experiments for investigating molecular diffusion What problem are you solving? Students have little practical experience applying transport principles, nor designing their own solutions to engineering problems. Through inquiry-based modules, students are required to design, test, and analyze their own experiments. Students have trouble applying computational modeling to real- world examples. Integration of simulations and experimental design is required. What are your educational objectives? Upon completion of the course each student will be able to: Use theoretical transport equations to describe, model, analyze, and explain biomedical data. Design experiments to investigate transport phenomena, collect relevant data, and compile a comprehensive report that clearly demonstrates the findings and implications of the data. Work in a team to simulate and experimentally model transport, and use peer- and self-reviews to describe how each team member contributed to group efforts.

3 When? Developmental History Initial offering of Biotransport Laboratory class Introduction of 3 inquiry-based modules for team-based open- ended problem solving and design of experiment Lectures are recorded to accommodate previous instructor travel schedule Prof. Kinzer-Ursem flips the lecture with lecture time used for problem solving and interaction with student teams Lecture section cancelled and activities moved to laboratory sections and beyond - Complete redesign of online lecture material, coordinate lectures and in-class activities with laboratory activities, scale to larger class sections/more sections, look for wider distribution opportunities 2007 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016

4 Where? Biotransport curriculum for Biomedical Engineering at Purdue University Current course structure: Enrollment: Sixty-six students enrolled among 4 sections Section makeup: 4-6 groups per section; 3-4 students per group Assignments: 3 experimental design modules; 4-6 weeks per module Student tasks: Research, design and carry out an experiment, develop computational models, analyze results, and submit a final lab report Future Scale-up: To scale up our class size – Develop streamlined online lecture material – Make better use of TA participation in in-class activities To translate out to other BME programs or other disciplines – Develop modules based on a range of transport fundamentals

5 What? Developed learning activities and materials Inquiry-based modules that contain computer simulation, experimental design, implementation, and data analysis Use of CATME to establish teams and keep individuals accountable In-class problem solving activities What is your theory of change? Desired change is to increase students “ownership” of the design process (pre-senior design). To do this open-ended modules, team participation, and iterative design processes are key What has worked really well? Flipping the lecture has increased student teamwork Moving in-class activates into the lecture has increased student out-of class time participation Measurable factors affected by incorporating lecture into lab sessions. Enrollment ratios (top) and Participation (bottom). 2014=separate lab and lecture; 2015=lab + lecture integration

6 Prognosis? Documenting Impact Tracking student participation and student self-reporting Interfacing with instructors in senior design regarding student grasp of design principles Current Challenges Online lectures are not engaging (student’s tune out), Students do not actively participate in in-class problem solving, Students don’t integrate information from lectures into their project design (fumbling through) Advice from others at FOEE Advice on incorporating multimedia into recorded lectures Tips on in-class activities to get students engaged in the material Input/advice on improvement to documenting impact – Other assessment methods, tools for documentation, Advice on scale-up

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