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The Times 100 Business Case Studies Edition 16 Using promotion to campaign for public services.

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1 The Times 100 Business Case Studies Edition 16 Using promotion to campaign for public services

2 Introduction to UNISON Britain and Europe’s largest trade union More than 1.3 million members Working in public services, e.g. NHS, police, schools Focuses on key issues, e.g. equal pay, safety, poverty, discrimination and fair trade Addressing the challenge of public sector spending cuts UNISON roles include  Protection and promotion of public services  Representation between employees and employers  Negotiation e.g. on terms and conditions  Collective bargaining e.g. on pay increases  Communication to members and the wider public through campaigning/lobbying

3 SMART objectives Provide clear and measurable outcomes for promotional campaigns  Specific  Measurable -  Achievable  Relevant  Time-framed For example:  UNISON aims to increase membership to 1.5 million members by July 2013

4 Million Voices campaign Launched July 2009 to respond to proposed public sector funding cuts Aims to bring together different public sector activities under one umbrella Highlights important and relevant messages for public and members Creates pressure to recognise impact of cuts Encourage people to show support or join a union

5 Promotion Promotion is more than just advertising UNISON’s activities designed to:  Attract attention  Stimulate interest – to get involved with the campaign  Create desire – to make a difference  Encourage action – by signing up

6 Above-the-line Traditionally uses mass media  e.g. TV, radio, press or cinema advertising Often expensive but reaches wide audience quickly UNISON set up sequence of advertising - TV, newspaper and online  Campaign film showing affects of cuts  Film to recruit members shown on Direct Response TV Enabled UNISON to measure response  Online and newspaper adverts link to campaign website People could register support and add comments direct

7 Below-the-line Activities within organisation’s control and which reach consumers more directly Public relations generate interest and publicity  Melting ice sculptures of public service jobs  Press releases and news slots to inform the public  Direct marketing e.g. leaflets and flyers for different audiences  Internet – using videos on YouTube and pages on social networking sites e.g. Facebook  Events e.g. a protest march to London, rallies in town centres  Face-to-face communication with members by branch officers

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