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1 GEOINT Standards Working Group. 2 Inaugurated January 2005 Goals Advance GEOINT interoperability across the National System for Geospatial Intelligence.

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1 1 GEOINT Standards Working Group

2 2 Inaugurated January 2005 Goals Advance GEOINT interoperability across the National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) by mandating relevant standards using the DISR Advocate other standards relevant to the NSG

3 3 Mission Support the ITSC in development, adoption, and maintenance of GEOINT standards within the DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR) Provide forum for exchange and communication of issues regarding standards requirements, implementation and conformance Recommend GEOINT standards for data, systems, and their interfaces to ensure interoperability with DoD and non-DoD systems

4 4 Functions and Responsibilities GWG is responsible for: Coordinating population of the DISR with GEOINT standards Serving as the community forum for all standardization activities and functions related to GEOINT

5 5 Functions and Responsibilities (cont) GWG will also assist the D/NGA in carrying out responsibilities as Functional Manager for GEOINT standards Sustaining a viable standardization program Prescribing and mandating GEOINT standards Representing the NSG community Pursuing standards that enhance ability to manage and preserve integrity of GEOINT data


7 7 Members Core and Associate GWG members & participants NGA Commands Services DoD Agencies Other Federal Agencies Coalition Partners GIS industry

8 8 Partnerships Defense Standardization Program (DSP) Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) NGA AT&LOSD(I) NII NCGIS OST NTB JCS


10 10 GWG Core Agencies 3 new core agencies added at October 2006 plenary meeting STRATCOM CENTCOM DOE

11 11 Core Member Responsibilities Provide the GWG Chair, the name of the organizational principal and alternate Represent their organizations’ interoperability and acquisition/implementation issues and concerns and provide technical/subject matter experts to support and promote their organization’s position Fully participate in the approval process of GEOINT standards and profiles for the DISR, ensuring timely DISR implementation feedback to the GWG

12 12 DISR and DISRonline Department of Defense Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR) DISRonline

13 13 Department of Defense Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR) Replaces the Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) and is updated three times a year New process that program managers are directed to use to build Technical Views (TVs) Mandates minimum set of IT standards and guidelines for the acquisition of all DoD systems that produce, use or exchange information Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is the executive agent for the DISR

14 14 Definition of DISRonline DISRonline is the Online Tool Serving as a Repository of Information Related to DoD IT and NSS Standards. DISR (the Registry of Prescribed Standards) DoD CIO-Prescribed Standards Profiles Mandated for Use Across DoD (e.g., IPv6, GIG KIPs) Non-Mandated Reference Information Provided for Use by the Acquisition Community  Emerging Standards  Inactive / Retired Standards  Mission Area and Domain Standards Profiles  Technology Standards Profiles  Program System Profiles (Technical Standards View, or TV)  Interfaces to Analysis Tools and Related Repositories (e.g., DARS, JCPAT-E)  Software to Assist in Building Standards Profiles

15 15 DISR GEOINT Standards Updates The DISR has been updated twice since the last GWG Plenary meeting in Feb 2006 Handout – GEOINT Standards in DISR 06-2.0 Pocket Guide, 27 Jun 2006 contains the current list of mandated and emerging GEOINT standards in DISR Next DISR update (06-3.0) Will be available at the end of Oct 2006 Includes the standards change requests voted upon by GWG Core Members on 16 Aug 2006

16 16 DISR – Looking Ahead DISR 07-1.0 GWG Core member voting meeting 11 Jan 2007 Focus Groups complete standards Change Requests by 10 Dec 2006 Next GWG Plenary May 2007 GWG Charter and SOP Annual review/update

17 17 Mandated Motion Imagery Standard ITU-T H.264, 2005 – Advanced Video Coding for Generic Audio Visual Services  The better compression afforded by H.264 should make it practical to stream live Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) video to a much greater variety of tactical users as well as to transmit higher resolution motion imagery to image analysts DISR 06-1.1Highlights

18 18 Mandated Motion Imagery Standard MISB RECOMMENDED PRACTICE 0106, v 1.0, - MISB Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Profile for Aerial Surveillance and Photogrammetry Applications (ASPA)  Application areas include: media archive systems, media dissemination systems, MULTI- INT fusion/reporting systems and exploitation systems DISR 06-1.1Highlights

