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The Age of Reason Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine Patrick Henry.

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1 The Age of Reason Ben Franklin Thomas Jefferson Thomas Paine Patrick Henry

2 The Age of Reason 1750-1820, aka. The Enlightenment The Enlightenment The Augustan Age The Augustan Age The Neoclassical Period The Neoclassical Period

3 What is the Enlightenment or the Age of Reason? A period in the 18th century noted for belief in the ability of reason to discover truth, shape society, and shed “light” onto the darkness of ignorance, superstition, injustice, and tyranny A period in the 18th century noted for belief in the ability of reason to discover truth, shape society, and shed “light” onto the darkness of ignorance, superstition, injustice, and tyranny

4 What are some beliefs concerning Enlightenment or The Age of Reason? People could discover the truth about the meaning of life by “REASON” alone. People could discover the truth about the meaning of life by “REASON” alone. The natural world, human nature, and social institutions are governed by universal laws. The natural world, human nature, and social institutions are governed by universal laws. All men are created equal and are endowed with certain natural rights. All men are created equal and are endowed with certain natural rights. Governments exist only by the consent of the governed, who are justified in rebelling if their natural rights are violated. Governments exist only by the consent of the governed, who are justified in rebelling if their natural rights are violated. JUST SAY NO TO MONARCHY!

5 America and The Age of Reason Many Americans expressed their thoughts and feelings in newspapers of the time. Many Americans expressed their thoughts and feelings in newspapers of the time. They wrote poems, songs, and essays on the issues of the day –mainly about the problems with the British government. They wrote poems, songs, and essays on the issues of the day –mainly about the problems with the British government. These essays, poems, etc. were printed up in “broadsides” – sheets of paper covered with these anonymous writings, which were then tacked up around the city. These essays, poems, etc. were printed up in “broadsides” – sheets of paper covered with these anonymous writings, which were then tacked up around the city. This was one way that the idea of the Revolution was spread in America during the 1770’s. This was one way that the idea of the Revolution was spread in America during the 1770’s.

6 Puritans vs. the Age of Reason By the end of the 1700s, the Puritan influence on America began to wane. By the end of the 1700s, the Puritan influence on America began to wane. Spurred by the work of many seventeenth-century thinkers—scientists such as Galileo and Newton, philosophers like Voltaire and Rousseau, and political theorist John Locke—the writers and thinkers of the Enlightenment valued reason over faith. Spurred by the work of many seventeenth-century thinkers—scientists such as Galileo and Newton, philosophers like Voltaire and Rousseau, and political theorist John Locke—the writers and thinkers of the Enlightenment valued reason over faith. Unlike the Puritans, they had little interest in the hereafter, believing instead in the power of reason and science to further human progress. Unlike the Puritans, they had little interest in the hereafter, believing instead in the power of reason and science to further human progress. They saw the universe as an orderly system that, with the application of reason and scientific laws, could be understood. They saw the universe as an orderly system that, with the application of reason and scientific laws, could be understood.

7 Enlightenment thinkers de- emphasized “grace” and “pre- destination” in favor of “moral choice” and scientific inquiry. Enlightenment thinkers de- emphasized “grace” and “pre- destination” in favor of “moral choice” and scientific inquiry. They believed that people are by nature good, not evil, and that through virtuous thoughts and behaviors one could achieve “human perfection” They believed that people are by nature good, not evil, and that through virtuous thoughts and behaviors one could achieve “human perfection” In contrast to the private soul- searching of the Puritans, much of what was produced during the Revolutionary period was public writing. In contrast to the private soul- searching of the Puritans, much of what was produced during the Revolutionary period was public writing.

