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Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. UMPIRE TRAINING PROGRAM.

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1 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. UMPIRE TRAINING PROGRAM

2 . Jon Christian, Administrator Post Office Box 3171 Montgomery, Alabama 36109 Home: 334-369-6415 Office: 334-260-9174 Cell: 334-315-6950 Email: Kirk Mayfield, State Umpire In Chief 2531 County Road 131 Marbury, Alabama 36051 Home: 334-569-1125 Cell: 334-414-3819 Email: Ken Boster, Deputy State Director 1628 Woodview Dr. SW Hartselle, Alabama 35640 Work: 256-260-2710 Cell: 256-214-2710 Email:

3 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL UMPIRE TRAINING MANUAL The purpose for this Umpire Manual is to provide Alabama Dixie Youth Umpires a tool to use so that all Umpires in the state will be “on the same page” when calling in regular season or tournament games. Training Materials: Each umpire completing a UTP Class will receive the following: Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Training Manual One (1) Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Umpire Patch Dixie Youth Baseball Rule Book Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball Umpire Card Insurance Coverage of $1,000,000 Personal Liability and $25,000 Additional Medical Costs: The cost of attending a UTP Class will be $25.00 ARTICLE XII- ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH TOURNAMENT UMPIRES: (A)To be eligible to umpire in any sanctioned Alabama AA, AAA, Major or O-Zone Dixie Youth Tournament at any level the umpire must attend the Alabama Dixie Youth Umpire Training Program (UTP) each year.

4 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL Prerequisites For Good Umpiring All baseball umpires should be physically fit. Decisions must be made positively and with good timing. Good umpiring is dependent, to a large extent, upon a complete knowledge and understanding of the rules. Proper umpiring mechanics are essential in attaining the best coverage. An umpire must totally ignore remarks from the crowd or spectators. An umpire must be loyal to his co-workers. The efficient umpire will not “showboat”. Umpires must be courteous to players, coaches and fans. The successful umpire must hustle and must be alert. The judgment necessary in making a decision is acquired through experience. Umpires working together must have a mutual respect. Umpires must make a conscientious effort not to infringe on the duties and responsibilities of each other.

5 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball UMPIRE EQUIPMENT & DRESS CODE MASK............................Umpires will furnish their own masks. A throat protector of hard plastic may be attached to the mask. CHEST PROTECTOR……..Umpire will furnish their own inside chest protector. SHIN GUARDS……………..Must be worn inside pants leg. INDICATORS……………….Each plate umpire should use a ball/strike indicator. At least one base umpire should carry an indicator. PLATE BRUSH……………..The plate umpire must carry a plate brush to use in cleaning the plate. BALL BAGS………………….Navy, gray or black in color. No multi-colored ball bags allowed. Ball bags are to be worn by plate umpire only. Plate umpire may wear one or two ball bags as long as both are same color. FLAGS (AAA/Majors)….Yellow or red in color. Please bring your own flags. Flags should be kept in pocket with no visibility.

6 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball UMPIRE EQUIPMENT & DRESS CODE PROTECTIVE CUP……….All male umpires should wear a protective cup. Female umpires should select accordingly. HATS…………………………Umpires should furnish their own plate hat and base hat. Hats must be black or navy in color. Only authorized emblems, symbols, numbers, names, letters or insignias will be allowed on the hat. If the tournament host provides a base hat, it shall be worn on the bases. Hats are to be worn bill forward. NO VISORS. SHIRTS……………………….Navy (red and blue trim), red (navy and blue trim). All shirts must be MLB pull-over style. All shirts must have the Alabama Dixie Youth Umpire patch on the left shirt pocket. NO OTHER NUMBERS OR MARKINGS FROM ANY OTHER ASSOCIATION OR ORGANIZATION WILL BE ALLOWED. All umpires on the same field must wear the same color and style shirt. Shirt tails are to be tucked in. TEE SHIRTS………………..Navy or red.