19 19 DISR 06-1.1Highlights Mandated Geospatial Standards – Three from the suite of standards developed by ISO TC211 to support acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing, presenting and transferring geographic information in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations: – ISO 19123:2005 Geographic information - Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO 19109:2005 Geographic information - Rules for application schema ISO 19135:2005 Geographic information - Procedures for item registration

20 20 DISR 06-1.1Highlights Emerging Dictionary National System for Geospatial-Intelligence (NSG) Feature Data Dictionary (NFDD)  The register-based and web-enabled NFDD is one of a family of standards developed by NGA to support acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing, presenting and transferring geospatial information in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations

21 21 Emerging Catalog NSG Feature Catalog (NSG FC)  Successor to the NIMA Profile (US National extensions) of the DGIWG Feature and Attribute Coding Catalog (FACC)  A logical feature data model from which one or more logical data models can be derived. It specifies the relationships btwn the feature info concepts used (geometries, attributes, data types, associations, metadata and management info).  Draws feature and attribute concepts from the NFDD DISR 06-1.1Highlights

22 22 Mandated Standards ISO/IEC 15444-9:2005 (JPEG Part 9)– Information technology -- JPEG 2000 image coding system: Interactivity tools, APIs and protocols (JPIP)  Defines a protocol for the interactive delivery of JPEG 2000 compressed imagery and Motion JPEG 2000 compressed video. It enables the dissemination of large imagery over low- bandwidth communications. BPCGM01.00 - BIIF Profile for Computer Graphics Metafile, Version 01.00, 30 June 2004.  Widely implemented by a variety of systems (data production, dissemination, library/archive, exploitation work stations) supporting the National Imagery Transmission Format Standard (NITFS) and NATO Secondary Imagery Format suite of standards DISR 06-2.0 Highlights

23 23 Mandated Standard MIL-STD-2500C - National Imagery Transmission Format (Version 2.1) for the National Imagery Transmission Format Standard, 01 May 2006  NITFS is the common thread of interoperability for the formatting, imagery library storage and cataloging, dissemination, and exploitation of National Technical Means, Tactical Airborne, and Commercial imaging sources  Replaces MIL-STD-2500B(2) DISR 06-2.0 Highlights

24 24 Emerging Standard AIXM version 4.5, Sept 2005 - Aeronautical Information Exchange Model  Applicable to the development of systems that have requirements to exchange aeronautical data DISR 06-2.0 Highlights

25 25 Emerging Standard STDI-0006 - National Imagery Transmission Format (NITF) Version 2.1 Commercial Dataset Requirements Document (NCDRD), 16 February 2006  An Implementation Profile providing standardized requirements for imagery production and exchange from Commercial Data Providers of over-head imagery in NITF format, to include JPEG 2000 image compression DISR 06-2.0 Highlights

26 26 GWG General Session 25 October 2006 Outgoing GWG Chair Karen Irby Incoming GWG Chair Mark DeMulder, Director, NCGIS

27 27 GWG - COI “Communities of Interest (COI) is the inclusive term used to describe collaborative groups of users who must exchange information in pursuit of their shared goals, interests, missions, or business processes and who therefore must have a shared vocabulary for the information they exchange” From the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy, DoD CIO

28 28 GWG - COI GEOINT Standards COI Established 6 September 2006

29 29 Standards Purchase NGA MOA with INCITS Purchase standards for GWG use 35 licences 50 standards 3-year agreement, 2-year renewal option Read-only access Status: NGA legal review

30 30 Compliance/Conformance Testing High-priority for NCGIS Program Agenda topic for next GWG Plenary

31 31 DGIWG FACC Digital Geospatial Information Working Group DGIWG Feature Attribute Coding Catalog FACC No longer supported standard by DGIWG or any other organization Officially retired July 2006 Was the basis for the development of the DGIWG Feature Data Dictionary (DFDD), with major modifications

32 32 FACC Recommendation Keep FACC DISR status as Mandated Sunset Support Legacy/Heritage systems across NSG in current products for several years in the future

33 33 GEOTIFF Action to document a common GeoTIFF implementation profile GWG activity to initiate documentation standardized use of GeoTIFF within the NSG that also supports the civil sector GWG Actions: 1. Identify known GeoTIFF implementation profiles to consider for adoption 2. Identify known standards organizations actively working GeoTIFF implementation profiles 3. Coordinate with organizations with GeoTIFF interests

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