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Social Media & Employee Engagement January 16, 2014 Presented by: Jason Therrien.

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Presentation on theme: "Social Media & Employee Engagement January 16, 2014 Presented by: Jason Therrien."— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Media & Employee Engagement January 16, 2014 Presented by: Jason Therrien

2 agenda generation c the audit reputation management social engagement social integration lending a hand with recruitment social media policies

3 who is this guy? @jasontherrien

4 thunder:: who?

5 generation C Connected all ages media consumption changes Movement from a knowledge economy to a social one


7 #headsdown culture

8 Content Touch Points 2009

9 Content Touch Points 2013

10 Decision making path: New Model Initial Consideration Purchase Post purchase Experience Ongoing Exposure Active Evaluating Information gathering, shopping

11 the audit brand executives recruiters thought leaders internal influencers

12 reputation management your audit ability to listen working with social, web, search internal owners the importance of engagement as a proactive approach

13 listen

14 Sales R&D Marketing HR Accounting Operation s Shipping Customer Service Legal Communications Manufacturing

15 engage or wither COPE sometimes it takes a culture shift physically show engagement capture your culture visually in order to share show the numbers supply your executives, thought leaders & influencers content


17 but! think about delivery

18 What do you want to look at?


20 engagement takes many forms




24 social engagement advantages instant measurement & success tracking utility speed iteration

25 social engagement tactics cause marketing recognition visualize the culture create an editorial calendar consider a hashtag

26 integrate don’t make it an afterthought support all internal engagement initiatives with social media

27 lend us a hand! recruitment through a lending hand are employees, teams, departments encouraged to share opportunities? if they're not following / given a reason to follow, then it’s harder get them during the onboarding to bake it into the culture

28 social media policy who’s looked at it in the last quarter? guardrails heads-down generation

29 if I were in your shoes conduct an audit stake your internal claim in reputation management engagement with everything! integrate & don‘t let it be an afterthought crowdsource your recruitment efforts revisit your social media policies

30 questions, comments, jokes or riddles? Jason Therrien @jasontherrien @thundertech

31 Social learning Authenticity< is the voice real? Support a hashtag (insta & twitter) Social media policy quote: 17511756 17511756 Look up blue chip brands on twitter - starbucks, Start with engagement section? Uniqueness of your culture

32 Employee engagement ROI

33 If H&R Block can do it Mobilized 90,000 tax professionals

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