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Presentation on theme: "END OF THE YEAR PRESENTATION By Alexander Tucker-Boyd."— Presentation transcript:


2 MY TOP TAKE-AWAYS  Becoming more brave in trying the obstacle courses on the Spring Leadership Retreat than I was at the Fall Retreat.  Laughing so boisterously and hysterically that people are forced to laugh first and ask questions later.  Talking more than I have talked in my entire life to people other than my family.  Making good first impressions on so many people.

3 CAÑADA COLLEGE CAMPUS EVENTS  I chaired Constitution Day  What I learned from Chairing: Politics is unavoidable; politics affects everything we do, so we should always be aware of it.  I was on the committee for Black History Month, Random Acts of Kindness and Star Wars.  What I learned: Creativity, Communication, and Responsibility from helping put together these events. It was challenging and I am glad that I was able to help contribute ideas for the events such as suggesting questions for the Q & A panel, helping to write inspirational messages, and helping set up for the Star Wars event.

4 BIG AND LITTLE  Dominic is my big. Last semester Rupinder was my big. I have not met with either of them formally for the Big and Little meeting.

5 CONFERENCES I ATTENDED AND WHAT I LEARNED  Conferences:  CCCSAA Conference  Fall 2015 Retreat  Spring 2016 Retreat  ASGA Conference  Take-aways: We are all different and we have to figure out what works for all of us in order to work together effectively. It is important to listen to everyone when working with a group. I motivated myself to participate even though some of the activities were so challenging that I did not want to try. It takes a lot of time, effort and regular training in order to become a Student Leader as well as to maintain and improve Student Leadership skills.

6 WHAT I HAVE LEARNED FROM STUDENT SENATE 123 ●How to be recognized by the chair in a meeting before I start talking. ●How to make a motion. ●How to trust others.

7 MY TOP FIVE STRENGTHS 1.Connectedness – I like to learn about the past in order to understand the present. 2.Consistency – I treat people equally. 3.Context – I talk about my memories as a narrative. 4. Empathy – I notice and understand how people are feeling. 5. Harmony – I like to come to agreements with people.

8 CLOSING REMARKS I had fun at the ASGA and CCCSAA Conferences. Those were great bonding experiences. Thank You

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