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Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Review, Update and Recommendation Subgroup 5/14/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Review, Update and Recommendation Subgroup 5/14/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photos by Susie Fitzhugh Bell Times Analysis Task Force Review, Update and Recommendation Subgroup 5/14/2015

2 Review Task Force Charter and Operating Norms, Reflection on Process Status Update on Bell Time Analysis Task Force Reflection on Process Writing the Recommendation: Subgroup Presentation and Small Group Work Consensus Voting Agenda 2

3 3 Be present and punctual (sessions, breaks, small group work) Let others finish what they are saying without being interrupted Show respect for each other’s opinions Be brief and to the point when speaking Agree to disagree Give everyone a chance to speak Build on each other’s ideas Sit next to different people Additional Norms from First Meeting Small Groups or Advisory committees take notes for the public record Make sure we talk about positives as well as negatives Be concise to ensure all people have enough air time and understand issues Have a group process to structure indication of desire to speak (i.e. raising hands, putting cards out) Group Norms

4 4 Article II: Purpose “The primary purpose of the Bell Time Analysis Task Force is to prepare a report to the Superintendent of Schools regarding the impacts, risks and benefits for adjusting bell times for students. The Superintendent will use this report, along with other important data in making recommendations to the School Board for potential changes in the 2016-17 school year. The report should include: A. Analysis of sleep research, operational impacts in other districts and potential impacts to Seattle Public Schools, and recommendations on the options presented to the community for consideration (including minority reports from task force members, if any); and B. Recommendations to the Superintendent on district strategies to promote school schedules that support student learning, school engagement and health.” Bell Time Analysis Task Force Charter

5 Status Update on Bell Time 5 Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N2N) Transportation Data Consensus Survey Summary Bell Time Analysis Timeline 24 Credit Task Force Task Force Member Concerns

6 Status Update on Bell Time 6 Neighbor-to-Neighbor (N2N) Update

7 Status Update on Bell Time 7 Transportation Facts: Seattle Public Schools has 365 buses available from Student First – Typical Use: 141 GenEd buses, 190 to 205 SPED buses, 6 backup buses, 10 buses for McKinney- Vento and special trips – Seattle Public Schools runs over 1800 total routes, 1635 of which are ‘In and Out’ routes 2014-15 Estimated Expense for Transportation $33,429,132 (Labor and Non-labor costs)

8 Status Update on Bell Time 8 Prior to 2011 - 28 bell times and city-wide busing Transition to 3-tier structure and neighborhood schools Decrease in GenEd buses, but increase of SPED buses

9 January Estimate of $20 million was a high level estimate based upon general service requirements February Estimates were more refined and based upon January Versatrans Data and updated Enrollment Planning boundary adjustments and updated Transportation Standards for 2015-16 May Estimates continue to be refined and based upon May Versatrans Data Why Have Transportation Estimates Changed? 9

10 Status Update on Bell Time 10 Transportation Transportation Service Standards Planning Assumptions – See Handout Estimating Method 1 – May 1, 2015 – Estimating Assumptions for Two Tiers 50 minutes between tiers Two Tiers would have Elementary in Tier 1 and HS/MS/K-8 in Tier 2 Program routes and shuttles to fill in as needed within time frames – 15% and 30% error rates are added to compensate for geographic, infrastructural and routing constraints inherent to transporting students within the city – Increase of 234 buses @ $66,000/bus per year – $15,444,000 increase in costs per year

11 Status Update on Bell Time 11 Estimating Method 2 – May 1, 2015 – Estimating Assumptions for Two Tiers 50 minutes between tiers Two Tiers would have Elementary in Tier 1 and HS/MS/K-8 in Tier 2 Other program routes and shuttles will adjust times to before/after Tier 1 & 2 time frames. – 15% and 30% error rates are added to compensate for geographic, infrastructural and routing constraints inherent to transporting students within the city – Increase of 230 buses @ $66,000/bus per year – $15,153,600 increase in costs per year

12 Status Update on Bell Time 12 Consensus Survey Summary Eight consensus surveys (November 13 – April 9) Surveyed on: sleep research race & equity transportation district master scheduling athletics, joint use agreement, childcare and afterschool programs district budget and review of research and case studies recommendation criteria

13 Status Update on Bell Time 13 Consensus Survey Summary Overall: Majority of Task Force is expressing an understanding of the information being presented Majority feel they have sufficient information to make a recommendation to the Superintendent on the options presented to the community Most frequent requests from Task Force through open- ended questions were costs, which students most impacted and data on the district

14 Status Update on Bell Time 14 TIMELINE Bell Times Advisory Task Force MeetsNovember 2014 – June 2015 Stakeholder Input/Feedback January 2015 – September 2015 Neighbor-to-Neighbor Facilitator Trainings March 2015 - April 2015 Neighbor-to-Neighbor Community Meetings April 2015 – May 2015 Neighbor-to-Neighbor Facilitator Guided Events April 2015 – August 2015 Bell Time Online SurveyApril 28, 2015 - May 10, 2015 Student Input on Bell Times - Student Climate Survey May 2015 Bell Time Task Force RecommendationJune 2015 Community MeetingsSeptember 2015 Superintendent Presents Findings and His Recommendation to Board of Directors October 2015 School Board Votes on Superintendent’s Recommendation for the 2016-17 School Year October/November 2015

15 Status Update on Bell Time 15

16 Status Update on Bell Time 16 May-June Subgroup reviews input from Task Force and finishes Recommendation Criteria Subgroup reviews minority reports June 11 Meeting Task Force reviews and approves recommendation report and minority report(s), if any Vote on Recommendation using Consensus model voting

17 Status Update on Bell Time 17 24 Credit Task Force Separate Task Force set up to “research and analyze options, and then make a recommendation regarding high school schedules, graduation policy and credit- hour requirements.” Meeting March 2015 – February 2016 – Final review of Recommendation on February 23, 2016 Charter and scope of work detailed on website: tml?sessionid=&pageid=324160&

18 Needs and concerns Recommendations on process Task Force Reflections on Process 18

19 Writing the Recommendation 19 Recommendation Subgroup Presentation Small Group Work Review Small Group Work Large Group Work

20 Writing the Recommendation 20 Recommendation Subgroup Presentation

21 Writing the Recommendation 21 Small Group Work – 5-6 people in each group – Designate a reporter and recorder – Spend 15 minutes reviewing and discussing Recommendation Criteria draft Review Small Group Work – Each group will provide input on the criteria to the subgroup Large Group Work – Identify additional information you think is necessary for the report to be complete – Minority Report(s)?

22 Closing 22 Consensus Voting

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