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Geography of Religion In the sixteenth century By Chris Harrison.

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1 Geography of Religion In the sixteenth century By Chris Harrison

2 Introduction

3 Lutheranism Founded by Martin Luther Opposed many catholic practices Caused a break in the peace Reason for the pink in the Holy Roman Empire is because Luther was in Germany

4 Calvinism Started during the time of Luther’s preaching Took many of Luther’s ideas and made even more changes Was a more pure form of Christianity Followed strict rules out of the bible Some radicals caused conflict in the name of the religion Represented as Rust on the map, concentrated in Geneva

5 Catholicism Also went through change to combat Luther’s statements Majority of countries were Roman Catholic because of King Charles V’s rule Fought against Luther to stop the rise of Protestantism in his country, but failed leading to the treaty that made the division of religion in the Holy Roman Empire Represented as Orange on the map

6 Church of England England adopted Lutheran faith Shift occurred to improve country rule and move away from papal rule King Henry VIII made the initial shift Queen Elizabeth would later make changes to solidify the hybrid catholic/Lutheran faith Represented as Green

7 Conclusion Was full of major change for Christianity Lead directly into religious conflict in following centuries Sources: Cole Joshua, and Symes Carol. “Western Civilizations”. New York: W. W. Norton&Company, Incorporated, 2013. Print. Harrison, Christian. “Geography of History” 2016. Web.

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