8 Deism Many enlightenment thinkers (including Jefferson and Franklin) called themselves “Deists” Many enlightenment thinkers (including Jefferson and Franklin) called themselves “Deists” Deists believed in one God, but found fault with organized religion and did not believe in supernatural events such as miracles, the inerrancy of scriptures, or the Trinity. Deists believed in one God, but found fault with organized religion and did not believe in supernatural events such as miracles, the inerrancy of scriptures, or the Trinity. They believed that through reason and observation of the natural world, Man can deduce the existence of a supreme being, rather than because of what the Bible says. They believed that through reason and observation of the natural world, Man can deduce the existence of a supreme being, rather than because of what the Bible says. Deists thought that a harmonious universe proves the beneficence of God, a very different view from the “fire and brimstone” preaching of many Puritans. Deists thought that a harmonious universe proves the beneficence of God, a very different view from the “fire and brimstone” preaching of many Puritans.

9 John Locke’s Tabula Rasa Deists also believed humankind is naturally good, not inherently evil; they believed in “tabula rasa.” Deists also believed humankind is naturally good, not inherently evil; they believed in “tabula rasa.” Tabula rasa was the theory that the (human) mind is at birth a "blank slate" without rules for processing data, and that data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's sensory experiences (ie. nurture over nature). Tabula rasa was the theory that the (human) mind is at birth a "blank slate" without rules for processing data, and that data is added and rules for processing are formed solely by one's sensory experiences (ie. nurture over nature). Locke’s theory also emphasized the freedom of individuals to author their own soul and to define the content of their character. Locke’s theory also emphasized the freedom of individuals to author their own soul and to define the content of their character.

10 Alexander Pope “Know then thyself, presume not God to scan/ The proper study of mankind is man.”

11 Literary Forms of the Age of Reason Biographies/Autobiographies/Histories Government Documents/Almanacs Newspapers/Pamphlets Some Poetry Speeches Some Fiction Captivity Narratives The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Declaration of Independence Common Sense/ The Crisis Poetry of Philip Freneau and Phillis Wheatly Speech at the Virginia Convention

12 LITERARY CHARACTERISTICS Emphasis on logic and rational thought, not emotions Emphasis on the social/good of the community, not the individual Presence of numerous classical allusions Use of satire Use of elevated diction and decorous language Formal style that adhered to set rhyme schemes, such as couplets Two-dimensional characters or stock types that represent a class or vice Novels in various forms, including picaresque, gothic, captivity narratives, and novels of manners

13 Key Authors Benjamin Franklin Thomas Paine Patrick Henry Thomas Jefferson

14 Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) Benjamin Franklin was the embodiment of the American Dream; came from poverty to achieve fame and fortune America’s first millionaire He was an inventor, scientist, statesman, printer, philosopher, diplomat, and writer He invented bifocals, the Franklin stove, the rocking chair, the lightning rod, the odometer He established the first public library, the first fire company, and the first fire insurance company

15 “Benjamin Franklin Drawing Down Electricity from the Sky” Down Electricity from the Sky” (Benjamin West, ca. 1816) (Benjamin West, ca. 1816)

16 Poor Richard’s Almanack offering a mixture of seasonal weather forecasts, practical household hints, puzzles, and other amusements A yearly almanac Franklin published from 1732-1758 offering a mixture of seasonal weather forecasts, practical household hints, puzzles, and other amusements Print runs reached 10,000 copies per year Contained many aphorisms: short pointed statements that express a wide or clever observation about the human experience Example: “A Penny Saved is a Penny earned.” Example: “A Penny Saved is a Penny earned.”




20 Thomas Paine “Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it.” Author of some of the most persuasive texts of the American Revolution, including Common Sense and The Crisis. Author of some of the most persuasive texts of the American Revolution, including Common Sense and The Crisis. He used “plain-style” language in an attempt to engage people of all classes in the struggle for American independence and for a rejection of government based on hereditary monarchy. He used “plain-style” language in an attempt to engage people of all classes in the struggle for American independence and for a rejection of government based on hereditary monarchy. His pamphlets helped to bolster the sagging spirits of the ill-fitted troops and firm the resolve of an occasionally diffident population. His pamphlets helped to bolster the sagging spirits of the ill-fitted troops and firm the resolve of an occasionally diffident population.