7 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball UMPIRE EQUIPMENT & DRESS CODE PANTS……………………….Gray in color that fit properly and are clean and pressed. Pants shall have belt loops and a belt shall be worn. NO SHORTS. BELT………………………….All belts shall be black in color. SHOES……………………….Black in color. (some white striping will be allowed). NO METAL CLEATS! It is recommended that the plate umpire wear plate shoes. Black shoe strings. SOCKS……………………….Black or navy in color.

8 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL Pre-game check list Arrive 30 minutes early. Walk over field with partner(s). Discuss mechanics and field coverage. – Rotation – Foul Line Coverage – Check Swing – Umpire/ Coach Conference – Fly Ball Coverage – Substitutions – Protest Review Base Awards. Review Balk Rule and Awards (O-Zone). Discuss Pre-Game Conference Items. – Player Legally Equipped/ Jewelry. – Safety Rules – Slide Rule – Cell Phones – Dugouts – Ground Rules

9 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL PRE-GAME CONFERENCE No team practice during the pre-game conference. Pre-game conference MUST include BOTH Team Managers and ALL of the umpires. Introduce yourself and partners to managers. Discuss any ground rules. Ask managers if their players are properly equipped. Remind managers that players are not allowed to wear jewelry at any time. Exception: Medical or religious tags/medallions, if secured by tape. Discuss sportsmanship. No cell phones or personal electronic communication equipment on the playing field or in the dugout, excluding any carried by those required to do so by their profession. Players, coaches and managers inside dugout. Managers and coaches must wear caps when outside the dugout. No visors. Remind managers of slide rule. Discuss head first slide and fake bunting/wiggling of bat. Remind managers that judgment calls cannot be protested and that the MANAGER is the only one who can request an explanation or protest a call. Ask your partner(s) if they have anything to add. Ask for any questions.

10 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL DO’S and DON’TS The first step to being professional is to look professional, dress neatly. Arrive early. The plate umpire and at least one base umpire should have an indicator. Let players retrieve foul balls and bats. If one umpire signals time out, all umpires should signal time out. Know your rules and signals. Use the proper finger sequence for balls and strikes. Signal after each pitch. Be approachable. Don’t talk to spectators between innings. If problems with spectators arise, allow league officials or tournament director to handle problem. Do not allow a coach to warm up a pitcher. The plate umpire should never make an out call with his mask in his right hand. The plate umpire should never lay their mask on the ground. Do not rush your call – see play – get set – call play. Never touch an injured player. Avoid the appearance of impropriety. Don’t coach. Don’t give hand signs or voice location on ball calls.

11 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL Fifteen Hints for Better Umpiring Relax when you work, enjoy the experience and be willing to laugh at yourself. From arrival at the game site to departure, look the part in dress, demeanor and enthusiasm. Keep your cool at all times. Don’t talk to spectators between innings. Be prepared to handle the unexpected. Work diligently to perfect your timing. Study your rule book. Be teachable and keep your ego in check. Know what to call, when to call it and how to call it. PAUSE-READ-REACT. Make learning your primary goal and never become complacent. Remember: You are never so sure that you can’t miss a call. Do not rush your call. PAUSE-READ-REACT. Know your signals. Never anticipate the outcome. Never assume. Always prepare, concentrate, anticipate and hustle. If you’re not working hard, growing and getting better, you are falling farther behind.

12 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL SAFETY RULES The fake bunt/hit away tactic will not be allowed. Once a batter squares to bunt, he may: Pull the bat back and take the pitch or, Attempt to bunt the ball. A batter may not excessively wiggle the bat in an attempt to distract the pitcher or while attempting to bunt, pull the bat back and swing at the pitch. Penalty:For both fake bunt and excessive wiggling First offense:Warning to offending team’s manager. Second offense in the same game:The offending team’s manager is ejected. Only players wearing a catcher’s mask with helmet and throat-protector will be allowed to warm pitchers up in any “sanctioned” Dixie Youth Tournament. Exception: Hockey style mask with extended throat-protector. No other person, including the managers or coaches, can warm up a pitcher due to the risk of substantial facial injury from deflected balls. Note: It is strongly recommended that local leagues adopt this policy for all practice and regular season play.

