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Chapter 14-20.  I. Western Europe  Iceland  Norway  Sweden  Finland  Ireland  United Kingdom  Denmark  Netherlands  Belgium  Germany  Luxembourg.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 14-20.  I. Western Europe  Iceland  Norway  Sweden  Finland  Ireland  United Kingdom  Denmark  Netherlands  Belgium  Germany  Luxembourg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 14-20

2  I. Western Europe  Iceland  Norway  Sweden  Finland  Ireland  United Kingdom  Denmark  Netherlands  Belgium  Germany  Luxembourg  France  Switzerland  Austria  Italy  Spain  Portugal  Greece

3   A. Cultural diffusion – peoples adopt the practices of their neighbors  B. Most of Western Europe was occupied by 35,000 B.C.  C. This area was once controlled by both the Greek and the Roman empires  D. Since then, Western Europe has gone through many different time periods  1. Renaissance – “rebirth” – when westerners began to rediscover the knowledge of the ancient Greeks & Romans  2. Industrial Revolution – “growing use of machines” – spread during the 1800s with machine power, factories, etc. I. Western Europe - History

4   E. After 1900, conflicts among the powerful nations in Western Europe caused many wars.  1. World War I: 1914 – 1918  2. World War II: 1939 – 1945 (during which German Nazis killed 6 million Jews & millions more)  3. Cold War: approximately 1947 – 1991 (tense rivalry especially between the USA and Russia) Renaissance Architecture Industrial Revolution Factory

5   A. Stretches from Scandinavian Peninsula (north) to the Iberian Peninsula (south)  B. Nearly every European nation has a coastline, which causes erosion  C. North European Plain has many rivers that have long been beneficial for traveling and trading  D. The Alps, one of the largest mountain chains in the world, runs through Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and France (highest peaks are snow-covered all year) I. Western Europe - Characteristics

6  Sea Stacks in Orkney Islands Rhine (Ryn) River that flows through 5 European countries A village in the Alps

7   A. Tropical waters are carried toward Europe and prevailing westerlies (winds that blow across the warm currents) flow in the temperate zones  B. Mediterranean Climate – warm summers & cool winters  C. Subarctic Climate – mountains along the Scandinavian Peninsula block the winds from the Atlantic creating a very dry, cold, subarctic climate I. Western Europe – Climates

8   A. Western Europe is known for its architecture, art, fashion, and religious institutions  B. Many people migrated to this area for employment opportunities  C. In the 1950s, 6 Western European nations formed a “common market” for their economic benefit  1. as it expanded, it became known as the European Union (EU)  2. in 1999, they introduced a single currency – the Euro – that is now used by all member nations I. Western Europe - Culture

9  Architecture Art Fashion

10  II. Central Europe & Northern Eurasia EEstonia LLatvia LLithuania PPoland BBelarus CCzech Republic SSlovakia UUkraine AAlbania MMacedonia MMoldova RRomania HHungary SSlovenia CCroatia BBosnia & Herzegovina SSerbia & Montenegro BBulgaria RRussia

11   A. After the Huns and Avars invaded the area known today as Russia, the Slavs moved into Eastern Europe  B. When the Roman Catholic & Eastern Orthodox churches separated in 1054, Eastern European countries became divided between the two religions  C. Throughout time, many different empires conquered areas in Eastern Europe  1. Turkish Ottoman Empire conquered southeastern Europe (1500)  2. Austrian Hapsburg emperors gained control of Hungary, Czech lands, and Slovakia by 1526  3. Princes of Moscow became the leaders in Russia by the 1500s and controlled the largest land area in the world II. Central Europe & Northern Eurasia - History

12   D. Late 1800s – Romania, Serbia, and Bulgaria declared independence from Ottomans  E. After WWI – Poland, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary gained independence  F. Russian Revolution of 1917 led to the creation of the Soviet Union (adopted communism – system where the government controlled almost all aspects of political and economic life)  G. After WWII – Soviet Union gained control over most Eastern European countries…kept control until 1989  H. Soviet Union dissolved in 1991 – breaking up into Russia and a number of other smaller nations

13   A. This area includes many mountain ranges, plains, and numerous water sources  B. Danube River – second-longest river in Europe; starts in Germany and empties into the Black Sea in Bulgaria  C. Lake Baikal – Siberia (Russia); world’s deepest lake & largest freshwater lake, holding 20% of world’s fresh water  D. Most of the land in Central Europe & Northern Eurasia is covered in plains II. Central Europe & Northern Eurasia - Characteristics

14   A. There are several different climate regions in this area of the world…it ranges from Mediterranean climate to semi-arid climate to subarctic climate  B. Neva River runs through St. Petersburg, Russia – since it is in the subarctic region, it freezes over in the winter and allows its residents to ice fish  C. The Black Sea provides warm and humid regions which allows the area to have beach resorts II. Central Europe & Northern Eurasia - Climate

15   A. Since the landscape in this area is generally easy to navigate, migration has made most of the region multiethnic – containing many ethnic groups  B. The majority of the people in this area practice the Eastern Orthodox religion – a form of Christianity  C. Since there are many ethnic groups (people who share things like culture, language, and religion), there are many different types of music, dance, food, and dress  D. Since the 1980s, many countries in this region have moved from communist lifestyles to democratic thinking II. Central Europe & Northern Eurasia - Culture

16  Eastern Orthodox Estonian Folk Dance Polish Food

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