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Source:  When did Turkey begin negotiations to enter the European Union? What is the concern over Turkey’s cultural differences? What role.

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2 Source:

3  When did Turkey begin negotiations to enter the European Union? What is the concern over Turkey’s cultural differences? What role does the country of Cyprus have in this negotiation? What are the population issues involved in this situation? Do you think Turkey should become part of the European Union? Explain your answer.

4 European Union

5  Importance:  This area of the world has had the greatest influence on the US and has shaped our nation’s character, institutions and values.

6  2 nd smallest continent (Europe)  Regions:  1. Western Europe  2. Eastern Europe  3. Commonwealth of Independent States [CIS] (former Soviet Union)

7 Western Europe Eastern Europe Russia & CIS

8 Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

9  3 rd most populous continent (583 million)  largest population – Germany (82.2m)  smallest pop. – Vatican City (1,000)  75% Urban  Density – 98.2

10 London, England


12 Paris, France


14 Vatican City

15  Over 35 languages spoken in Europe.  Every major religion is represented but the dominant religions are Catholic and Protestant (Christianity).

16  Many western European countries have some of the highest standards of living.  Over 160 separate ethnic groups (has led to many conflicts – Yugoslavia, Northern Ireland, Russia, etc.)

17 St. Basil’s Cathedral, Moscow, Russia

18 Red Square, Moscow

19 St. Petersburg, Russia

20 Aral Sea, Kazakhstan

21 Reindeer herding, Russia

22  Alliance of European nations that works for economic and political unity.  Common currency - Euro

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