13 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball INTERFERENCE AND OBSTRUCTION Interference: Offensive interference is an act by the team at bat which interferes with, obstructs, impedes, hinders or confuses any fielder attempting to make a play. If the umpire declares the batter, batter- runner, or a runner out for interference, all other runners shall return to the last base that was, in the judgment of the umpire, legally touched at the time of interference unless otherwise provided by these rules. On any interference, the ball is DEAD. Obstruction: Is the act of a fielder, who, while not in possession of the ball, or not in the act of fielding the ball, impedes the process of any runner. The ball is DEAD if a play is being made on the runner or if the batter-runner is obstructed before reaching first base. If there is no play being made on an obstructed runner, this is a DELAYED DEAD ball call. When play stops, time is called and penalties, if any, are imposed. APPEALS An appeal must be made while the ball is in play. If a dead ball or time has been called, the ball must be put back in play before an appeal is made. Any appeal must be made before the next pitch, or any play or attempted play. An appeal shall be clearly intended as an appeal, either by verbal request by the player or by an act that unmistakably indicates an appeal to the umpire. If an appeal is to be made on a base runner at the end of an inning, it must be made before the defensive team leaves the playing field (fair territory).

14 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL GENERAL UMPIRING MECHANICS Always keep an umpire ahead of the lead runner. Plate and one other umpire shall carry an indicator. All umpires should carry their plate equipment in case of an emergency. Any umpire may call an Infield fly. The primary responsibility rests with the umpire nearest the fly ball. Do not make this call too quickly. Umpires should wait until the ball reaches its apex (its highest point) before making this decision. Do not run toward the ball. Always get an angle on the play. Never make a call while in motion. On foul balls – use hand signals to kill all play – then voice foul ball. Timing is important. PAUSE – READ – REACT. On safe or out calls avoid making a double call. Always use common sense in fair play. Call what you see – see what you call. Never show up your partner in front of coaches and players. PLATE UMPIRE Follow bunted ball down foul lines. Will catch/no catch on all fly balls and line drives in the infield. With no runners on, rule fair/foul on all balls up to the first base bag and down third base line. (2 man crew) With no runners on, rule fair/foul on all balls up to the first bag base and up to the third base bag. (3 main crew) With runners on, rule fair/foul on all balls down first and third base lines when base umpire is off the line. Signal partner(s) in an infield fly situation or when a two out timing play is possible. Watch every play as if it were your call. Your partner(s) may appeal to you for help and you may also be required to decide on play situations involving rules. Calling “foul” halts all play. This is one call you cannot change.

15 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball PLATE UMPIRE Hustle, get out from behind the plate, and be ready to get in position to make calls. Foul Tip – no voice call – hand signal only. FOUL TIP IS NOT A DEAD BALL! Signal balls with left hand. Signal strikes with right hand. Remove mask with left hand. Stay down on ball calls. Rise up, voice, and signal strike calls. No voice call on swinging strikes. Do not run out of baseballs. Never voice a fair ball – point with appropriate hand. FIELD UMPIRES Move with the pitch (one or two steps), so that when the ball is hit you are ready to move into position to cover any plays for which you are responsible. Always signal partner(s) in an infield fly situation and when a two out time play is possible. Use your head and eyes to keep from having to scurry out of the way of players. Exhibit proper posture at all times. Watch the batter, plate umpire may ask for help on check swings. Kill ball that hits batter immediately. Signal dead ball. Encourage players to hustle on and off the field between innings. Hustle, don’t be lazy.