21 The Crisis, by Thomas Paine December 23, 1776 “THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”

22 Patrick Henry (1736-1799) A lawyer and a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses First governor of Virginia under the new constitution; held position for five terms Also a well know orator (speaker)

23 Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Second Virginia Convention” Delivered in 1775 in Richmond, Virginia Urged fellow Virginians to take up arms in self-defense Closed his appeal with the immortal words: "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death."


25 Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) A lawyer before entering politics Served as the 3 rd president of the United States for two terms Created separation of church and state Believed that all men are created equal and that slavery was a war on humanity (yet he owned slaves) Designed the University of Virginia and his own personal residence Monticello in Virginia Died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence (the same day as John Adams).

26 Declaration of Independence Drafted by Thomas Jefferson People had the right to “alter or abolish unjust governments.” Supported popular sovereignty All government power comes from the people King had trampled the people’s natural rights Colonists now had the right to rebel

27 The Declaration of Independence (1776) “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

28 John Trumbull (1756 –1843): Declaration of Independence (1817)

29 The Apotheosis of Washington by Constantino Brumidi (1865)

30 Washington is seated between Liberty and Victory/Fame; a rainbow arches at his feet, and 13 maidens representing the original 13 colonies surround them

31 “Out of many, one.”

32 War, with Armed Freedom and the eagle defeating Tyranny and Kingly Power

33 Science, with Minerva teaching Benjamin Franklin, Robert Fulton, and Samuel Morse

34 Commerce, with Mercury handing a bag of money to Robert Morris, financier of the American Revolution

35 Marine, with Neptune holding the trident and Venus holding the transatlantic cable, which was being laid at the time the fresco was being painted

36 Argriculture, with Ceres seated on the McCormick Reaper, accompanied by America in the red liberty cap and Flora picking flowers

37 Mechanics, with Vulcan at the anvil and forge, producing a cannon and a steam engine

38 Philip Freneau (1752-1832): “Father of American Poetry” Poet of American Independence Provided incentive and inspiration to the revolution by writing such poems as "The Rising Glory of America" (1771) First American poet to write about the Indians: “The Indian Burying Ground” (1788) and “The Dying Indian” (1784) Also wrote anti-slavery poetry: “To Sir Toby” (1792)

39 On the Death of Dr. Benjamin Franklin Thus, some tall tree that long hath stood The glory of its native wood, By storms destroyed, or length of years, Demands the tribute of our tears. The pile, that took long time to raise, To dust returns by slow decays: But, when its destined years are o'er, We must regret the loss the more. So long accustomed to your aid, The world laments your exit made; So long befriended by your art, Philosopher, 'tis hard to part!-- When monarchs tumble to the ground, Successors easily are found: But, matchless FRANKLIN! what a few Can hope to rival such as YOU, Who seized from kings their sceptered pride, And turned the lightning darts aside.

40 Phillis Wheatley On Being Brought from Africa to America 'Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land, Taught my benighted soul to understand That there's a God, that there's a Saviour too: Once I redemption neither sought nor knew. Some view our sable race with scornful eye, Their colour is a diabolic die. Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain, May be refin'd and join th'angelic train. (1773) ‘The first African-American to print a book (of poetry)’

41  Emphasis on rationality  Emphasis on tradition  Religious dogma  Scientific inquiry  Representative government  Inherited monarchy  Benjamin Franklin  Jonathan Edwards  Anne Bradstreet  Philip Freneau  Puritanism  Neoclassicalism  Moral perfectability  Human depravity  17 th century  18 th century  Sermons  Newspapers  Public writings  Private soul-searching Quick Review: Which of the following apply to the Age of Reason?

42 Emphasis on rationality Emphasis on rationality  Emphasis on tradition  Religious dogma Scientific inquiry Scientific inquiry Representative government Representative government  Inherited monarchy Benjamin Franklin Benjamin Franklin  Jonathan Edwards  Anne Bradstreet Philip Freneau Philip Freneau  Puritanism Neoclassicalism Neoclassicalism Moral perfectability Moral perfectability  Human depravity  17 th century 18 th century 18 th century  Sermons Newspapers Newspapers Public writings Public writings  Private soul-searching

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