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Do Now: Mix it up! Sit next to new colleagues today. Exchange ideas with new thought partners. AND: Please boot up computer (or take out paper & pen).

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Mix it up! Sit next to new colleagues today. Exchange ideas with new thought partners. AND: Please boot up computer (or take out paper & pen)."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Mix it up! Sit next to new colleagues today. Exchange ideas with new thought partners. AND: Please boot up computer (or take out paper & pen).

2 SCHOOL INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP T-330 February 17, 2016 Class 16: Using Supervision and Evaluation for Instructional Improvement

3 Think of a supervisor/leader who helped you become more effective in your work. (or had a positive impact on you) What are 3 descriptive words for that experience? Think of a supervisor/leader who did not help you become more effective. (or had a negative impact on you) What are 3 descriptive words for that experience? What 3 words do you want teachers to use to describe YOU and your supervision?

4 Components of Coaching for Instructional Improvement Pre-observation conference Observation Collecting data to share Post-observation conference What approach? Follow-up

5 Learning Targets I can explain a theory of action connecting my supervision to improved student learning. I can design and implement an instructional coaching session that improves teaching and learning.

6 Agenda Theory of action of how supervision leads to improved teaching and learning Apply to a classroom example Preview next week Plus/Delta

7 Themes from last week’s questions Can an evaluator coach? Direct teaching vs. constructivist approach Should we directly tell what to do? Should we ask questions that prompt reflection? Teaching-centered (from rubric) VS. learning-centered (from student outcomes) Changing mindsets vs. changing behaviors How do you prioritize what teacher should work on? What are some models to learn from?

8 Where would you place Bambrick-Santoyo’s approach? Each of the 3 Cs? Under what conditions would you be in any quadrant? Explicit Direction Constructivist Approach Learning-centeredTeaching-centered Where would you place your typical practice? Where would you like to be?

9 School leader’s role in instructional coaching What is your theory of action about how supervision leads to increased student learning? IF I …. THEN teachers will ….. and THEN students will learn more.  How will you know if your theory is working?

10 School leader’s role in instructional coaching IF I deliberately cultivate habits of thinking: regularly use a set of questions such as “What was your learning objective? How do you know whether students met it? What will you do with students who didn’t meet it?” consistently ask teachers to analyze student work & I conduct observations frequently Once/month for most Once/week for new and struggling & I help a teacher identify areas for growth and ways to measure it, Regularly check in on this growth Record growth &… THEN teachers will independently and in an ongoing way use habits of reflection to: Analyze student work to assess the effectiveness of a lesson, Anticipate the need to check for understanding in each lesson, etc. & teachers will see that with effort, their practice improves, they’ll develop a growth mindset &…

11 School leader’s role in instructional coaching What is your theory of action about how supervision leads to increased student learning? IF I …. THEN teachers will ….. and THEN students will learn more.  How will you know if your theory is working?

12 Components of Coaching for Instructional Improvement Pre-observation conference Observation Collecting data to share Post-observation conference What approach? Follow-up

13 Observing and Analyzing the Task What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson? What is the actual work that students are being asked to do? What is the actual product of the task? What is the distribution of performance among students in the class on the task?  What are the implications for what and how you observe?

14 Video link

15 Role Play Groups of 3  Designate timekeeper Role play Each round: Person role-playing the principal tells what s/he wants feedback on 5-6 min role play between teacher and principal Debrief: each person shares feedback (5-6 min total) What was effective? (What will help the teacher improve?) What questions did the conference raise for you? How could it be even more effective? Next round (rotate to new person as principal) If time, reflect on insights/questions about feedback

16 Small groups + facilitators Alley Brandon Nick Thaddeus Andy G Rachel H Madeline Tremain George Justin R Aleesha Chris Rachel B Michael C Katie Liz Karla Justin M Mike R Maria Andrew S Alex Matt Maritza Sam Rachel A Jeanie Jim Kristie Lorena Jen Michael S Marques Ryon Mary

17 Matt, Justin R, Mike R Madeline, Sam, Nick Marques, Tremain, Brandon Andrew S, Justin M, Maria Aleesha, Andy G, Maritza Jeanie, George, Chris Mary, Kristie, Katie Thaddeus, Karla, Liz Michael C, Rachel H, Jen Lorena, Rachel A, Jim Ryon, Alley, Michael S

18 Add groups and rooms here Matt, Justin R, Mike R Madeline, Sam, Nick Marques, Tremain, Brandon Andrew S, Justin M, Maria Aleesha, Andy G, Maritza Jeanie, George, Chris Mary, Kristie, Katie Thaddeus, Karla, Liz Michael C, Rachel H, Jen Lorena, Rachel A, Jim Ryon, Alley, Michael S 214 203 Larsen 513, Larsen 402, Larsen 709, Larsen 615, and Larsen 710

19 Role Play

20 Preview next class ALERT: in 2 weeks, bring video of you and teacher at post- observations conference Who would like to share an approach to supervising/coaching for improvement next week? Fiarman, S. (2015) Becoming a School Principal: Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn. (iPac) Strengthening Teacher Evaluation: Taking Action to Improve Ineffective Instruction. (The Skillful Leader III) Optional further reading: Professional Learning Pack on Instructional Coaching from EL Schools: (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)

21 PlusDelta

22 SLP 2016 Norms We collaborate and build a community of respect. We value vulnerability and truths over comfort. We trust each other and assume positive intentions. We expect and seek feedback.

23 Supervision vs. Coaching Coach Supervis ion goal: increased student learningYY tied to overall school improvement goals YM deliberate structure and overall system YY occurs in cyclesYM requires trustYY tied to other improvement efforts (team, curriculum, SIP, etc.) YM grounded in dataYY rooted in theories of adult development YY may be tied to PIPYY can lead to dismissal NY

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