16 ALABAMA DIXIE YOUTH BASEBALL AA/AAA/Majors and O-Zone Two Man Mechanics The following two man umpiring mechanics are a general guideline for use during regular season play. Veteran umpires may cover some plays differently than the way they are covered here, but these are a good starting point for all umpires. All umpiring crews should have a pre-game with each other to make sure they are on the “same page” during the game. GENERAL MECHANICS: Have fun, learn every time you go out on the field, and promote sportsmanship to everyone involved. Once the ball clears the infield, the base umpire should move into position in the infield. Reminder: If the ball is in, stay out. If the ball is out, come in. Plate umpire will cover all tag-ups with runners on base. Communicate: Let your partner know where you are going during the play. Watch the play develop, hustle to position to make the call, PAUSE-READ-REACT. Always keep an umpire ahead of the lead runner. AA /AAA/Majors: Base umpires starting position will be on outfields side of bases. O­-Zone base umpire starting position will be on infield side of bases. NO RUNNER ON BASE Plate umpire responsibilities: Fair/foul down the third base line and fair/foul up to the first base bag. Fly balls from center fielder to left field line. Line drives and pop-ups in the infield. Follow batter- runner down the first base line. Watch for pulled foot. Batter-runner touch of first base and all other base coverage if base umpire has gone out on fly ball coverage.

17 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball NO RUNNER ON BASE Base umpire responsibilities: Position, A/A Fair/foul from the front edge of first base bag to the foul pole in right field. Fly balls from the center fielder to the right field line. Calls at first base and batter-runner continuing to another base. RUNNER ON FIRST Plate Umpire Responsibilities: Fair down both baselines. Fly ball from the left fielder to the left field line and from the right fielder to the right field line. Line drives and pop-ups in the infield. Cover third base on steal situation. If runner from first goes to third on a hit, the plate umpire covers third base and if play is being made moves into the infield to make call. Base Umpire Responsibilities: Position, E/B Set up between first and second base in E or B position. Fly ball from left center to right center. Responsible for making calls at first and second on ground balls. Set up for calls at second in a steal situation.

18 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball RUNNER ON SECOND Plate Umpire Responsibilities Fair/foul down both baselines. Fly balls from the left fielder to the left field line and right fielder to the right field line. Line drives and pop-ups in the infield. Plate umpire MUST stay at the plate with a runner in scoring position on all base hits. Base Umpire Responsibilities Position, F/C Set up between second and third base in either F or C position. Fly balls from left center field to right center field. Responsible for all calls at first, second and third. RUNNER ON THIRD Plate Umpire Responsibilities Fair/foul down both baselines. Fly balls from the left fielder to the left field line and from the right fielder to the right field line. Line drives and pop-ups in the infield. Plate umpire will have all plays at the plate. Base Umpire Responsibilities Position, F/C Set up between second and third base in either F or C position. Fly balls from left center field to right center field. Responsible for all calls at first, second and third.

19 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball RUNNER ON FIRST AND SECOND Plate Umpire Responsibilities Use the same mechanics as runner on second, except on a caught ball to the outfield responsible for runner at second tagging up and moving to third. Base Umpire Responsibilities Position, F/C Use the same mechanics as runner on second. Responsible for runner at first moving to second on tag up of caught fly ball. RUNNER ON FIRST AND THIRD Plate Umpire Responsibilities Same mechanics as with a runner on first. If runner on third comes home on hit, responsible for runner touching of plate and then play at third on runner coming from first. Base Umpire Responsibilities Position, F/C Use the same mechanics as runner on first.

20 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball RUNNERS ON SECOND AND THIRD Plate Umpire Responsibilities Use the same mechanics as a runner on second. Base Umpire Responsibilities Position, F/C Use the same mechanics as a runner on second. BASES LOADED Plate Umpire Responsibilities Use the same mechanics as a runner on third, except have no coverage of any base. Base Umpire Responsibilities Position, F/C Use the same mechanics as runner on third.

21 Alabama Dixie Youth Baseball

22 Positions and Signals Guide Signals Sequence: Eye to eye contact with partner. Number of outs. Infield fly rule, if applicable. Stay at home, rotating or pointing to responsibilities. *Double tag (runners first and second less than two outs). Timing play with two outs.

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